ISV/Research/Completed Projects/IMPAKT
© TU Graz / ISV + Projektteam
IMPAKT – Indicators for a multi-criteria parameter-analysis of cooperative transport systems Keywords: traffic technology, microsimulation, cooperative transport systems, Car2X, driving assistance systems The Project “Fieldtest Telematics” implements cooperative services, which attempts to change driver behavior, route and modal choice behavior and trip behavior through accurate time and location specific information. The study IMPAKT (Indicators for a multi-criteria parameter analysis of cooperative transport systems) analyses the effects in regard to capacity efficiency of the overall transport system, changes in travel times, traffic safety, fuel consumption and emissions. The analyses in IMPAKT are based on extensive data of single vehicle recognition and questionnaires within this field operational test (FOT) as well as on microscopic traffic flow models to simulate a wider variety of scenarios (e.g. different penetration rates of cooperative vehicles). A methodology will be developed with a comprehensive system of indicators, showing the impact of the tested cooperative services, and which can also be used for future service developments.   Duration: June 2011 - August 2014

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