HCE/Research & Working Groups/Research Areas and Research Groups

Control Systems and Data Analysis in Biomedicine

In biomedical modelling and simulation, we deal with the modelling of biophysical, electrophysiological as well as molecular biological processes, which are necessary for the development, evaluation and validation of biomedical instruments and systems. In addition, we create models for operational, organizational, quality assurance and economic aspects of health care inside and outside of health care facilities.

Staff members

Christian Baumgartner
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Theresa Margarethe Rienmüller
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Sonja Langthaler
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Daniel Ziesel
Dipl.-Ing. BSc

Jasmina Lozanovic Sajic
Dipl. inz. Dr.

Tel. +43 (316) 873 - 7396
Fax +43 (316) 873 - 107396