Michael Monsberger, Christina Johanna Hopfe, Markus Krüger and Alexander Passer BauSIM 2020 – 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria
Catherine De Wolf, Endrit Hoxha and Corentin Fivet Comparison of environmental assessment methods when reusing building components
Andre Baldermann, Florian Mittermayr, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Martin Dietzel, Cyrill Grengg, Dorothee Hippler, Tobias Kluge, Albrecht Leis, Ke Lin, Xianfeng Wang, Andrea Zünterl and Ronny Boch Fracture dolomite as an archive of continental palaeo-environmental conditions
Cyrill Grengg, Neven Ukrainczyk, Günther Koraimann, Bernhard Mueller, Martin Dietzel and Florian Mittermayr Long-term in situ performance of geopolymer, calcium aluminate and Portland cement-based materials exposed to microbially induced acid corrosion
Joachim Juhart, Christopher Gößler, Cyrill Grengg, Florian Mittermayr, Andrew McIntosh and Bernhard Freytag Material Characterization of Geopolymer Concrete for its beneficial Use in Composite Construction
Lukas Briendl, Florian Mittermayr, Andre Baldermann, Florian Roman Steindl, Marlene Sakoparnig, Ilse Letofsky-Papst and Isabel Galan Early hydration of cementitious systems accelerated by aluminium sulphate: Effect of fine limestone
Konstantinos Mourkos, Robert S. McLeod, Christina J. Hopfe, Chris Goodier and Michael Swainson Assessing the application and limitations of a standardised overheating risk-assessment methodology in a real-world context
Florian R. Steindl, Isabel Galan, Andre Baldermann, Marlene Sakoparnig, Lukas Briendl, Joachim Juhart, Maria Thumann, Martin Dietzel, Rudolf Röck, Wolfgang Kusterle and Florian Mittermayr Sulfate durability and leaching behaviour of dry- and wet-mix shotcrete mixes
Michael Autischer, Georg Hansemann, Robert Schmid and Joachim Juhart Adaptive foam concrete in digital fabrication
Ivan Gabrijel, Stéphanie Staquet, Markus Krüger, Jérome Carette, Christian U. Grosse and Gregor Trtnik Ultrasonic Techniques for Determination and Monitoring Various Properties of Cementitious Materials at Early AgesSpringer Tracts in Civil Engineering23-68
Ognjen Rudic, Joachim Juhart, Josef Tritthart and Markus Krüger Influence of specific SCM on microstructure and early strength of sustainable cement blends
Yunus Seyrek, Joachim Juhart and Bernhard Freytag E-Modulus of Geopolymer Mortar GPM over Time and its Influencing Factors
Andre Baldermann, Florian Mittermayr, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Martin Dietzel, Cyrill Grengg, Dorothee Hippler, Tobias Kluge, Albrecht Leis, Ke Lin, Xianfeng Wang, Andrea Zünterl and Ronny Boch Fracture dolomite as an archive of continental palaeo-environmental conditions
Matej Gustin, Robert Scot McLeod and Kevin J. Lomas A high-resolution indoor heat-health warning system for dwellings
Michael Monsberger, Christina J. Hopfe, Markus Krueger and Alexander Passer Kann auf den praktischen Einsatz leistungsfähiger Methoden verzichtet werden?
Markus Krueger and Frank Lehmann Wireless sensor networks for monitoring moisture of historic structures by electrical impedance spectroscopy
Nicolas Alaux Embodied greenhouse gas emissions reduction potentials for structural elements in multi-storey office buildings