In this project we present a novel method for the challenging problem of depth image upsampling. Modern depth cameras such as Kinect or ToF cameras deliver dense, high quality depth measurements but are limited in their lateral resolution. To overcome this limitation we formulate a convex optimization problem using higher order regularization for depth image upsampling. In this optimization an anisotropic diffusion tensor, calculated from a high resolution intensity image, is used to guide the upsampling. We derive a numerical algorithm based on a primal-dual formulation that is efficiently parallelized and runs at multiple frames per second. We show that this novel upsampling clearly outperforms state of the art approaches in terms of speed and accuracy on the widely used Middlebury 2007 datasets. Furthermore, we introduce novel datasets with highly accurate groundtruth, which, for the first time, enable to benchmark depth upsampling methods using real sensor data.
Upsampling of a low resolution depth image using an additional high resolution intensity image through image guided anisotropic Total Generalized Variation. Depth maps are color coded for better visualization.
Synthetic Data
Visual evaluation of x4 upsampling on the
Middlebury 2007 dataset. Images form left to right: low resolution depth input of size 172x136 with added noise, high resolution intensity image of size 1390x1110, upsampling result after Image Guided Depth Upsampling of size 1390x1110, groundtruth depth image.

IMPORTANT: All errors in the table are given as
Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Not as RMSE as reported in the paper!!
The RMSE results can be found in the table below.

Qualitative Middlebury evaluation measured as
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).
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[6] D. Ferstl, C. Reinbacher, R. Ranftl, M. Ruether, and H. Bischof . Image Guided Depth Upsampling using Anisotropic Total Generalized Variation. In Proc. ICCV, 2013.
Evaluation on TofMark Dataset
Visual evaluation of approximately x6.25 upsampling on our novel real-world dataset available for
download at the ToFMark depth upsampling evaluation page. Images form left to right: low resolution depth input image from a PMD Nano Time-of-Flight camera of size 160x120 with added noise, high resolution intensity image of size 810x610, upsampling result after Image Guided Depth Upsampling of size 810x610, groundtruth depth image acquired by a high accuracy structured light scanner.

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[2] K. He, J. Sun, and X. Tang. Guided image filtering. In Proc. ECCV, 2010.
[3] D. Ferstl, C. Reinbacher, R. Ranftl, M. Ruether, and H. Bischof . Image Guided Depth Upsampling using Anisotropic Total Generalized Variation. In Proc. ICCV, 2013.
Image Guided Depth Upsampling using Anisotropic Total Generalized Variation
Contact: Christian Reinbacher, Matthias Rüther