G4C - Smart Green
Aim of the Green4cities project is to develop an internationally utilisable evaluation method and a planning tool for cities. The technology, which will be named “Green Pass”, is designed to help mitigate negative effects of climate change and densified urban design by using plants. That tool will identify the best resource-friendly solutions from potential variants for the climate adaptation of urban areas. In that way, it is hoped to boost the green sector, but also to enhance the quality of life, safety and regional economy.  
Project duration


Project management:
Tech Metall Erzeugungs- und Handel u. Montage GesmbH

Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape, BOKU Wien
Environmental Modelling Group, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Subject Area Environmental Meteorology, Universität Kassel
WSGreenTechnologies GmbH
Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn
Sekem Energy GmbH
Institute of Architecture and Landscape, TU Graz

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