CoFi/Scientific Output/Corona Fictions Database

Corona Fictions Database

The Corona Fictions Database is a regularly updated collection of 'Corona Fictions', i.e. fictional productions emerging as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and dealing with the pandemic itself.

The main purpose of this bibliographical database is to collect and categorize the cultural productions resulting from this global pandemic, in regards to its social function and constitutive power determining how we perceive this extraordinary situation.

Our Corona Fictions Database is available as a public Zotero group library:

Team: Elisabeth Hobisch, Yvonne Völkl, Julia Obermayr, Tommaso Meozzi, Albert Göschl, Sofía González Gómez and Daniel Milkovits.


A detailed database description can be consulted under: Hobisch, Elisabeth; Völkl, Yvonne; Obermayr, Julia (2023): "Corona Fictions Database – Documentation of a Bibliographical Structuring System", Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.7529753.


How to cite the database: Hobisch, Elisabeth; Völkl, Yvonne; Obermayr, Julia (2021-) “Corona Fictions Database.” In: Zotero Group Library. URL:, 2022-11-15.

last update: 2023-02-13





Project Information

Lead Investigator:
Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. Yvonne Völkl

Project Team:
Dr. phil. Elisabeth Hobisch
Dr. phil. Julia Obermayr

financed by:
Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 34571-G