

The resilientRAIN research project aims to develop innovative, nature-based solutions to manage heavy rainfall events and adapt to climate change. As existing sewer systems are increasingly overloaded, decentralized measures such as green roofs, vegetated infiltration areas, raingardens, and retention ponds are crucial. These nature-based systems can locally retain, store, evaporate, and release rainwater slowly, preventing the overload of technical systems and contributing to the natural water balance. Unlike conventional technical solutions focused on rapid water drainage, nature-based systems offer additional benefits such as increased biodiversity, carbon storage, local cooling effects, and enhanced quality of life. Despite international progress in planning, only a few projects in Austria have been implemented, based on outdated principles. The resilientRAIN project aims to research and further develop the implementation of nature-based, retentive construction methods to prevent pluvial flooding and protect infrastructure. By collecting parameters under various conditions, both in the field and laboratory, and through numerical modeling and the creation of process-based planning aids, a holistic approach is ensured. The research involves developing new design and testing methods for nature-based solutions, hydrological-hydraulic calculations and simulations, and examining the multifunctionality of these systems. This demonstrates the added value of nature-based construction methods in terms of rainwater retention, infiltration, cooling effects, biodiversity, and water and air purification. To ensure the practical implementation and scalability of the solutions developed in the project, the results will be published and used as a basis for adapting relevant regulations in Austria. The project's methodology includes comprehensive literature research, field and laboratory data collection, mathematical process descriptions, and assessments of biodiversity and resilience. This ensures that the developed systems can be effectively and sustainably implemented while adhering to groundwater and surface water protection standards.
Beginn: 14.04.2024
Ende: 27.02.2025
The aim of this pro​ject is to deve​lop a new water drai​na​ge sys​tem for forest roads based on the princip​le of reten​ti​on. Ins​tead of the den​sest pos​si​ble sur​face lay​ers, forest roads are to be con​struc​ted with infil​tra​ti​on-capa​ble super​st​ruc​tures, which allows the water to infil​tra​te the adjoi​ning forest in a delay​ed and dama​ge-free man​ner by means of reten​ti​on and sto​rage. It is inten​‐ ded to redu​ce the con​cen​tra​ted run​off from pipe cul​verts to such an extent that, if pos​si​ble, the pipe cul​verts will no lon​ger be the star​ting point for debris flows and plu​vi​al floo​ds in the sett​le​ment area in the future. Redu​ced water run​off on the sur​face of forest roads is also expec​ted to decre​a​se the ero​si​on and redu​ce dama​ge due to hea​vy rains. This, in addi​ti​on to a reduc​tion in requi​red main​ten​an​ce mea​su​res, will also ensu​re an exten​si​on in the life of the forest roads.
Beginn: 14.03.2024
Ende: 29.11.2025
As climate change progresses, Austrian water supply companies are facing new challenges. are facing new challenges. The increase in hot and dry periods is leading to an increase in water demand for water, especially peak water demand and the number of days with peak water demand. water demand. In addition, demographic trends are also influencing the development of water demand. water demand. Furthermore, the last few years have shown that a decline in available drinking water available drinking water resources must also be expected. The following points are therefore addressed in this study: - Systematic survey of available data in the context of climate scenarios and regional development and preparation of the data obtained for use in the consumption forecast - Derivation of different development scenarios at municipal level, including climate change scenarios of climate change scenarios, different demographic developments and resource availability - Forecast of future water demand for several time steps and development scenarios
Beginn: 29.02.2024
Ende: 29.10.2024
Climate change adaptation measures such as green infrastructure (GI) are becoming increasingly important in urban water management and urban planning. GI have a microclimatic cooling effect, which reduces heat islands and improves the quality of life in urban areas. However, this natural cooling effect can only be achieved if sufficient water is available for the plants used. This project investigates the water demand of green infrastructures, which is required to maximize their multifunctionality (e.g. cooling effect and increase of biodiversity). The identification of alternative water resources, the quantitative availability, the qualitative requirements and a cost-benefit analysis of the use of alternative resources for the irrigation of GI will also be carried out. Urban development scenarios for climate change-adapted greening are derived for representative case studies in Austria. These scenarios support the restoration of the local water balance and form the basis for irrigation demand forecasting models based on machine learning methods. These models are used to forecast irrigation requirements taking climate change into account. The simulations are intended to show the effects of the medium and long-term irrigation requirements of GI in urban areas on the drinking water supply. In addition, the potential of using alternative water resources to save drinking water in the long term will be determined and thus contribute to a more efficient use of drinking water and to the long-term security of water supply in Austria.
Beginn: 31.12.2023
Ende: 29.06.2026
Water supply and wastewater treatment plants are steadily transforming from traditional physical infrastructures to cyber-physical systems (CPS). Digitalization brings new vulnerabilities and attack surfaces for attacks from cyberspace. There has been an increase in reported cyberattacks on water management assets, demonstrating that working preventive measures are as necessary as early detection and location of attacked system components. Traditional mechanisms for detecting cyberattacks are becoming increasingly ineffective. At the same time, however, the use of new technologies is creating new legal and ethical risks. To address these new challenges, SeRWas will conduct research services towards a comprehensive cyber situational awareness solution for the water industry that already takes into account future legal, regulatory, and ethical requirements. Specifically, SeRWas will help the water industry to (1) reduce the attack surface for cyberattacks through methods and tools for detailed assessment and risk analysis, (2) counter the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks by developing advanced and robust algorithms as trusted artificial intelligence (AI) tools for early and ongoing attack detection and better situational and risk assessment; and (3) improve alignment with best practices and awareness of emerging security architectures through targeted innovative knowledge delivery methods.
Beginn: 31.10.2023
Ende: 29.11.2025
The project aims to develop an overall method for the determination of microplastics in the influents and effluents of wastewater treatment plants. The aim is to develop a continuous method from the sampling of representative solid samples from the wastewater, through sample preparation to analysis, and to validate it both in the influent and in the effluent of a municipal wastewater treatment plant of a combined sewer system over longer periods of time and under different discharge conditions. The two different methods EA-OEM and TED-GC/MS will be used for the microplastic analyses.
Beginn: 01.01.2023
Ende: 30.03.2025
Water consumption in Austrian households depends on socio-demographic and climatic factors. In this project, the relevant factors for differences in the per capita water consumption of the Austrian population are determined. The analysis is based real data of annual water consumption and, where available, high-resolution data from smart meters, which are provided by Austrian water supply utilities. In addition, factors for household-related differences in peak water consumption are derived, based on which mean values and ranges of the expected per capita water consumption are provided regionally and for different type of housing. The project intends to support Austrian municipalities in assessing the effects of settlement development and preferred housing type on future water requirements.
Beginn: 16.10.2022
Ende: 27.02.2024
A hospital discharges into the sewer system at several discharge points, for which maximum permissible emission concentrations and pollutant loads are contractually specified by the water industry as sewer system operator. The Institute for Urban Water Management at the Graz University of Technology monitors compliance with these specifications by means of measurements. In the process, the discharged wastewater is also examined with regard to a possible toxic effect on the activated sludge of the wastewater treatment plant.
Beginn: 09.10.2022
Ende: 30.12.2024
The overall objective of the project is to identify the potentials of of peri-urban mobility spaces for climate change adaptation and mitigation. This is done by means of an integrated and transdisciplinary approach of urban planning, urban water management and landscape architecture to identify potential hydrological retention areas and flood control capacities along transportation areas through well-designed, multifunctional and multicoded retention areas. At the same time approaches for climate-friendly water management and the enhancement of the quality of life are provided, in order to improve the climatic, ecological and social functions for qualitatively sustainable peri-urban areas.
Beginn: 31.05.2022
Ende: 30.05.2025
In recent years, pipe network as well as failure and condition data have changed significantly in Vienna. This is a result of the focused and intensive renewal programs and the use of new methods in leak detection (e.g. noise logger) and condition recording (e.g. condition survey ductile iron pipes). In addition, the maintenance database and its link to the GIS provide efficient options for evaluating failure and pipe and other assets condition data. The so far used failure and condition prediction models of PiReM - software should therefore be revised and new methods such as machine learning should be used. The coordinated renewal of urban infrastructure is becoming more important due to the enormously increasing construction costs and should therefore be taken into account as well, when renewal priorities for drinking water pipes are determined. With the PiReM approach used so far, this was only supported indirectly. In addition to failure prediction models and cost based approaches, in this project expert knowledge, is taken into account for renewal prioritization in form of a multi criteria decision analysis.
Beginn: 14.03.2022
Ende: 29.04.2023
The determination of renewal priorities as a basis for the targeted reinvestment into water supply networks is a central core task of water supply companies in the 21st century. In 2011, a first study, which contained a parameter and risk-based approach for renewal prioritization, was carried out for the transmission mains network of the WLV Northern Burgenland. The results of the study have already been successfully implemented in recent years. In the past 10 years, both the database at the water utility and options for forecasting the condition and damage have changed. Therefore, it can be assumed that by now, with new models (e.g. using machine learning) and the significantly longer time series of damage records, a model and risk-based renewal prioritization will be possible. The new study should therefore include the following points: • Data processing of pipe and failure data records for the use with the tool PiReM • Developing an additional failure prediction model for the transmission mains of the WLV • Risk-oriented determination of renewal priorities including expert knowledge
Beginn: 13.03.2022
Ende: 29.10.2022
Nature-based stormwater management measures in cities and municipalities are more and more seen as a component to solve or at least to mitigate current and future challenges due to climate change and urbanization. Although there are several implementations of nature-based retention systems in the meantime (e.g. retentive bio swales along roads and nature-based retention measures in the road structure, green infrastructure as well as green roofs) and the positive effects are known from practical experience, a complete assessment of the diverse modes of action and the quantitative benefits of the various measures with regard to the different objectives is still outstanding. In this project, on the one hand, the different,nature based stormwater measures are analyzed and investigated with regard to the legal basis and technical guidelines, water management aspects, interactions with and effects on neighboring infrastructures. On the other hand, a general planning methodology will be developed and a corresponding guideline will be compiled.
Beginn: 31.12.2021
Ende: 30.03.2024
Transmission mains of drinking water network are the most important infrastructures of Viennas water supply system. Failure of these lines because of a pipe burst may lead to severe supply interruptions. Pipe bursts on water mains is usually associated with a high level of water outflow and can lead to considerable consequential damage to neighboring infrastructures. Up to now, pipe bursts have rarely occurred on these lines in Vienna. However, their structural condition is largely unknown. Renewal without first examining the condition of the pipes would be uneconomical in many cases. In addition to the possibility of predicting the probability of pipe ruptures with statistical models, it makes sense to use innovative measurement methods to support early damage detection. Numerous suitable procedures have been established in recent years and are planned to be applied to a test sample of pipes in Vienna. Based on the condition assessment and a developed forecast model, pipe sections with the highest risk of failure will be deduced. In addition to assessing the pipe condition and probability of failure, the supply importance of the investigated pipe sections must also be taken into account. In the last step of the condition-based risk analysis it is derived which measures are to be taken in order to reduce the risk. For example, it will be derived where pipes should be renewed, when the renewals will be necessary, whether further condition assessment is required or whether simpler measures such as an additional stock of critical components and a quicker reaction in case of failure events are sufficient to reduce the risk of damage.
Beginn: 30.11.2021
Ende: 31.05.2023
With climate change progressing, communities around the world are facing serious challenges related to changing weather patterns and an increase in days with record high temperatures. In an effort to mitigate the effects of a changing climate and to combat the heat, cities, and communities are increasingly turning to Blue-Green-Brown Infrastructure (BGB-I) and Urban Green Spaces (UGS) as sustainable, multi-functional solutions. Benefits of these interventions include improved micro-climates through evapotranspiration (ET) and shade provision, improved biodiversity, contributions to stormwater management through retention and infiltration, improved air quality as well as enhanced well-being of urban dwellers. Current experiences with BGB-I and UGS implementation in cities suggest that their long-term success and acceptance rely on the active involvement of citizens, the end-users, throughout all stages of the decision-making and implementation process. The limited space in urban areas is often subject to conflicting interests and ideas of different stakeholder groups, and due to their relative novelty, BGB-I and UGS may be met with skepticism. The implementation of BGB-I and UGS in Austrian municipalities is still somewhat limited to a select set of singular applications, and in many of these cases, the level of acceptance rom the public has been modest. This project seeks to find new pathways to achieving consensus in the transformation of urban spaces, helping communities to improve involvement and decision-making processes for climate adaptation. By employing participatory approaches in a case study community, the aim is to elicit the perceptions and narratives of different stakeholder groups around BGB-I and UGS, gain practical insights into better consensus finding for transforming urban spaces and involve, engage and empower citizens in local climate adaptation efforts. The method of Quantitative Story Telling (QST) will be employed, followed by a group MCDA exercise in two successive workshops.
Beginn: 30.09.2021
Ende: 13.10.2022
Green walls have a broad spectrum of applications, particular in urban areas. They have the unique capability of combining design and conservationist aspects, while being used as grey water treatment facility or acting as insulation and cooling system on a building and neighborhood scale. Nonetheless, green walls have not been studied as extensively as other green infrastructures, like green roofs or bio retention cells - despite their versatility. Consequently, there is an urgent for data collection and model development for green walls. The most important aspect in this context is the derivation of water demand models, as many aspects of green wall operation and functionality depend on optimized irrigation. This is of particular importance in the face of climate change and urbanization, where green infrastructures provide a well-suited solution to mitigate the effects of these trends. However, with the increasing realization of green infrastructures new challenges and conflicts arise. As drinking water resources become scarce, questions whether “ enough ” water is available. In this context, the use of rain and grey water as potentially suitable alternatives to irrigate green walls has yet to be analyzed. To avoid potential conflicts and ensure optimized irrigation, models to quantify the water demand of green walls are required. Thus, this project is aimed at developing a new modeling approach combining deterministic and stochastic models for plant behavior with irrigation and environmental data, monitored at an experimental green wall. To integrate the diverse data set, innovative machine learning techniques are applied. By offering a way to quantify green wall water demand and the consequences of such structures on water resources, the resulting model is intended offer scientists and practitioners a tool to assess the water demand for green walls, given the specific on-site conditions, find suitable resources (e.g. grey water) and communicate requirements and advantages to all stakeholders.
Beginn: 30.09.2021
Ende: 13.10.2022
Monthly individual inspections and a main inspection of the wastewater treatment plant of the city of Graz as well as a simplified follow-up inspection of the inlet flow rate measuring device.
Beginn: 31.12.2020
Ende: 30.12.2024
With the construction and putting into operation of the central storage channel of the city of Graz, the load in the influent of the wastewater treatment plant Graz will also change significantly. In addition to the increase in inflow volumes and loads already observed in recent years, which is due to the continuous population growth of the city of Graz, the storage operation of the central storage channel together with the corresponding emptying strategies during and after rain events will lead to an increased combined sewage fraction in the inflow of the WWTP Graz. With the current status of the hydrodynamic model of the city of Graz, a model basis for the evaluation of future inflow volumes and loads to the wastewater treatment plant Graz is available. For this the existing model has to be extended by the final state of the central storage channel including all connections of the existing combined sewer overflows and by a water quality model. For a realistic assessment, suitable, spatially heterogeneous rainfall time series have to be derived for the urban area based on the Cooperative Measuring Network Graz. Finally, fractional inflow pollutographs for the wastewater treatment plant Graz are required as model result in order to be able to calculate corresponding load scenarios for the actual and extended state of the wastewater treatment plant Graz by means of the existing or also a future dynamic model of the wastewater treatment plant Graz.
Beginn: 31.08.2020
Ende: 30.01.2021
To model changes in extreme summer rain showers, high resolution global climate models are required to represent the associated circulation, and convection permitting regional climate models to represent convective process. As no combination of the two approaches exists, CHIANTI will develop a statistical emulator that combines the GCM and RCM simulations. The approach will be applied to generate a new ensemble of regional climate projections for Central Europe. The results will serve to study future urban flood risk in Graz.
Beginn: 31.08.2020
Ende: 30.08.2023
The research project shall be dedicated to the different stormwater and combined sewerage treatment plants and their mode of operation beyond the design event and scheduled operating conditions, taking into account not only the mode of operation of the individual plants but also the possible impairments of neighbouring plants and the environment.
Beginn: 31.08.2020
Ende: 27.02.2023
The research project EWA deals with the topic of strategic planning in drinking water supply to cope better with an uncertain future development. In the project, a decision support tool for water supply systems is being developed, which is able to derive robust system extensions or adaptations. Various planning alternatives with regard to security of supply, coverage of water requirements, life cycle costs and resource conservation can be examined in the tool, taking into account changing factors such as socio-demographic and climatic developments. The tool uses playful aspects to support intuitive solution finding. Such an approach is also known as a "serious game". The project also uses big data analyzes using machine learning algorithms to analyze time series data (smart meters, pressure and flow measurements). These are currently being developed in the research project ADAM (Advanced DAta-driven Modeling in water loss management). Long-term use of the web-based tool is ensured, among other things, by involving water supply companies, planning offices, state representatives and municipalities in the development of the tool.
Beginn: 30.04.2020
Ende: 29.11.2023
The management of water loss in historically grown drinking water networks is a major challenge for water supply utilities. According to the state of the art, the sectorization of the distribution network into measurement zones is an efficient method of water loss management. Such zoning is to be planned in a targeted manner in order to maintain the desired meshing and consequently the redundancy of the system in the best possible way but still generate measuring zones that enable a fast detection of new leaks to be recognized quickly. In addition, dividing the network into zones enables an assessment of the amount of water loss (water balance) in theses zones and thus a better identification of problematic sub-areas. This also serves as support for the renewal planning. Hence the major task in this project is to develop and apply a proper sectorization algorithm for the water distribution system of the city of Graz.
Beginn: 29.02.2020
Ende: 30.12.2021
Within the scope of the project, the two wastewater treatment plants for the purification of tunnel wastewater during the construction of the Semmering Base Tunnel in the SBT1.1 construction section are being scientifically investigated and their functionality and design examined.
Beginn: 14.01.2020
Ende: 30.12.2020
The project aims at the identification of possible future challenges for the municipal wastewater management due to substance and microbiological pollution. The results of the project will serve as a basis for decisions at the political level by compiling all potential emissions, which mainly come from the water management of settlements, their mitigation measures and the respective costs. In the sense of a comprehensive approach, all entry pathways from the municipal wastewater management into the environment are considered in the project. Specifically, these are i) purified municipal wastewater from wastewater treatment plants, ii) wastewater from combined sewer overflows, iii) stormwater discharges from separating sewer systems, iv) road wastewater discharges (as far as of municipal origin, i.e. no highways) and v) sewage sludge.
Beginn: 30.09.2019
Ende: 30.01.2021
According to an available model assessment, a flood discharge of the Kroisbach can no longer be completely drained from a statistical return period of about 100 years (HQ100) in the covered area of the Kroisbach in the park of the Graz University of Music. The flooding potentially resulting from an HQ100 would presumably endanger the area between the inlet of the Kroisbach in the park of the University of Music and the main square of the city of Graz. For this reason a) the inlet area of the Kroisbach stream is modelled in detail in the covered stream cross-section, b) the hydraulic capacity from the confluence of the Kroisbach with the Leonhardbach (from this point on referred to as Grazbach) is checked in the following Grazbach, and c) a possible hydraulic influence of the confluence on the performance of the inlet area of the Kroisbach stream is assessed. The objectives of the project are a) to be able to estimate as accurately as possible the actual hydraulic discharge capacity in the covered Kroisbach and then further in the following Grazbach and b) on this basis to have the basis for possible structural adaptation options in order to increase the pumping capacity in this covered stream section in the inflow area (e.g. by removing a wall on the left bank, which currently narrows the free cross-section at the beginning of the covered stream section of the Kroisbach). For the detailed hydraulic assessment of the inlet area and the hydraulic impact of the confluence of the Kroisbach and Leonhardbach rivers, high-resolution 3D CFD models are required for these two locations. These 3D CFD models are flanked by 1D or 2D hydrodynamic models in the boundary and transition areas. To support and validate the 3D simulation results, hydraulic model tests must be carried out on a suitable scale.
Beginn: 30.09.2019
Ende: 29.06.2020
Urbanisation and increasing imperviousness call for alternative methods in stormwater management. The utilization of pipe trenches is one option to infiltrate stormwater on-site to reduce urban runoff. Such a strategy sets new requirements for the pipe material as well as the bedding material. In case the trenches are vegetated with tress, additional loads on the pipe are induced by tree roots and the accessibility of pipes in case of failures has to be ensured. In the current project we will research the normative and environmental requirements along with structural boundary conditions for such systems. Furthermore, we will elaborate reference solutions for a variety of conditions e.g. depending on the traffic load or availability of space. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis will be conducted for the city area of Graz. Within this analysis, we will evaluate hydrologic-hydraulic conditions as well as economic factors along with the renovation schedule of the urban drainage system.
Beginn: 31.12.2018
Ende: 30.12.2019
The first legal notification of the Waidhofen/Ybbs wastewater treatment plant under water law for the operation of a mechanical-biological sewage treatment plant will soon expire, which is why the city of Waidhofen/Ybbs is striving for an adaptation concept of the sewage treatment plant to the state of the art. Based on a detailed analysis of the operating data of the wastewater treatment plant, a measurement concept for the recording of a rough nitrogen balance of the individual partial flows at the wastewater treatment plant will be drawn up and scientifically accompanied during the implementation. Based on these analyses, the efficiency of the current wastewater treatment plant is estimated, a future expansion size is determined and an optimisation concept is developed.
Beginn: 17.12.2018
Ende: 30.12.2019
Currently, the surrounding municipalities of Graz, which are connected to the sewerage system or wastewater treatment plant of the City of Graz, are discharging into the sewerage system of the City of Graz at a total of 10 discharge points, where measuring systems for quantifying the quantities of wastewater discharged are installed and operated continuously. Within the scope of sampling measurement campaigns over a dry weather period of at least 7 days including one weekend, 24 h daily mixed samples proportional to quantity are taken at the discharge points and the daily pollution loads discharged for selected parameters are determined from these. Furthermore, at the 10 discharge points, the quantities of parasite water discharged over a period of 1 year are also analysed.
Beginn: 04.12.2018
Ende: 30.07.2019
For the design of activated sludge plants as well as for the application of wastewater treatment plant models according to the common IWA Activated Sludge Model (ASM) approaches, knowledge of the different COD fractions in the inflow to a wastewater treatment plant is required. Since the inlet to the Graz wastewater treatment plant with a relatively constant COD/BOD5 ratio of 1.8 deviates significantly from the usual ratio of 2.0 for municipal wastewater treatment plants, the individual COD fractions and their variability are determined in the laboratory within the framework of measurement campaigns both in dry weather and in wet weather conditions. Based on this, COD fractionation models adapted to the Graz conditions for dry and wet weather cases will be developed and various scenarios concerning possible changes in the inflow quantities and the COD inflow fractionation will be estimated using an activated sludge simulation model.
Beginn: 04.12.2018
Ende: 29.06.2019
The aim of this project is to support the long- and short term rehabilitation planning of Vienna’s water distribution system. Based on pipe failure data and a database on ductile iron pipe condition data an integrated deterioration model for water distribution pipes in Vienna is developed and used as a basis for renewal priority planning.
Beginn: 30.09.2018
Ende: 27.02.2019
The two combined sewer overflow (CSO) tanks at wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Klagenfurt are the only combined sewer overflows in the whole catchment area of WWTP Klagenfurt. The two CSO tanks discharge their overflows in a very runoff-weak receiving water body. For this reason, the two combined sewer discharges are to be assessed not only on the emission side but also on the immission side in accordance with ÖWAV Guideline 19 (2007). For an immission-side assessment in the receiving water body, emission load estimates from the overflow of the two CSO tanks into the water body are required. Within the scope of the project, the sedimentation efficiency for the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in the two existing CSO tanks at WWTP Klagenfurt as well as specific emission pollutant loads from the two CSO tanks into the receiving water are metrologically estimated by means of measurement campaigns.
Beginn: 02.08.2018
Ende: 30.03.2019
The objective of this study is to present the current state of the of the security regarding the used information and communication technologies in the Austrian urban water management sector. Possible hazard scenarios will be derived and a risk analysis will be undertalken for specific case studies to derive potential weaknesses in ICT use in the Austrian urban water management sector. The study is should serve as a basis for the development of guidelines and cyber security standards in the field of Austrian urban water management.
Beginn: 13.04.2018
Ende: 30.10.2018
Development of a practical and organizationally feasible, as well Energy-efficient and cost-saving solution for pressure measurement including data transmission in the drinking water network. Development of data-based methods for leak detection and limitation in (near) real-time based on pressure and flow measurements using machine learning approaches. Use of information from permanently installed pressure and flow measurements for detailed calibration of hydraulic models in the selected pilot area. Comparison of model based and data driven Methods for leakdetection and localisation
Beginn: 02.04.2018
Ende: 30.12.2020
In this project the follwoing research and analysis is done. First a GIS based analysis of the condition of drinking water supply pipes is conducted. Followed by an analysis of damage and renewal costs depending on different boundary conditions (position of pipe, diameter, ..). A validation of existing aging functions of various pipetypes based on investigations in 2010 and revision of the calibration of these functions if necessary is done next. Central task is the determination of renewal requirements per pipetype as well as risk-oriented determination of renewal priorities per local area network - followed by a scenario analysis (= impact of different strategies on selected performance indicators)
Beginn: 31.03.2018
Ende: 29.11.2018
Development of a modeling framework together with - the development of an appropriate hydrological and hydraulic model for the sewer network of the city of Graz and - the development of concepts and interfaces to integrate cooperative research results into the model.
Beginn: 10.12.2017
Ende: 30.12.2018
Modelling the sewage temperature considerating sources and sinks. Development of a risk and potential map for thermal energy use in the sewer system of the city of Graz.
Beginn: 30.11.2017
Ende: 06.11.2019
The project RAINMAN aims to enhance public-sector management skills and capacity to mitigate heavy rainfall and reduce health and environmental damage.
Beginn: 30.11.2017
Ende: 30.12.2018
Reducing operations and maintenance costs of water mains is a strategic goal. In particular, reducing the costs incurred due to water pipe failures can lead to a significant reduction in time, monetary costs, and overall improved quality of service. These costs include the costs of diagnosing, and repairing failures, the costs for the lost water as well as the costs related to the downtime of the faulty sub-system. The goal of this research is to develop algorithms for predicting, diagnosing, and repairing failure such as leaks and bursts in steel water mains. In particular, we intend to develop algorithms able to perform risk analysis for leaks and bursts, outputting the probability that a given pipe will leak or burst in the near future. A significant challenge in developing the algorithms is that network condition and failure data is only available for a certain percentage of the pipes network. Thus, the developed algorithms have to be designed to be robust to noisy data and missing information.
Beginn: 14.09.2017
Ende: 14.12.2019
The project aims to i) detect certain micropollutant emissions from the sewer network, ii) investigate a connection between surface properties found in the catchments and micropollutant concentrations in stormwater runoff, and iii) the optimisation of an alternative method to detect plastic particles in water samples. Therefore, based on literature data a substance analysis is performed to calculate the theoretical concentration of selected micropollutants in the surface runoff. Alongside that, stormwater runoff from separated sewer systems will be continuously sampled over the course of a year. The goal is to sample every storm event with effective rainfall proportional to the flow. If that proves to be impossible, the sampling will be executed proportional to time. The measurements expand the current data pool as well as validating it. The goal is to approximate the emitted pollution loads modelling the surface potentials. These results can be used for regional and supraregional applications (e. g. catchment modelling) and urban drainage strategy development (action planning and evaluation). The amount of plastic contained in water samples will be determined using elementary analysis. This method is an alternative to the cost- and time-intensive determination of plastic particles using FT-IR. If the adaptation and optimisation of this alternative method is successful, a new and cost-effective tool to determine plastic particles in wastewater samples could be accessible for the urban drainage community. To validate this method, samples are taken with drift-nets and selected samples will also be analysed using ATR-FT-IR.
Beginn: 31.12.2016
Ende: 29.06.2019
Estimation, verification and comparison of the drained wastewater discharges from a company with the volume of drinking water supplied.
Beginn: 06.11.2016
Ende: 22.12.2016
Detection of combined sewer overflow events based on temperature measurements
Beginn: 01.08.2016
Ende: 30.12.2016
The project FlexAdapt addresses the question how the stormwater management of the future should be. Numerous boundary conditions and constrains like climate change, population growth, demographic effects etc. will be considered within the decisions process to be developed. Particularly, possible transition processes from centralized systems to decentralized solutions will be analysed. The overall aim is to develop strategies that lead to robust and resilience systems and this not only from a technical point of view but also by considering economical, ecological and operational criteria. Main focus will be small and medium size cities. However, it is expected that the results of the project will also provide valuable information for larger cities.
Beginn: 31.07.2016
Ende: 30.12.2018
Besides maintaining and further improvement of the high quality standards, economic optimisation of the Austrian water supply is the basis for the public funding situation, for the customer satisfaction (high water quality, supply safety, pricing and service) and for the ecological targets of a sustainable water supply. The method of benchmarking - the systematic comparison of enterprises by performance indicators - helps in finding the optimisation potentials by accounting the best water supply utilities as benchmarks for each performance indicator or each process within the water supply utility. The experience of these benchmark utilities in how they reached their leading positions shall serve as "best practices" for other water supply utilities. Within this project the corporate benchmarking activities are being continued after the successful exercise of Stage B (72 participants, 50 % of Austrian water supply). For further information please see the project website www.trinkwasserbenchmarking.at
Beginn: 30.06.2016
Ende: 30.06.2017
Application of the Internet of Things for the localization of water leakage and control of water pressure to minimize water loss.
Beginn: 31.03.2016
Ende: 29.09.2017
Examination 2016 of wastewater discharge from LKH-Univ.Klinikums Graz into the sewerage system of Graz regarding the legal basis
Beginn: 02.02.2016
Ende: 25.02.2016
Main examination 2013 of WWTP Graz regarding the national legal basis and the OEWAV guidelines 38 and 6 (Part 1)
Beginn: 21.09.2015
Ende: 21.01.2016
Optimization of an Existing Industrial Drainage System: Based on the results of a preliminary study an online monitoring network will be installed, operated, scientifically supervised and accompanied for the detection and monitoring of drained micro plastic loads. Besides a hydrodynamic simulation model of the entire pure-water-drainage system will be built up and calibrated and validated. Both systems serve for the optimization of an existing industrial drainage system to reduce the emitted micro plastic loads into the receiving water.
Beginn: 31.05.2015
Ende: 28.02.2016
The aim of this project is to support the long- and short term rehabilitation planning of Vienna’s water distribution system. Based on the software tool PiReM Systems and data from the Vienna Water GIS and a database on ductile iron pipe condition data an additional and integrated priority planning tool is developed.
Beginn: 31.10.2014
Ende: 27.02.2015
Optimization of an existing wastewater concept: In a preliminary study, the on-line monitoring capabilities for detection and monitoring of micro plastic loads are checked and tested at varying runoff conditions. Besides the basic data for the setup of a hydrodynamic simulation model of the entire pure-water-drainage system is explored. In a second step the on-line monitoring concept should be implemented and operated at least until the end of Q3/2015 and scientifically supervised and accompanied.
Beginn: 31.08.2014
Ende: 27.02.2015
Scientific monitoring and supervision of putting into service of the ZSK-section KS1 - KS0 - ARA Graz for 2014 - iZSK MONITORING 2014 (installation, putting into service of on-line measurement systems, implementation of measuring campaigns, measurement data management and model calibrations for 2014)
Beginn: 01.05.2014
Ende: 29.04.2017
Discharge measurements in river Pinka near Sinnersdorf and determination of a new rating curve
Beginn: 23.10.2013
Ende: 28.01.2014
The project will encourage structured, result-driven cooperation ventures between universities and companies, bridging the gap between the two sectors in the area of water related industries, research centres and HEIs (higher education institutions). The system we aim to create should ensure the continuous and sustainable transfer of information and the application of this information for eacht actor and the constant improvement of the integrated water system management, which is considered one of the key themes of the century we live. AQUAdemia will significantly improve the Business and Academy relationship in a concrete area of knowledge, which is relevant enough (water) to attract future alliance members from all kinds of organisations worldwide.
Beginn: 30.09.2013
Ende: 29.09.2015
Discharge measurements and examination in a sewer of the village of Gratkorn
Beginn: 16.09.2013
Ende: 10.11.2013
Examination 2013 of wastewater discharge from LKH-Univ.Klinikums Graz into the sewerage system of Graz regarding the legal basis
Beginn: 21.07.2013
Ende: 10.09.2013
Scientific monitoring and support for tendering and determination of the efficiency of offered polymers for dewatering sludge at WWTP Graz
Beginn: 22.06.2013
Ende: 21.08.2013
Academic support for the preparation for the introduction of a split-sewage-charge-system for Vienna.
Beginn: 02.06.2013
Ende: 02.08.2014
The project target is the determination of survivalfunctions for ductile iron pipes with different coating systems based on condition investigations. The condition data was gathered from randomly selected ductile iron pipes of the water sully system Vienna. So far 870 datasets with different condition states belonging to different DI generations were collected. The evaluation of the used coating systems by statistically analysing these condition data is expected to support further developments of the coating systems for DUKTUS ductile iron pipes.
Beginn: 31.03.2013
Ende: 30.03.2015
Main examination 2013 of WWTP Graz regarding the national legal basis and the OEWAV guidelines 38 and 6 (Part 1)
Beginn: 28.01.2013
Ende: 30.12.2013
Main examination 2013 of WWTP Graz regarding the national legal basis and the OEWAV guidelines 38 and 6 (Part 1)
Beginn: 28.01.2013
Ende: 30.12.2013
Die hydr. sowie die umweltrelevante Zustandsbeurteilung der Kanalisationen sind 2 der kritischsten Funktionalanforderungen an diese Systeme bei der generellen Sanierungsplanung. Die hydraulische Beurteilung umfasst die Ermittlung der hydraulischen Leistungsfähigkeit. Die umweltrelevante Beurteilung beinhaltet die Analyse der stofflichen Belastung der Oberflächengewässer. Traditionell werden hierfür unterschiedliche Modellierungsumgebungen verwendet, was einen Mehraufwand bedeutet.
Beginn: 02.12.2012
Ende: 30.05.2015
The research project deals with the issue of model-based leak-containment in drinking water networks. Drinking water distribution systems consist of a large number of hydraulic components and are typically monitored only by a small number of measurement devices. The hydraulic system therfore is underdetermined. The focus of the project is the reconstruction of the hydraulic status based on sensor signals and the use of statistical mathematics. Including a priori knowledge about expected system conditions (for example, damage forecast models, consumption monitoring, operation characteristics , ....) will be a central part of the mathematical model developed to localize leaks. One aditional aim of the project is to derive optimal solutions in terms of the required number and the optimised placement of hydraulic sensors in the water supply system.To verify the developed algorithms as well laboratory tests as field tests are held.
Beginn: 02.12.2012
Ende: 29.11.2016
A constantly growing and consuming population together with climate change is leading to scarcity of resources in many fields. Drinking water was, is and will be the most worth protecting and at the same time the most sensitive resource on our planet. The use of groundwater presents the best way for drinking water supply. However, clean water is getting less and polluted water has to be purified and developed. Especially karstic areas have a high potential for further development. The quality of karstic water can equal groundwaters quality. Occasionally karstic water reacts on rainfalls and snowmelts in different ways, thus it gets affected and needs a water treatment. Initially this thesis describes all current drinking water treatments. Furthermore it has a focus on the karstic water problem; therefore the water supply of Weiz is specified. The drinking water for Weiz and periphery comes from a vulnerable karstic area which is highly influenced by precipitation. The main karstic spring has to be purified constantly. An ozone treatment with a downstream sand filter, which has been operating since the 1970s is still the current practice. The ozone treatment constitutes an energy-intensive process and should be modernized. Within the design period a field test of an automatic backwashing filter system could be conducted. This thesis summarizes the experiences of the field experiment and evaluates the received data.
Beginn: 30.11.2012
Ende: 27.01.2014
In the last years an increase in temperature of the ground water body under the city centre of Linz could be observed. One main reason therefore is the thermal use of ground water for cooling of buildings and industrial processes with individual groundwater cooling systems. To derive solutions with positive effects on the groundwater situation different scenarios for future (district) cooling systems in the city of Linz are developed and investigated regarding their feasibility and influences on ground water temperature. The investigated scenarios comprise a null scenario, a central district cooling scenario with cooling water taken from the nearby Danube and a semi central scenario with ground water district cooling systems in several different locations. The project is funded by the provincial government of Upper Austria.
Beginn: 30.09.2012
Ende: 30.12.2013
Das Projekt umfasst im Wesentlichen die notwendige Arbeiten der Datenerfassung und Datenprüfung, die anschließende Modellerstellung und die Abschätzung der Auswirkungen des Hauptsammlerentlastungskanals (HSEK) sowie des zentralen Speicherkanals (ZSK) auf die Reinigungsleistung der Kläranlage Graz-Gössendorf (ARA) und der Emissionen aus dem Gesamtsystem.
Beginn: 11.09.2012
Ende: 30.03.2014
Die ökonomische Optimierung der Wasserversorgung bei Gewährleistung und weiterer Verbesserung des hohen Qualitätsniveaus ist Grundvoraussetzung für die Entlastung der öffentlichen Haushalte, die Kundenzufriedenheit im Sinne von hoher Wasserqualität, Versorgungssicherheit, sozialverträglichen Preisen und Service sowie für die ökologischen Zielsetzungen einer nachhaltigen Wasserversorgung. Mit der Methode des Benchmarking - des systematischen Unternehmensvergleichs mittels Kennzahlen - können diese Optimierungspotentiale erfasst und die im Vergleich besten Wasserversorgungsunternehmen (WVU) als Benchmarks ausgewiesen werden. Deren Erfahrungen in der Erreichung von "best practices" sollen anderen Wasserversorgungsunternehmen zur Optimierung ihrer Leistungen dienen. In diesem Projekt wird das Unternehmensbenchmarking nach der erfolgreichen Stufe C fortgesetzt. Weitere Informationen siehe Projekthomepage www.trinkwasserbenchmarking.at
Beginn: 01.04.2012
Ende: 27.02.2013
Examination 2012 of wastewater discharge from LKH-Univ.Klinikums Graz into the sewerage system of Graz regarding the legal basis
Beginn: 30.03.2012
Ende: 27.11.2012
Main examination 2012 of WWTP Graz regarding the national legal basis and the OEWAV guidelines 38 and 6 (Part 1)
Beginn: 19.02.2012
Ende: 30.12.2012
Academic support for the preparation for the introduction of a split-sewage-charge-system.
Beginn: 01.01.2012
Ende: 29.06.2013
In cause of reduction areas for naturally infiltration existing combined sewers and rainwater channels will often reach their limits of capacity during heavy precipitation. In the future rainwater management has to be promoted by considering ecological, economical and social aspects, for efficiently using the existing sewage water system, for preventive flood protection, to remain and to improve the groundwater and surface water quality. In the literature (Austrian ÖWAV Regelblatt 35, German DWA-A138) there are different technical types of rainwater management in obedience of different influencing factors (for example pollution degree, soil conditions, groundwater level, space available etc.) described, as well as the dimensioning of theirs, but there exist no method to evaluate the measurements. The aim of the research project EcoStorma is to develop a method to evaluate rainwater measurements regarding ecological and economical aspects for an easy selection and implementing. The possibilities for flooding protection, the structural flooding protection and the rainwater management, will be shown in the research project HouSui - Flood Control Measures Model Study Bründlbach (Graz) Strategies for an Integral Urban Drainage Management by using simulation models. For an economic and ecological analysis we will investigate some different catchment areas from our project partners based on the study of HouSui. An environmental benefit will be reached by implementing storm water measurements and so special support schemes appear meaningful. In the context of the project EcoStorma we will develop concepts for community and state developments. The results of the project will be summarized in a structured catalogue for the implementation storm water management measurements in consideration of ecological and economical aspects.
Beginn: 14.11.2011
Ende: 30.12.2014
Within the project Micropollutant emissions of urban catchments out of waste water treatment plants, stormwater discharges and combined sewer overflows (SCHTURM) organic and inorganic micropollutant emissions from several entry paths (effluent of waste water treatment plants, combined sewer overflows or stormwater discharges from urban areas and highways) to surface water and ground water bodies during storm events should be estimated. The aim is to estimate certain micropollutant loads from these entry paths for the whole of Austria for the first time to get a first estimation about the main entry paths of the investigated substances. In the selected catchments a sampling campaign to collect samples of whole storm water events should be accomplished. Furthermore a mathematical estimation of the discharged storm water and rain water loads is intended. This estimation should be done under specific assumptions for several scenarios. Based on the results combined with measurements in the defined catchments a quantification of the several entry paths for the whole area of Austria should be done. By this project general data should be generated to serve as a basis for decisionmaking.
Beginn: 31.10.2011
Ende: 29.06.2014
Im Zuge der Errichtung sowie im Betrieb der Wasserkraftanlage Kraftwerk Gratkorn ist eine Beeinträchtigung der Trinkwasserzubringerleitung AZ DN 900 zu erwarten. Aus diesem Grunde wurden in einer ersten Stellungnahme seitens der TU Graz spezielle Vorgangsweisen bzw. Handlungsempfehlungen zur Vermeidung etwaiger Beeinträchtigungen der Zubringerleitung und des Dükers vorgeschlagen. Weiters wurden Empfehlungen über schonende bzw. angepasste Baumaßnahmen zur Dichtwanderstellung im Überschneidungsbereich Zubringerleitung-Dichtwand abgegeben. Seitens der TU Graz soll die Verstärkung der in Betrieb stehenden AZ-Zubringerleitung durch ein Polyethylen (PE)-Rohr der Klasse PE 100 im Swage-Lining-Verfahren im Detail untersucht werden.
Beginn: 30.09.2011
Ende: 30.12.2012
The objective of the Croatia Coastal Cities Pollution Control Program (JADRAN Project) is to maintain the quality of Croatias coastal water to meet the applicable EU/national standards in participating municipalities. The objective will be achieved through technical assistance and investments in wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems in municipalities participating in the project. In order to give proof of spending funds effectively, "JADRAN Benchmarking System and Project Monitoring for Coastal Utilities in Croatia", a project monitoring initiative (including also elements of benchmarking) was aimed by the World Bank which shall accompany the huge investment activities.
Beginn: 30.06.2011
Ende: 29.07.2012
Transmission mains are the most vulnerable parts of water supply systems. The state of the art in Austria due to condition assessment of water pipes is described in ÖVGW Guideline 105, 2010 "Failure Statistics". As given by the name of the guideline condition data generally is collected during the failure repair process. Based on this data statistical methods are used to describe future failure occurence, as a state of the art method for distribution pipes. Rehabilitation decisions are mainly based on this statistical failure prediction. This methods provide satisfying results for the supply system, but are not applicable for the transmission systems as here a failure providing strategy is necessary due to the high vulnerability of these pipes. Direct inspections of transmission mains are not common practice so far. Mainly because of short time cost calculations and technical restrictions due to inspectability of the pipes. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibilities and restraints of available transmission pipe inspection techniques or material tests of pipe segments, to derive practicable techniches and evaluate them due to their performance in practice (case study). Cost benefit ratios of different condition asesssment techniques on basis of life cycle cost calculations are part of the study as well. Further the study implements an integrated risk assessment (based on Friedl, et al 2011 and Möderl, et al, 2009) for an example transmission system (City of Vienna) to derive pipes with the highest risk of failure. The elaboration of an integrated failure risk asessment method has the aim to provide a decision support for condition inspection planning.
Beginn: 18.05.2011
Ende: 30.08.2013
Die lang- und mittelfristige strategische Rehabilitationsplanung, als Grundlage für den gezielten Einsatz der erforderlichen Reinvestitionen für Wasserversorgungsnetze, ist eine der wesentli-chen Zukunftsaufgaben von Wasserversorgungsunternehmen. Die Rohrnetze unterliegen einer Vielzahl von Einflüssen, welche die Verschlechterung und Alterung bzw. das Schadensverhalten der Leitungen und Armaturen beeinflussen. Eine wesentliche Basis hierfür ist eine ausführliche Dokumentation von Bestand und Zustand der Systeme. Darüber hinaus ist, von der Lage der Leitung abhängig, mit einem unterschiedlichen Gefährdungspotential (Schadensausmaß) durch einen Rohrbruch zu rechnen. Sowohl die Einflussfaktoren auf die Zustandsverschlechterung, welche die Schadenswahrscheinlichkeit beeinflussen, als auch die Größenordnungen des Schadensausmaßes, welche Großteils monetär definierbar sind, sollen daher zusätzlich in eine vertiefende Berechnung von Erneuerungsprioritäten mit einbezogen werden.
Beginn: 30.04.2011
Ende: 30.05.2012
In recent years, floodings in urban areas due to intensive stormwater events occurred more often and caused damages in industrial and residential areas, as well as on public goods. The aim of the project HouSui is to highlight possible causes and approaches for floodings in urban areas. On the one hand, the chief causes for floodings in urban areas are the systematic exploitation of rural infiltration grounds and on the other hand, the increasing surface sealing during the last decades within urban areas. In connection with climatic changes there is an accumulation of floodings in urban areas estimated. This raises, however, more and more the question for the right handling of these issues for municipal drainage management utilities, both for rural and urban areas. The enquiry, assessment and minimisation of flood risks in urban areas is a com-bined assignment for drainage management utilities on the county level as well as the municipal level. Furthermore, the municipal drainage management utilities have to align their assignments with other municipal infrastructure departments, such as the department of land use planning and urban development, wastewater discharge and road maintenance. The assignment of urban flood risk management has to be seen as a cross-linked one from all the departments involved. A cross-linked consideration offers the possi-bility to tie single measures (e.g. the on the spot infiltration of not contaminated rain-water according to the Austrian ÖWAV Regelblatt 35) in a way, which allows dis-covering and using synergetic effects. Detention, infiltration and the proper discharge of surface water in case of intensive stormwater events in rural and urban catchment basins are the main aims of water management in urban areas. The project HouSui wants to carve out strategies for an integral urban drainage management. The interactions between the surface run-off and the run-off in the sewer system are quite complex, thats why HouSui attempts linking 2D-surface model with a hydrodynamic sewer model. Single measures as well as synergetic packages of measures cannot only be mapped but also analysed concerning e.g. their impacts on the catchment basin and sensitivity. The aim of the modelling is to highlight the flow paths of rainwater in case of intensive stormwater events on surface and in the sewer system. There are various aspects that have to be considered for the assessment of meas-ures, such as regulatory framework (e.g. the Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy, the Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks, the RIWA-T), technical guidelines (e.g. the EN 752, the ÖWAV Regelblatt 35, the ÖWAV Regelblatt 11), economical, ecological and sociological requirements. The main achievement of the project HouSui, where various packages of measures are pointed out, will be a compendium with recommended procedures entitled strategies for an integral urban drainage management valuable for all departments involved in the construction, duty and maintenance of any kind of urban infrastructure.
Beginn: 30.04.2011
Ende: 29.06.2013
Evaluierung der im Jahr 2009 berechneten Rehabilitationsprioritäten des Wasserrohrnetzes der Stadt Wien auf Basis einer automatisierten Leitungsabschnittsteilung
Beginn: 30.04.2011
Ende: 30.03.2012
As an international venue of science, technology, design and environment, Graz City offers numerous components for building a Smart City. Up to 2050, a very high quality of life with one-fifth of current resource consumption will become a magnet for doubling the population influx. With I live Graz, the vision, guidelines and roadmaps for the Smart City Graz are going to be elaborated using the ZEUS method. Main focus of the project is the development of two demo projects (within a national and an international call) in international cooperation with Copenhagen, Freiburg, Oerias (Lisbon), Malmo Vilnius, and others. Currently there are already two approved national follow-up projects: Smart City Project Graz Mitte, iENERGY Weiz-Gleisdorf 2.0 the power of a vision!
Beginn: 01.04.2011
Ende: 29.06.2012
Untersuchung der maßgebenden Einwirkungen auf die erdverlegte un din Betrieb befindliche AZ-Zubringerleitung DN900, Verlegejahr 1972, im Zuge des Kraftwerksbaues Gratkorn
Beginn: 31.03.2011
Ende: 30.05.2011
Main examination 2013 of WWTP Graz regarding the national legal basis and the OEWAV guidelines 38 and 6 (Part 1)
Beginn: 13.03.2011
Ende: 30.12.2011
Im Zuge des BA 137 - Hydraulische Sanierung der Abwasserentsorgung Andritz werden mehrere Trinkwasser-Graugussleitungen von unterschiedlichen Tiefbaumaßnahmen im Zuge der Kanalsanierung beeinträchtigt. Ziel ist es den Einfluss dieser erschütterungsanregenden Tiefbauarbeiten auf die Trinkwasserleitungen zu untersuchen.
Beginn: 31.12.2010
Ende: 30.12.2012
Examination 2011 of wastewater discharge from LKH-Univ.Klinikums Graz into the sewerage system of Graz regarding the legal basis
Beginn: 22.11.2010
Ende: 08.03.2011
Examination 2010 of wastewater discharge from LKH-Univ.Klinikums Graz into the sewerage system of Graz regarding the legal basis
Beginn: 22.11.2010
Ende: 30.12.2010
The OVGW process benchmarking project is the logical continuation and complement of the accomplished utility-level benchmarking projects "stage A", "stage B" and "stage C". The instrument of benchmarking processes is well applicable for detecting optimization potentials and defining measures for improvements. The aim of the project is a comparative analysis and the optimization of the water loss management process of ten water supply utilities.
Beginn: 30.06.2010
Ende: 30.07.2011
Main examination 2013 of WWTP Graz regarding the national legal basis and the OEWAV guidelines 38 and 6 (Part 1)
Beginn: 01.01.2010
Ende: 30.12.2010
Die wesentlichen Projektziele bzw. Projektendprodukte lassen sich abschließend wie folgt zusammenfassen: Methodenentwicklung und Leitfaden zur strategischen Informations-beschaffung und Schaffung umfassender Datenvorlagen auf Basis der bestehende Kanalkataster als Grundlage des Decision-Support bei der Sanierungsplanung bei Kanalisationsunternehme. Ableitung bzw. Entwicklung von messbaren Leistungsanforderung (Kennzahlen) gemäß EN 752 (2008) sowie die Empfehlung von Grenzwerten in Hinblick auf die generelle ganzheitliche Sanierungsplanung. Methodenentwicklung und Ablaufschema zur mittelfristigen generellen ganzheitlichen Sanierungsplanung unter Einbeziehung von Risikobeurteilungen sowie Schaffung der Datenvorlagen für die langfristige Sanierungsplanung. Umsetzung und Anwendung der entwickelten Methoden in ausgewählten Teilbereichen der Kanalisationsnetze der am Projekt teilnehmenden Betreiber und Ableitung einer Prioritätenreihung der Sanierungsplanung.
Beginn: 31.12.2009
Ende: 30.03.2013
The SUDPLAN proposal aims at developing an easy-to-use web-based planning, prediction, decision support and training tool, for the use in an urban context, based on a what-if scenario execution environment, which will help to assure populations health, comfort, safety and life quality as well as sustainability of investments in utilities and infrastructures within a changing climate. This tool is based on an innovative and visionary capacity to link, in an ad-hoc fashion, existing environmental simulation models, information and sensor infrastructures, spatial data infrastructures and climatic scenario information in a service-oriented approach, as part of the Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment (SISE). It will provide end users with 3D modeling and simulation as well as cutting edge highly interactive 3D/4D visualization, including visualisation on real 3D hardware. The tool includes the SUDPLAN Scenario Management System and three so-called Common Services, which downscale regional climate change models using local knowledge, and which will be available for use in all of Europe. Both components will contribute to improved assessment of urban climate change impact. Vital aspects of climate change are considered in 4 carefully selected urban pilot applications located in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany and Sweden. They cover such diverse applications as: a) extreme rainfall episodes causing problems with b) uncontrollable, extremely localized runoff, and c) for drainage and sewage systems, d) hazardous air pollution and high ambient temperature episodes causing health risks, e) social dynamics (movement of people) as function of climate change and quality of living. Through innovative ICT, SUDPLAN contributes to SISE, provides new perspectives for a distributed service market, reinforces European leadership in the research area and fosters the capacity to cope with climate change impacts in urban environments.
Beginn: 31.12.2009
Ende: 29.09.2013
Survey report on the discharge of purified waste water from the central dairy of Sattledt in a small rural water
Beginn: 31.12.2009
Ende: 30.01.2010
Transportleitungen bilden in einem Trinkwasserversorgungsnetz die wichtigsten und entschei-dendsten Glieder der Versorgungskette, die zur Aufrechterhaltung eines ordentlichen Betriebes und einer optimalen Versorgung der Bevölkerung in einem Versorgungsgebiet dienen. Eine ungeplante Versorgungsunterbrechung, aufgrund eines Transportleitungsrohrbruches, kann zu einem Zusammenbruch der Versorgungssicherheit für ganze Teilbereiche eines Netzes führen und weiters zu großen Schadenskosten im Einflussbereich des Schadensortes führen. Es kann aufgrund dieses Gebrechens zu großflächigen Unter- und Ausspülungen der Straße und des angrenzenden Erdreiches kommen. Dadurch sind die Standfestigkeit von Bauwerken, Fundamenten und angren-zenden Einrichtungen gefährdet. Diese Vorfälle können komplizierte Gerichtsverfahren mit der Frage des Verschuldens nach sich ziehen. Daher muss es für ein Versorgungsunternehmen oberste Priorität sein den Einfluss auf Transportleitungen durch Einflüsse von außen minimal zu halten und alle möglichen Einwirkungen auf das Rohr und die resultierenden Auswirkungen für das Rohr vorher zu untersuchen und eine Entscheidung im Sinne der Versorgungssicherheit im Vor-hinein schon zu treffen. Besonders nachteilige Auswirkungen auf das Rohr können z.B. durch hohe statische und dynami-sche Lasten mit Krafteinleitung in der Nähe von erdverlegten Rohrleitungen sein. Daher sollen im Rahmen dieser Untersuchungen alle Einwirkungen auf das Rohr und alle Bauzustände in der Durchführung der gesamten Baumaßnahme untersucht werden.
Beginn: 31.12.2009
Ende: 30.01.2011
Die lang- und mittelfristige strategische Rehabilitationsplanung, als Grundlage für den gezielten Einsatz der erforderlichen Reinvestitionen für Wasserversorgungsnetze, ist eine der wesentlichen Zukunftsaufgaben von Wasserversorgungsunternehmen. Die Rohrnetze unterliegen einer Vielzahl von Einflüssen, welche die Verschlechterung und Alterung bzw. das Schadensverhalten der Leitungen und Armaturen beeinflussen. Eine wesentliche Basis hierfür ist eine ausführliche Dokumentation von Bestand und Zustand der Systeme. Darüber hinaus ist, von der Lage der Leitung abhängig, mit einem unterschiedlichen Gefährdungspotential (Schadensausmaß) durch einen Rohrbruch zu rechnen. das Risiko welches von einer alternden Leitung für das wasserversorgungsunternehmen und deren Kunden ausgeht lässt sich durch Verknüpfung von Schadenwahrscheinlichkeit und Schadensausmaß ableiten. Sowohl die Einflussfaktoren auf die Zustandsverschlechterung, welche die Schadenswahrscheinlichkeit beeinflussen, als auch die Größenordnungen des Schadensausmaßes, welches Großteils monetär definierbar sind, sollten daher in eine vertiefende Berechnung von Erneuerungsprioritäten mit einbezogen werden.
Beginn: 31.12.2009
Ende: 30.03.2011
Wissenschaftliche Begleitung der Integration des Zentralen Sammelkanals ZSK in eine Mischwasserbewirtschaftung der Stadt Graz im Bereich Radetzkybrücke bis Anschluss HSEK
Beginn: 29.10.2009
Ende: 30.12.2011
Gutachterleistungen und Konzepterstellung zur Ableitung der betroffenen Mischwasserentlastungen im Rückstaubereich des geplanten Murkraftwerks Graz unter Berücksichtigung des Generalentwässerungskonzepts des Kanalbauamts der Stadt Graz
Beginn: 09.06.2009
Ende: 08.06.2010
Langfristig strategische Rehabilitationsplanung als Grundlage für den gezielten Einsatz der erforderlichen Reinvestionen für Wasserversorgungsnetze ist eine der wesentlichen Zukunftsaufgaben der Versorgungsunternehmen in industrialisierten Ländern. Die Rohrnetze unteliegen einer Vielzahl von Einflüssen, welche die Alterung bzw. das Schadensverhalten der Leitungen und Amaturen beeinflussen. Dieses Verhalten kann mit mathematischen Modellen beschrieben werden. Eine wesentliche Basis hierfür ist eine ausführliche Dokumentation von Bestand und Zustand der Systeme. Mit dem Aufbau des NIS und der langjährigen Dokumentation von Schäden am Rohrnetz wurde diese Grundlage geschaffen. Die Interpretation dieser Daten zum Zwecke der strategischen Rehabilitationsplanung erfordert umfassende computergestützte Untersuchungen unter Nutzung von internem und externem Expertenwissen.
Beginn: 30.04.2009
Ende: 30.12.2009
Entsprechend dem gemeinsam erstellten Generalentwässerungskonzept GEK 2006+ für die Stadt Graz soll es langfristig zu einer deutlichen Reduktion der Entlastungshäufigkeiten in die Grazer Stadtbäche kommen. Weiters sollen hydraulisch kritische Punkte im Netz entlastet werden. Entsprechend dem Stand der Technik, der in den ÖWAV Regelblättern 19 (2007) und 11 (2009) definiert ist, ist dafür ein modelltechnischer Nachweis über Simulationswerkzeuge erforderlich. Ziel des Projekts ist es, gemeinsam mit dem Kanalbauamt der Stadt Graz den aktuellen Kanalkataster der Einzugsgebiete Stiftingtal und Ragnitztal in ein hydrodynamisches Rechenmodell so zu überführen, dass Berechungen nach den aktuellen Stand der Technik ermöglicht werden.
Beginn: 31.01.2009
Ende: 30.03.2009
Main examination 2009 of WWTP Graz regarding the national legal basis and the OEWAV guidelines 38 and 6 (Part 1)
Beginn: 01.01.2009
Ende: 30.12.2009
Academic support for the preparation for the introduction of a split-sewage-charge-system.
Beginn: 31.08.2008
Ende: 30.07.2010
coming soon
Beginn: 30.06.2008
Ende: 27.02.2010
Das übergeordnete Ziel ist die integrierte Betrachtung eines Gewässer(-abschnitt)s auf Basis kontinuierlicher und validierter Langzeitmessreihen. Um dieses übergeordnete Projektziel zu erreichen, werden 4 Work Packages (WP) definiert: - Definition von Untersuchungsgebieten und Auswahl des Hauptuntersuchungsgebietes, Festlegung der Messstellen, Adaptierung des Messnetzes -Datenmanagement von Langzeitmessreihen inkl. Metadaten - Automatisierte Informationssysteme für die Wasserwirtschaft - Entwicklung neuer Modellansätze für die integrierte Simulation basierend auf dynamischen Langzeitmessreihen
Beginn: 30.06.2008
Ende: 30.12.2012
Besides maintaining and further improvement of the high quality standards, economic optimisation of the Austrian water supply is the basis for the public funding situation, for the customer satisfaction (high water quality, supply safety, pricing and service) and for the ecological targets of a sustainable water supply. The method of benchmarking - the systematic comparison of enterprises by performance indicators - helps in finding the optimisation potentials by accounting the best water supply utilities as benchmarks for each performance indicator or each process within the water supply utility. The experience of these benchmark utilities in how they reached their leading positions shall serve as "best practices" for other water supply utilities. Within this project the corporate benchmarking activities are being continued after the successful exercise of Stage B (72 participants, 50 % of Austrian water supply). For further information please see the project website www.trinkwasserbenchmarking.at
Beginn: 31.05.2008
Ende: 29.05.2009
Im Rahmen dieses Projekts wird das Kanalbauamt der Stadt Graz auf Basis des Generellen Entwässerungskonzepts GEK 2006+ bei der Erstellung eines Konzepts zur zukünftigen Mischwasserbewirtschaftung für das Einzugsgebiet Mariatrost wissenschafltisch begleitet, Unterlagen ausgearbeitet und in Besprechungen unterstützt.
Beginn: 05.05.2008
Ende: 29.06.2014
TWINNING is an EU funded programme for capacity building in new member countries. The development of financial instruments for water management based on the Water Framework Directive is the objective of this cooperation between Slovenia, Germany and Austria. Within the activity 5.2 Benchmarking methodology for water supply and wastewater services ( component 5: Pricing strategies for water supply and wastewater services) eight Slovenian water supply enterprises are testing benchmarking methodology supplied by Bavarian and Austrian benchmarking experts.
Beginn: 31.01.2008
Ende: 30.05.2008
The new ÖWAV Guideline 19 (Guideline for the design of combined sewer overflows) released in November 2007 presents new requirements for the design of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in Austria. In future, hydrological long term simulations will be used for verification of CSO design and function. According to the guideline, an efficiency factor that is defined as part of the rainfall runoff that reaches the waste water treatment plant in long-time yearly average has to be reached. Within the OPTIMISCH project a guide for planners and sewer network operators will be created to show possibilities, advantages and limitations of the new guideline. On the basis of real case studies (existing sewer networks), hydrological model simulations combined with a thorough sensitivity-analysis will be carried out. A comparison of the obtained results with alternative design rules (ÖWAV guideline 19 (1987), ATV guideline A 128) will let us conclude what results we have to expect when CSOs designed according to the older rules are re-designed using the new ÖWAV guideline 19. In addition a comparison of planning and investment costs will be carried out. To increase universality of the results obtained within the OPTIMOSCH project, the selected case studies represent catchments with different properties (rural zones, urban zones, extensive sewer network....)
Beginn: 31.12.2007
Ende: 30.06.2008
In urban catchment areas the increasing urbanisation raises many problems for drainage. The successive growing of the development, the elimination of retention areas, the limited capacity of existing sewer systems and the elimination of receiving water change determine the runoff conditions. The sewerage inaccordance with growth has to be completed and extended. To get reliable values for design of sewers the observation of precipitation and flood events is required. By means of these data flood design events can be calculated using hydrological methods. That requires evaluation of the recordrd measuring data. in the urban catchment area of Annabach (0,74 km2), where the portion of garden amounts to 25 %, precipitation and water levels are measured and registered at some gauges. To design rating curves and to compute discharge hydrographs discharge measurements are carried outperiodically.
Beginn: 31.12.2007
Ende: 22.10.2024
Benchmarking has become a key tool in the water industry to promote and achieve performance targets for utilities. Utilized as an instrument for performance improvement through systematic search and adaptation of leading practices, benchmarking activities have expanded globally. Nowadays, many projects are being carried out worldwide to meet different needs and objectives, in varying contexts, with outstanding results and impact. However, despite the many projects, published papers and ever growing interest in this field, the terms and concepts used by the industry are far from being consistent. This manual of best practice is edited by the Task Group on Benchmarking (a joint effort of the Efficient Operation & Management Specialist Group and Statistics & Economics Specialist Group of IWA, the International Water Association) and commonly published by AWWA and IWA Publishing. The manual provides valuable information to those planning to get involved in a benchmarking project and even to experienced practitioners. The objectives of this manual are to define a new framework in which the traditional benchmarking concepts can be clearly distinguished, guaranteeing more fluent and efficient communication. The manual intends to be a hands-on document, with a practice oriented approach, both from the perspective of those organizing a project, as well as the needs of potential participants and even beginners in the topic. This practical how-to information originates in the experiences gathered in some of the most relevant benchmarking projects in the water industry to date, including the IWA-WSAA benchmarking efforts, the European Benchmarking Co-operation and the several benchmarking projects carried out in Austria and Central Europe.
Beginn: 31.12.2007
Ende: 30.01.2011
Im Rahmen dieses Projekts wird das Kanalbauamt der Stadt Graz auf Basis des Generellen Entwässerungskonzepts GEK 2006+ wissenschafltisch begleitet, Unterlagen ausgearbeitet und in Besprechungen unterstützt.
Beginn: 09.10.2007
Ende: 22.12.2007
Auf der Deponie Frohnleiten sollen bis Ende 2008 noch Altlasten übernommen, und damit ein eigener Deponieabschnitt gefüllt werden. Über die Beschaffenheit des Abfalls gibt es keine genauen Informationen. Es wird untersucht, ob die Vorreinigungsanlage und die Kläranlage Frohnleiten noch ausreichend Kapazitäten besitzen, um eine höhere Sickerwasserfracht zu übernehmen.
Beginn: 30.09.2007
Ende: 30.12.2007
In dieser Detailuntersuchung zum geplanten Hauptsammlerentlastungskanal des Kanlabauamts der Stadt Graz werden die Möglichkeit einer Einbindung der Mischwasserentlastung L03 aus hydraulischer sicht Untersucht und Lösungsvorschläge zu einer möglichen Anbindung des Kanals erarbeitet.
Beginn: 31.07.2007
Ende: 04.12.2007
Im nördlichen Waldviertel gibt es zahlreiche Wassergewinnungsanlagen deren Wässer durch niedrigen pH-Wert, hohen Eisen- und Mangangehalt, hohe Oxidierbarkeit, hohen SAK (Spektraler Absorptionskoeffizient) und teilweise hohen Huminstoffgehalt gekennzeichnet sind. Zudem kommt es häufig zu Beeinflussungen durch Oberflächenwässer, was immer wieder hohe mikrobiologische Belastungen nach sich zieht. Als gängiges Desinfektionsverfahren kommt bislang häufig eine Chlordioxid-Dosierung zum Einsatz. Durch die Behandlung der Wässer mit Chlordioxid besteht die Gefahr, dass sich aus den Huminstoffen gesundheitsschädliche Desinfektionsnebenprodukte bzw. Substrate für Wiederverkeimungen im Rohrnetz bilden. Auf dieses Risiko wurde auch schon von Behördenseite hingewiesen. Im gegenständlichen Projektvorhaben sollen Optimierungsmöglichkeiten von bestehenden Aufbereitungsanlagen für solche Wässer unter anderem durch den Einsatz der Ultrafiltration (UF) in technischer und betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht untersucht werden. Dabei sollen v. a. folgende Punkte geklärt werden: - Was ist die optimale Abfolge der erforderlichen Aufbereitungsschritte (pH-Einstellung, Enteisenung, Entsäuerung und Aufhärtung, Fällung bzw. Flockung, UF, Desinfektion)? - Welcher Wirkungsgrad kann bei der Huminstoffentfernung erzielt werden? - Wird mittels UF der SAK bzw. die UV-Durchlässigkeit soweit gesenkt, dass anstatt der Chlordioxid-Dosierung eine Desinfektion mittels UV-Bestrahlung erfolgen kann? - Werden mittels Fällung bzw. Flockung in Kombination mit UF Keime ausreichend zurückgehalten, sodass abschließend keine Desinfektion erfolgen muss? - Ist die Methode der UF zur Umsetzung bei der Vielzahl an relativ kleinen Wasserversorgungsanlagen im Waldviertel geeignet und welche Rahmenbedingungen müssen erfüllt sein? - Welche Betriebskosten entstehen im laufenden Probebetrieb und welche Investitions- bzw. Betriebskosten sind im großtechnischen Einsatz zu erwarten?
Beginn: 23.05.2007
Ende: 30.01.2009
The OVGW process benchmarking project is the logical continuation and complement of the accomplished metric benchmarking projects "stage A" and "stage B". International experiences show that the instrument of process benchmarking is well applicable for detecting optimization potentials and defining measures for improvements. The aim of the project is a comparative analysis and the optimization of eight different working processes of water undertakings.
Beginn: 31.03.2007
Ende: 30.03.2008
Erstellung eines Detailkonzepts zur Mischwasserbewirtschaftung für den Bereich Puntigamer Brücke bis zur Kläranlage Graz
Beginn: 16.01.2007
Ende: 04.12.2007
Nachdem die Nitratkonzentrationen im Grundwasser des Leibnitzerfeldes wieder beim Steigen sind, wird in dem Projekt versucht, den Anteil der Siedlungsabwässer daran abzuschätzen.
Beginn: 31.12.2006
Ende: 04.06.2007
Im Rahmen des Projektes wird für die Stadt Graz ein Konzept für eine zukünftige Mischwasserbewirtschaftung für den Bereich Puntigamer Brücke bis Kläranlage Graz entwickelt.
Beginn: 30.11.2006
Ende: 16.01.2007
Im Süden von Graz sind zwei Murkraftwerke geplant. Im Rahmen des Projektes erfolgt eine grobe Schmutzfrachtabschätzung der punktuellen Emissionen in die Rückstaubereiche der beiden geplanten Murkraftwerke.
Beginn: 30.09.2006
Ende: 29.11.2006
The waste water treatment plant (WWTP) of Semriach should be adapted to the state of the art. Therefore the existing flow meter of the WWTP had to be verified to find optimal design parameters.
Beginn: 16.08.2006
Ende: 14.09.2006
The objective of this project is to involve the new EU member states and Bulgaria and Rumania into the regional and environmental statistics system. The project part for which Graz University of Technology (Institute of Urban Water Management) is contributing focuses on water statistics. Among others, experiencies of the Austrian water supply statistics (held by the Austrian Association for Gas and Water OVGW) shall be transferred to the transition countries.
Beginn: 30.04.2006
Ende: 30.05.2007
Austrian water supply enterprises are afflicted by a lot of different data delivery obligations and enquiries (Statistics Austria, OVGW data water, OVGW benchmarking etc.). Each of these enqiries represent different questionnaires with different data structures. In order to minimise the efforts of the engaged staff people at the mostly small water supply units, the project aim is to gather and compare these data structures and to generate a consistent system.
Beginn: 28.02.2006
Ende: 30.12.2006
The Questionnaires on the State of the Environment are an attempt to set up world-wide coherent data collections on the main environmental issues. The data collection was first established in 1980 by OECD, and Eurostat joined this exercise in 1988. The UN Statistical Division set up an environmental data collection on a more reduced level but entirely compatible with the Joint OECD/Eurostat Questionnaire. The Questionnaire on Inland Waters is one of the nine questionnaires and covers one of the most sensitive environmental topics. The Data Collection Manual (version 1.0) was established by Eurostat in 2004 in order to provide guidance, best practices and standards in collecting, estimating and compiling the data required by the Joint Questionnaire. It delivers a comprehensive description of the terminology and methodology for water statistics including the different natural and anthropogenic processes in the water cycle, from internal resources generation to water abstractions and discharges. Based on version 1.0 and users-feedback, an adapted version (version 2.0) of the Data Collection Manual was established in 2006. This new version takes users feedback into consideration and aims at providing more user-friendliness. Among others, one focus of the Data Collection Manual (version 2.0) is the provision of detailed numerical examples. The project participation of Graz University of Technology (Institute of Urban Water Management) concentrated on data aquisition aspects of public water supply (tables 2 & 3 in the Joint Questionnaire).
Beginn: 31.01.2006
Ende: 29.09.2006
Ein Teil der Mischwasserentlastungen der Stadt Graz ist durch den Rückstaubereich des geplanten Murkraftwerkes Gössendorf betroffen. Im Rahmen des Projektes werden Strategien und Lösungsansätze für die betroffenen Mischwasserentlastungen erarbeitet.
Beginn: 31.12.2005
Ende: 28.05.2006
Statement on the preliminary Technischer Bericht Einreichung Wasserrecht
Beginn: 30.11.2005
Ende: 26.02.2006
Der Standort der Kläranlage Mellach ist durch ein geplantes Murkraftwerk beeinträchtigt. Ziel des Projektes ist es, den aktuellen Ausbauzustand der Kläranlage zu beurteilen und Empfehlungen für eine zukünftige Erweiterung zu geben.
Beginn: 30.11.2005
Ende: 16.02.2006
Urban drainage concept for the city of Graz - development of objectives
Beginn: 03.11.2005
Ende: 28.11.2005
Determination of the nutrient content and the degree of COD degradation in landfill leachate from the landfill Frohnleiten
Beginn: 19.10.2005
Ende: 26.12.2005
The overall objective of this project is the immediate enhancement of the water quality management in Serbia as an example of excellence for the South East Balkan region. Therefore, dose links between the local and regional economy and the Serbian Higher Education sector will be created through technology and knowledge transfer. New technologies like GPRS Technology to realise data transfer from distance hydromeasure stations will be introduced in the water quality monitoring management. To develop vocational training measures for professionals is a new working field for the Serbian Universities. To ensure high efficiency of the project one have to impart well-tried and suitable implementation strategies and guidance to achieve the targets of the Advanced River Water Quality Monitoring (ARWQM) scheme as well as to show effects of initiated measures an different levels (municipalities, local government and government).
Beginn: 14.10.2005
Ende: 13.10.2006
Evaluation of the waste water treatment plant Mellach
Beginn: 26.08.2005
Ende: 16.02.2006
OVGW - the Austrian Association for Gas and Water - yearly publishes statistics regarding the Austrian water supply structure. The project aim is to assist OVGW with data akquisition, validation and reporting for the years 2003 and 2004.
Beginn: 30.06.2005
Ende: 29.06.2006
Changes in the substance flow balance in landfill leachate due to waste pre-treatment
Beginn: 30.04.2005
Ende: 27.02.2006
Operation analysis of the waste water treatment plant Frauental
Beginn: 11.04.2005
Ende: 26.10.2005
Well examiniation on the Mayr Melnhof factory premises
Beginn: 26.07.2004
Ende: 30.10.2004
The Autrian ÖWAV guidelines concerning the sewer design and the storm water management are being revised. Therefore a project called ÖKOSTRA was initated to develop regional IDF curves (intensitiy, duration, frequency) for the design work of Austrian sewer structures. Processed material or digitalised precipitation values are put in a data bank and the amount of a certain design value of precipitation hN for the requested duration D and the return period T can be investigated according to the ÖKOSTRA guidelines. Since the end of the project it is possible to get regional IDF curves for the densely populated aereas in Austria (places with more than 5000 inhabitants).
Beginn: 30.06.2004
Ende: 30.03.2006
The Project PiReM is divided in three parts: Task 1: further development of the long-term rehabilitations strategy Task 2: further development of the mid-term rehabilitations strategy Task 3: upgrading with a hydraulic net analyses / scenario analyses The existing software PiReP - Pipe Rehabilitation Planning System is a decision support system for supporting the planning of rehabilitation steps on water pipelines and will be upgraded in the project. PiReP supports by using two modules, the long-term rehabilitations strategy and afterwards, but separately, the mid-term rehabilitations strategy by calculating rehabilitation priorities. In Task 1, the long-term strategy will be upgraded by using new statistic and macroeconomic developments for optimization of the rehabilitation steps. Task 2 focuses on implementing business management aspects for optimizing re-investigations into the decision support. By adding the economic to the technical data as well as a connection to a geographical information system, PiReP can be used as an integrated tool for rehabilitation management. In Task 3 the developments focuses on the influences of hydraulic capacity compared with scenario analysis like essential supply to the rehabilitation plan.

Projektverlängerung von 2008-2010
Beginn: 30.06.2004
Ende: 29.07.2008
Besides maintaining and further improvement of the high quality standards, economic optimisation of the Austrian water supply is the basis for the public funding situation, for the customer satisfaction (high water quality, supply safety, pricing and service) and for the ecological targets of a sustainable water supply. The method of benchmarking - the systematic comparison of enterprises by performance indicators - helps in finding the optimisation potentials by accounting the best water supply utilities as benchmarks for each performance indicator or each process within the water supply utility. The experience of these benchmark utilities in how they reached their leading positions shall serve as "best practices" for other water supply utilities. Within this project the benchmarking system has been further improved upon the experiences of the pilot project "stage A". A benchmarking process is now being carried out with 68 water supply enterprises. For further information please see the project website www.trinkwasserbenchmarking.at
Beginn: 30.06.2004
Ende: 27.02.2006
The aim of this diploma thesis is the modelling and calibration of a CSO of the sewer-catchment area Graz-West. After the calibration a long-time simulation was calculated with long-time precipitation series. With the long-time simulation and its analysis the influences of the different input parameters on the result were shown. The influence of the minimum discharge rate in accordance with the Austrian draft of stormwater regulation was analysed too. The CSO was modelled with the software KOSIM. The input data are from the sewer-online-monitoring-station Graz. The main problem of the modelling was the right reproduction of the spillflow behaviour of the CSO. The verification of the model was realized by means of a three months period. The long-time simulation showed results in a wide range compared each single year. The minimum values of discharge referred to the AEV Mischwasser draft could be kept. Analysis resulted paved area, end run off coefficient and rain weather concentrations as main influence factors. Therefore, these input values have to be determined exactly.
Beginn: 31.05.2004
Ende: 25.10.2004
Within the scope of the Austrian research project Innovative Technology for Integrated Water Quality Measurement an online sewer monitoring station has been installed at a combined sewer overflow in Graz. The main goal of this since October 2002 operated measurement station is the quantification of the overflowing pollution loads into the river Mur by means of online techniques. In this thesis all overflow events during the period from October 2002 until January 2004 were analysed. Frequency and duration of the overflow events into the receiving water and the resulting overflowing pollution loads of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) have been evaluated. Another assignment was to operate and to continuously optimize the sewer monitoring station during this period. During some overflow events parallel laboratory analysis had been made to validate the online measurements.
Beginn: 31.05.2004
Ende: 25.10.2004
Discharge is one of the most important physical values in the fields of water management but unfortunately not directly measurable. Therefore different methods have been investigated to measure this value. This diploma thesis deals with the calibration and the comparison of different discharge measurement methods and their reliability in practice. Therefore comparative investigations and calibrations were carried at a natural stream in Western Styria and in the sewer system of Graz near a combined sewer overflow by using different reference methods.
Beginn: 04.04.2004
Ende: 21.11.2004
The main part of the development in sewerage systems in Austria is finished as far as possible. Now the preservation of the operability of the systems moves into the foreground. The principal purpose of the project are the production of reference projects, the consciousness-shaping for the preservation of value of sewerage systems and the production of a manual for channel maintenance. By intensive co-operation of all participants of the settlement drainage (operator, authorities, civil engineers, Universities, interest representative, service companies) measures and strategies for a long-term safety device of the operability are to be compiled by sewerage plants. These measures and strategies should correspond to the state of the art and for municipalities in financial, technical and organizational form practicable. not assigned KP: Reinhaltungsverband Pößnitz-Saggautal (Gemeinde Arnfels) not assigned GG: Siedlungswasserwirtschaft des Landes Steiermark
Beginn: 03.02.2004
Ende: 31.12.2005
TBRCM is an integrative concept which incorporates technical risks as well as business and economic risks. The aim of the project is to develop a management system which encloses methods of risk analysis, risk monitoring and risk reporting. Translating technical risks into consolidated business figures e.g. affords multi-attribute analysis. The developed system and methods shall then be transferred to other divisions or water supply utilities.
Beginn: 31.12.2003
Ende: 29.06.2008
Zur Verminderung von Hochwasserschäden im Bezirk Radkersburg sind Maßnahmen des aktiven Hochwasserschutzes, der Hochwasservorsorge und des Wasserrückhaltes in der Landschaft zu setzen. Das Institut arbeitet in allen drei Bereichen mit, ein Schwerpunkt liegt jedoch im Wasserrückhalt in der Landschaft, vornehmlich in der Landwirtschaft, aber auch im ländlichen Siedlungswesen
Beginn: 31.12.2003
Ende: 30.01.2006
This research project is embedded in the Competence Network for Water Resources Management. Its aim is to adopt the existing manifold methods and tools for quality management to the sector of water supply services. Together with Graz Cityworks, as-is analyses and the deduction of development targets are carried out for the water supply service of Graz, from the TQM point of view.
Beginn: 30.11.2003
Ende: 29.06.2005
Assessment of the actual state of the waste water treatment plant Leibnitz-Wagna-Kaindorf
Beginn: 01.10.2003
Ende: 30.08.2004
Besides maintaining and further improvement of the high quality standards, economic optimisation of the Austrian water supply is the basis for the public funding situation, for the customer satisfaction (high water quality, supply safety, pricing and service) and for the ecological targets of a sustainable water supply. The method of benchmarking - the systematic comparison of enterprises by performance indicators - helps in finding the optimisation potentials by accounting the best water supply utilities as benchmarks for each performance indicator or each process within the water supply utility. The experience of these benchmark utilities in how they reached their leading positions shall serve as "best practices" for other water supply utilities. Within this pilot project the benchmarking system was developed. It proved itself in a project process with 23 water supply enterprises. For further information please see the project website http://www.boku.ac.at/wv-bench/
Beginn: 31.12.2002
Ende: 29.06.2004
The city of Graz is readapting its sewage treatment plant to the actual state of the art (nutrient elimination). It is the task of the institute to assist and scientifically supervise this process. All aspects of planned process engineering, constructive and hydraulic design, machine and steering systems are being checked.
Beginn: 30.06.2002
Ende: 30.12.2010
In the wastewater of hospitals AOX concentrations are often greater than predefined permissible thresholds. The target of this study was the quantification and specification of different AOX fractions in the waste water stream of a hospital. The study was part of the EU LIFE99-Project ENV/D/000455 "Substance-flow related water/waste water management in European hospitals- Strategies for water saving options and for reducing the pollutant load in waste water".
Beginn: 31.01.2002
Ende: 29.04.2002
Real time control will get more important to reduce CSO emissions. Most of the already existing real time control strategies minimize spill flows from the viewpoint of volume minimization. For receiving water the reduction of emissions is much more important. Measured waste water data and probabilistic approach of these data are the focal points in this research. With an UV-VIS spectrometer installed in a swimming pontoon absorption is measured directly and constant. Based on absorption measurements waste water time series curves of COD, TSS and nitrate are shown. A forecast of CSO emissions and the adjustment of ANN for the control system will be the next step included for this project. By statistical evaluation of rain and measured waste water data as well as forecast of CSO emissions with ANN, spill loads can be reduced. The results of this research are basis for future real time control of CSOs in Graz (Austria).
Beginn: 31.12.2001
Ende: 30.01.2005
On the basis of the GIS data about the network, the network break failures, the rehabilitation costs and the failure costs the used rehabilitation strategy of the city of linz should be optimised. Therefore the Modelling Tool PiReP is used to analyse break failure rates, to calibrate aging functions and to modelise the longterm rehabilitation needs. Various szenarios for future rehabilitation programs are compared. Furthermore priorities for rehabilitation are defined. Therefore technical, economic and specific regional criteria for rehabilitation are investigated. The result will be a list of rehabilitation priorities which can be visualized and used for further planning in the GIS
Beginn: 30.09.2001
Ende: 03.04.2004
Examination of the discharge measurement on the waste water treatment plant Prebensdorf
Beginn: 08.09.2001
Ende: 03.05.2004
With the release of the EC water framework directive, water quality management will become a transnational issue on a catchment scale, requiring exchange of water quality data between governing boards and water authorities of the different member states. One issue for water quality management is to have sufficient and comparable information about the water quality and the impacting factors and effectiveness of measures taken. Based on novel technologies, a modular monitoring station suitable for continuous application in sewers, waste-water treatment plants and surface water bodies has been designed. The monitoring stations serve as the backbone of a water quality pilot network, that is currently tested at different locations in Austria. The network also includes a central data base server, where the collected data is processed consistently and stored in a standard format. The water quality network design shows new perspectives with respect to continuous and consistent water data collection and processing, which is a prerequisite for decision making in water quality management. Our part in this project is to run monitoring stations at combined sewer overflows (CSO) where we want to measure frequency and duration of spill flow events and to quantify the overflowing pollutional loads into the watercourse.
Beginn: 05.09.2001
Ende: 30.10.2006
Deep groundwater of the thick sedimentary rocks of the East-Styrian and the Pannonian basin are presently used and will be used as drinking water on a large scale both in Austria and in the border region of Hungary. For a goal-directed and long-term resources management the present knowledge is not sufficient in spite of the extensive development regarding the delimitation and characterization of the deep groundwater system, the available resources and their recharge. The present investigations aim at the development of the technical basis for a sustainable use of the deep groundwater by the water resources management for drinking water on the basis of existing knowledge. On this occasion the following questions should be settled: spatial delimitation depending on depth of connected aquifers; quantitative estimation of the available resources in the aquifers declared as connected; exploration of the location of the catchment areas of the aquifers; exploration of the space-time distribution of ground water recharge; development of the hydrogeological (conceptual) model; calculation of the water balance of the deep groundwater considering the current utilization; estimation of the potential maximum yields in the aquifers seen from the point of view of sustainable resources management; building of a measuring network for a continuous monitoring of the deep groundwater and data banks. The result should serve for the basis of a border-crossing management concept.
Beginn: 31.12.2000
Ende: 30.12.2004
In the past, activated sludge plants with intermittent aeration and simultaneous aerobic digestion were designed like activated sludge plants with continuous aeration, i.e. pauses in aeration were not considered. Scale bench tests on SBR-plants and a temperature about 20 degrees celsius in the activated sludge tanks were made. The result showed, that even during the idle period the microorganisms are supplied to some extent with oxygen by the oxygen present as nitrate in the settling sludge, at least some of the idle period could be included as reaction time as well. Now we want to make further scale bench tests on SBR-plants with low temperatures in the activated sludge tanks. The result of these tests should show the influence of intermittent aeration in connection with low temperatures on aerobic digestion of sludge.
Beginn: 29.02.2000
Ende: 29.11.2002
The pursuance of a preventive strategy in the planning of rehabilitation measures requires a detailed inventory as well as state analysis of the existing water pipe network. Once they have been adjusted accordingly, data management systems, such as relational data bases and geo-information systems, can serve as valuable tools in decision making. To locate weak spots in water pipe networks and, as a consequence, to plan their rehabilitation based on their current state, a desktop GIS was employed as decision support system. The data of the urban water pipe network of the city of Graz were available for the study. A crucial part of any comprehensive rehabilitation scheme is the assessment of the long-term need for rehabilitation. To this end, the ageing model according to HERZ was integrated into an Access data base. It provided the mathematical foundation of the decision support system PiReP (Pipe Rehabilitation Planning System), which was developed in the course of the study. It can be used for the administration of inventory data and recorded damage, the grouping of pipes displaying similar fatigue behaviour, the determination of trends in failure rates as well as for the calibration of ageing functions of groups of pipes, long-term rehabilitation requirement forecasting and scenario analyses.
Beginn: 31.01.1999
Ende: 29.04.2001
The 'Bundesministerium for Umwelt, Jungend und Familie' instructed the 'Forschungzentrum Seibersdorf' with an investigation about cost factors of wastewater drains constructed with public support. For dealing with the several fields a team of FZ-Seiberdorf,TU Graz, TU Wien and Boku Wien was established. The institute for 'urban water managment and landscape water engeneering of the Graz University of Technology dealed with the question, if different costs of waste water drains have an influence on the qualtiy of construction. not assigned KP: Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf, TU Wien
Beginn: 30.09.1998
Ende: 30.12.1998
Publications which are not related to a special research activity
Beginn: 31.12.1997
Ende: 30.12.2006
The aim of this project is the optimisation of emissions from sewage treatment plants and the simplification of the factory production control with innovative online measurement equipment. By it construction and operation of sewage treatment plants could be more cost-effective. The project should deal with the following fields: o Development of online measurement equipment o Calibration the operation of a sewage treatment plant for a simulation model not assigned KP: Universität für Bodenkultur, Technische Universität Wien, Ziv.-Ing.Büro DDI Dieter Depisch
Beginn: 30.09.1997
Ende: 30.08.1999
The aim of this project is the development of innovative measurement methods for cost-effective and continuous control of significant parameters of flowing waters. By it an efficient assessment of water quality should be possible. The investigation area is the catchment area of the "Poellauer Saifen", as typical East-Styrian "Grabenland"-stream, because there are many sewage disposal measures necessary in the next few years. The project should deal with the following fields: * Investigations about the existing data and methods * Relation functions between classical and continuously measurable parameters * Evaluation and improvement of measurement methods * Continuos measurement in practice (references, results) * Connections between catchment area and flowing waters not assigned KP: Universität für Bodenkultur,Technische Universität Wien,Ziv.-Ing.Büro DDI. Depisch
Beginn: 30.09.1997
Ende: 30.08.1999
Beginn: 30.04.1997
Ende: 30.10.1999
In urban catchment areas the increasing urbanisation raises many problems for drainage. The successive growing of the development, the elimination of retention areas, the limited capacity of existing sewer systems and the elimination of receiving water change determine the runoff conditions. The sewerage inaccordance with growth has to be completed and extended. To get reliable values for design of sewers the observation of precipitation and flood events is required. By means of these data flood design events can be calculated using hydrological methods. That requires evaluation of the recordrd measuring data. in the urban catchment area of Annabach (0,74 km2), where the portion of garden amounts to 25 %, precipitation and water levels are measured and registered at some gauges. To design rating curves and to compute discharge hydrographs discharge measurements are carried outperiodically.
Beginn: 31.12.1994
Ende: 30.01.2007
In the past, activated sludge plants with intermittent aeration and simultaneous aerobic digestion were designed like activated sludge plants with continuous aera-tion, i.e. pauses in aeration were not considered. However, according to the amended ATV - Merkblatt M 210 -, only times when aera-tion or stirring do take place count as reaction time, which - depending on the idle period - requires a larger volume of the activated sludge tank. But since even during the idle period the microorganisms are supplied to some ex-tent with oxygen by the oxygen present as nitrate in the settling sludge, at least some of the idle period could be included as reaction time as well. To explore this in more detail, the degree of aerobic digestion of activated sludges was determined in a bench-scale test unit with continuous and intermittent aeration. The results showed that up to pauses in aeration of 15 hours per day there is hardly any difference in the degree of aerobic digestion of sludges.
Beginn: 31.12.1994
Ende: 29.06.1998
During the last years there are many reasons why the determination of COD has fallen into disrepute for being the standard dimension in quantifying the organic matter of wastewater. Therefore the COD should be replaced by the TOC. The present thesis makes an critical view at the existing TOC-standards, gives an overview of the state of art concerning TOC-measuring und describes the experiences of the author in dealing with TOC-analysers. Beside it a simple biochemical method for determining biodegradable organic carbon (dissolved - BDOC or total - BTOC) which is applicable to wastewater is proposed. The described method is based on the known methods for the determination of aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in water. By knowing the biodegradable fraction of carbon in wastewater an adequate and more reliable alternative to BOD is existing as well.
Beginn: 31.12.1994
Ende: 29.09.1997
Beginn: 31.12.1994
Ende: 29.09.2000
In the framework of the International Hydrological Program 1978, the building of the hydrological reserach basin in the inlet of Pöllau at Hartberg (East-Styria) was started. This measuring network for research purposes is operated by Graz University of Technology and the Hydrological Service of the Styrian Government. The hydrological research basin (58,3 km2) is equipped with measuring instruments for time invariant precipitation self-recording (precipitation gauge using tipping bucket and the weighing principle). Bubble gauges as well as pressure probes equipped with digital recording systems, are used for water level measurement. At the moment 7 rain gauges and 5 discharge gauges and a meteorological station are available. At the meteorological station precipitation, air temperature and pressure, relative atmospheric moisture, soil temperature in several depths, albedo, evaporation, wind direction and velocity are continuously measured and registered. The precipitation is measured by different principles (tipping buckets and electronic weighing) and in different heights (standard height and terrain height). At the water level gauges, discharge measurements are periodically carried out in order to prepare current rating curves.
Beginn: 31.12.1994
Ende: 22.10.2024
Beginn: 31.12.1992
Ende: 30.12.1996
Beginn: 31.12.1992
Ende: 30.12.1996
Poellau (1979 - running) - Hydrological and meteorological survey and measurement data analysis of Poellau catchment area
Beginn: 31.12.1978
Ende: 30.12.2014
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