TRANSACT - Transform safety-critical cyber-physical systems into distributed solutions for end-users and partners

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Markus Gallacher, Michael Stocker, Michael Baddeley, Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto Boano InSight: Enabling NLOS Classification, Error Correction, and Anchor Selection on Resource-Constrained UWB Devices EWSN '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks 132-144 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hannah Brunner, Michael Stocker, Maximilian Peter Schuh, Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe Römer Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Wi-Fi 6E Interference on Ultra-Wideband Communications and Ranging Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) 92-104 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elisabeth Salomon, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe Römer Poster: Improving the Reliability of BLE Communications through Packet-level Adaptations on a Per-Channel Basis Publikation in PURE anzeigen