Abstract Submission Procedure

Please follow carefully the instructions how to submit the abstract. The submission deadline is October 20, 2015!
  1. THERMEC'2016 abstract submission tool

  2. Kindly click "create a new account" below which will take you to the page in which you need to enter your user name, password, and other details which are mandatory before going to the next page to submit your abstract.

    Attention: For data collection and then conference registration it is strongly recommended that only presenting authors create an account and submit their abstracts!

  3. Then Please click dot 2.) Submissions

  4. Actions: Create a new submission

  5. Abstract submission:

    • Title of submission
    • Preferred presentation type (please choose)- Topic: Select the topic area in which you wish to make presentation at THERMEC'2016
    • Alternative Topic (preferably click 00none)- Length limitation: 250 words
    • Abstract: Do NOT include tables, special characters, images, formulae, equations and Greek letters/symbols in the abstract. Write alpha, beta, gamma in text in place for Greek symbols. Subscripts and superscripts are possible!

    Attention: When you do copy&paste from a PDF please pay attention to copied word wraps!

  6. Presenting author: Just click in the field below "presenting author" and change to YES!

  7. Add a new author or co-author: Please add here all your co-authors.

  8. In the field Actions please click on the little arrow: With "move up" and "move down" you can change the order of the authors


The Program Committee will communicate with presenting author only via email. If you have received an invitation letter from the THERMEC'2016 Committee (either Prof. C. Sommitsch or Prof. T. Chandra via email or hard copy invitation) to make invited presentation at THERMEC'2016 only then please tick box (Invited Presenter) before submitting online. The THERMEC Committee will cross check its record of the invited presenters list before including the presentations in the final program.

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Submission Deadline
October 20, 2015

Dr. phil. Bettina Schreiner-Fößl
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Materials Science and Welding

Kopernikusgasse 24
8010 Graz, Austria

Fax: +43 (0) 316 873-7187