The late Professor Dr. Kenneth Easterling (Sweden) acted as the first Chairman of working activities on Numerical Analysis of Weldability, which started within the IIW-Commission IX in 1990. From these activities, the working group Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena in Commission IX emerged. This working group organised the first International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability in 1991 at the Castle Seggau near Graz, Austria. Prof. Easterling was Co-chairman of this seminar. Since then, a bi-annually conference is organised by the Institute for Materials Science, Joing and Forming of the Graz University of Technology, Austria, co- sponsored by IIW Commission IX and taking place at the same venue.
The award is given to the paper “which is valued by an international committee as the best contribution made over the two years proceeding on the advancement of knowledge or practice in respect of mathematical modelling of weld phenomena“.
The IIW Kenneth Easterling Award was sponsored by the Institute of Materials Science, Joining and Forming at TU Graz.
"A numerical study on the suppression of a detrimental weld pool profile in wire feed laser beam welding by magnetohydrodynamic technique"
X. Meng, A. Artinov, M. Bachmann, Ö. Üstündag, A. Gumenyuk, M. Rethmeier
The IIW Kenneth Easterling Award was sponsored by metals (an Open Access Journal by MDPI) and FWS (Förderverein der numerischen Analyse der Wärmebehandlungs- und Schweißprozesse).
"Multi-scale multiphysics simulation of metal L-PBF AM process and subsequent mechanical analysis"
M. Bayat, D. De Baere, S. Mohanty and J. H. Hattel
The IIW Kenneth Easterling Award was again sponsored by Fronius International GmbH.
"Improved resistance spot weldability of 3rd generation AHSS for automotive applications"
E. M. Van der Aa, M. Amirthalingam, J. Winter, D. N. Hanlon, M. J. M. Hermans, M. Rijnders, and I. M. Richardson
The IIW Kenneth Easterling Award was sponsored by Fronius International GmbH.
"OMS: A computer algorithm to develop closed-form solutions to multicoupled, multiphysics problems"
Patricio F. Mendez, Nicolas Stier
"New 3D-calculations of residual stresses consistent with measured results of the IIW round robin programme"
T. Loose, J. Sakkiettibutra, H. Wohlfahrt
"Sensitivity analysis of welding simulation depending on material properties value variation"
C. Schwenk, M. Rethmeier, K. Dilger, V. Michailov
"A Smart Bi-directional Modell of Heat Transfer and free Surface Flow in Glas Metall Arc Fillet Welding for Practicing Engineers"
A. Kumar, W. Zhang, C.-H. Kim and T. DebRoy / Pennsylvania State University, USA
"Inverse Modelling of Fusion Welding Process"
V.A. Karkhin, A.S. Ilyin, V.V. Plochikhine, H.W. Bergmann
Bettina Schreiner-Foessl Phone: +43 316 873-1611 |