Born in 1959 at Feldbach in the Austrian Province of Styria. International gastronomic career, first Gault Millau award in 1988 (2 toques), advancement to one of Austria’s highest decorated chefs.

  • From the mid-nineties onwards, Johann Reisinger has been focusing on a strictly natural and authentic cuisine, exploring the trio of nature – delight- nutrition.
  • Co-founder of the “Schoenbrunn Seminars” for the preservation of traditional vegetable varieties.
  • Member of several leading networks that propagate natural flavor and savor, e.g. Arche Noah (Austria), Slow Food (international) and others.
  • Since 2011 member of Slow Food’s Ark of Taste Commission for the conservation and promulgation of endangered products.

Freelance chef and lecturer since 1995.

My intention is to maximize the minimum:

My cuisine is made up of plain and pure elements only – food where nothing has been added to, forced upon or corrected.

That is why I never add something, I only put together what intrinsically belongs together to create utmost delight. Thus the dish that is served is something radical by its nature – a radically natural cuisine.