This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958267.

EU - FlashPhos - Complete thermochemical recysling of sewage sludge

 Project: Research project

Project Details


FlashPhos is a demand-driven industrial innovation action following a circular economy approach aiming to design, construct, test and optimise an industrial test facility at an average TRL of 6-7 to recover the CRM white phosphorus, a climate-friendly alternative cement and other valuable materials from sewage sludge and other problematic wastes.
The FlashPhos consortium is a multi-disciplinary European team of renowned partners from 3 large industrial companies, 9 SMEs, 2 NGOs and 2 universities, with all necessary know-how to fulfil the afore-mentioned tasks. The consortium has contact with relevant EU industries (e.g. phosphorus, metal, chemical, waste management and technique) and authorities.
FlashPhos will contribute to all six EIP on raw materials objectives by developing an innovative process in a pilot action to recycle industrial wastes, producing a CRM and alternative raw materials, reducing CO2 emissions and turning even contaminants into useful products. Thus the process will foster circular economy and reduce the burden on the environment and society.
Assuming growing sludge amounts in Europe and the EU’s commitment to P-recovery, FlashPhos will be able to recycle 1.5 Mt/a of sewage sludge dry matter by 2050, corresponding to 15% of the current sludge amount. Subsequently FlashPhos will generate enough white phosphorus to cover the entire European demand. The production of alternative cement and the use of renewable energy in cement production will save the emission of 1.8 Mt CO2 per year. Additional CO2-savings are achieved by rerouting sewage sludge from land use, landfill or inefficient incineration to FlashPhos.
All FlashPhos partners will use their knowledge gained in the project to participate in the exploitation of FlashPhos by marked launch, planning, consulting, providing plant technology and hardware as well as product sales, thus strengthening their own position on the market and Europe's independence from external suppliers. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958267.

Status Active
Effective start/ end date 1/05/21 → 30/04/25

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