Dino Zrnic and Günter BrennWeakly nonlinear shape oscillations of viscoelastic dropsShow publication in PURE
Michael Beyer, Conrad Stacey and Günter BrennA Mixed Convection Model for Estimating the Critical Velocity to Prevent Smoke Backlayering in TunnelsShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette and Jean-Baptiste Le GacA novel experimental approach to study drop-particle collisionsShow publication in PURE
Christoph Irrenfried, Uwe Schichler and Günter BrennExperiments and simulations on the aerodynamic behavior of an ionic wind propulsion system for aircraft2024 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Applications, ICHVE 2024 - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, K. Schäfer, A. Ennemoser, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Günter BrennHybrid aeroacoustic investigation of turbulent 90◦ pipe bend flow with source terms from Large-Eddy SimulationShow publication in PURE
Alireza Jafarinia, Vahid Badeli, Thomas Krispel, Gian Marco Melito, Günter Brenn, Alice Reinbacher-Köstinger, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Thomas HochrainerModeling Anisotropic Electrical Conductivity of Blood: Translating Microscale Effects of Red Blood Cell Motion into a Macroscale Property of BloodShow publication in PURE
Christoph Irrenfried and Helfried SteinerModulation of Turbulence Flux Budgets by Varying Fluid Properties in Heated High Prandtl Number FlowERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation69-74Show publication in PURE
J. Tieber, H. Steiner, P. Maurerlehner, S. Schoder, M. Kaltenbacher and G. BrennAeroacoustic Source Terms from Turbulent Flow Through a 90° Pipe Bend Predicted by Large-Eddy SimulationDirect and Large Eddy Simulation XIII 177-182Show publication in PURE
L. Sufrà and H. SteinerA Posteriori LES of Forced Convection Along Heated and Cooled Walls with Temperature-Dependent Fluid PropertiesDirect and Large Eddy Simulation XIII75-80Show publication in PURE
Dino Zrnic and Günter BrennNonlinear effects in viscoelastic drop shape oscillationsShow publication in PURE
Christoph Irrenfried and Helfried SteinerModulation of Turbulence Flux Budgets by Varying Fluid Properties in Heated High Prandtl Number FlowShow publication in PURE
Martin Smuda, Florian Kummer, Martin Oberlack, Dino Zrnic and Günter BrennFrom weakly to strongly nonlinear viscous drop shape oscillations: An analytical and numerical studyShow publication in PURE
Dino Miše, Christoph Irrenfried, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Hrvoje KozmarWind-driven natural ventilation of cubic buildings in rural and suburban areasShow publication in PURE
Christoph Irrenfried and Helfried SteinerEffect of Near Wall Variation of Fluid Properties on the Nusselt Number in Forced Turbulent Convection at High Molecular Prandtl Number9th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC) 801-809Show publication in PURE
Alireza Jafarinia, Gian Marco Melito, Thomas Stephan Müller, Malte Rolf-Pissarczyk, Gerhard Holzapfel, Günter Brenn, Katrin Ellermann and Thomas HochrainerMorphological parameters affecting false lumen thrombosis following type B aortic dissection: a systematic study based on simulations of idealized modelsShow publication in PURE
Simon Kebinger, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennExtended integral boundary layer method for reactive species mass transfer in rotating filmsShow publication in PURE
Johanna Potyka, Kathrin Schulte and Carole PlanchetteLiquid distribution after head-on separation of two colliding immiscible liquid dropletsShow publication in PURE
Vjacseszlav Medvid, Helfried Steiner, Christoph Irrenfried, Michael Feuchter and Günter BrennComputational modelling of the separation of molten polymer blends by a centrifugal techniqueShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner, Hannes Hinterbichler and Günter BrennSelf-Similar Pressure-Atomized Sprays with Heat and Mass TransferShow publication in PURE
Gian Marco Melito, Alireza Jafarinia, Thomas Stephan Müller, Malte Rolf-Pissarczyk, Gerhard Holzapfel, Günter Brenn, Thomas Hochrainer and Katrin EllermannDevelopment of a reduced-order model for understanding FL thrombosis in type B aortic dissection using a global sensitivity analysis and polynomial chaos expansionProceedings of the 7th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (ECCOMAS YIC 2023) CreatorsShow publication in PURE
Francesco Marangon, David Baumgartner and Carole PlanchetteIn-Air Microfluidic Strategy for the Production of Sodium Alginate Fibers with Regular Inclusions at Very High ThroughputShow publication in PURE
D. Bothe, M. Niethammer, Christian Pilz and Günter BrennOn the molecular mechanism behind the bubble rise velocity jump discontinuity in viscoelastic liquidsShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Johannes Tieber, Clemens Freidhager, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn, Karl-Heinz Schäfer, Andreas Ennemoser and Manfred KaltenbacherAeroacoustic formulations for confined flows based on incompressible flow dataShow publication in PURE
Lorenzo Sufra and Helfried SteinerForced Turbulent Convection Along Heated and Cooled Walls With Variable Fluid PropertiesShow publication in PURE
D. Bothe, M. Niethammer and Günter BrennOn the velocity jump discontinuity for single bubbles rising in a viscoelastic fluidShow publication in PURE
Alexander Kospach and Christoph IrrenfriedTruck Platoon Slipstream Effects AssessmentEnergy-Efficient and Semi-automated Truck Platooning57-68Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Lechner, Almir Cajic, Bernhard Fischbacher, Alexander Kospach, Alexander Mladek, Peter Sammer, Christoph Zitz, Michael Zotz and Christoph IrrenfriedValidation of Truck Platoon Slipstream EffectsEnergy-Efficient and Semi-automated Truck Platooning69–88Show publication in PURE
Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Günter BrennAEROACOUSTIC SOURCE TERMS FROM TURBULENT FLOW THROUGH A 90◦ PIPE BEND PREDICTED BY LARGE-EDDY SIMULATIONShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn and Manfred KaltenbacherComparison of aeroacoustic formulations for coupling of confined flows with the flow-guiding structureShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Johannes Tieber, Stefan Schoder, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn and Manfred KaltenbacherAeroacoustic formulations for coupling of confined flows with the flow-guiding structureShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn and Manfred KaltenbacherComparison of aeroacoustic formulations for coupling of confined flows with the flow-guiding structureTagungsband der DAGA 2022Show publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Johannes Tieber, Stefan Schoder, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn, Florian Toth and Manfred KaltenbacherAeroacoustic formulations for coupling of confined flows with the flow-guiding structureProceedings of the 24th International Congress on AcousticsShow publication in PURE
Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Günter BrennAeroacoustic sources in turbulent flow through a 90° pipe bend predicted by Large-Eddy SimulationTagungsband DAGA1230-1233Show publication in PURE
Gregor Plohl, Mathieu Jannet and Carole PlanchetteUnjamming strongly compressed rafts: Effects of the compression directionShow publication in PURE
Vahid Badeli, Alireza Jafarinia, Gian Marco Melito, Thomas Stephan Müller, Alice Reinbacher-Köstinger, Thomas Hochrainer, Günter Brenn, Katrin Ellermann, Oszkar Biro and Manfred KaltenbacherMonitoring of false lumen thrombosis in type B aortic dissection by impedance cardiography - A multiphysics simulation studyShow publication in PURE
Sascha Ranftl, Thomas Stephan Müller, Ursula Windberger, Günter Brenn and Wolfgang von der LindenA Bayesian approach to blood rheological uncertainties in aortic hemodynamicsShow publication in PURE
David Baumgartner, Günter Brenn and Carole PlanchetteUniversality of stretching separationShow publication in PURE
Dino Zrnic and Günter BrennThe characteristic equation of an oscillating viscoelastic dropILASS–Europe 2022, 31th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray SystemsShow publication in PURE
David Baumgartner, Günter Brenn and Carole PlanchetteViscoelastic effects probed by drop-jet collisionsShow publication in PURE
Dino Zrnic, Peter Berglez and Günter BrennWeakly nonlinear shape oscillations of a Newtonian dropShow publication in PURE
Ronan Bernard, David Baumgartner, Günter Brenn, Carole Planchette, Bernhard Weigand and Grazia LamannaMiscibility and wettability: how interfacial tension influences droplet impact onto thin wall filmsShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn and Manfred KaltenbacherValidation setup for the investigation of aeroacoustic and vibroacoustic sound emission of confined turbulent flowsShow publication in PURE
Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder and Andreas EnnemoserFlow-induced noise in turbulent pipe flow with aeroacoustic source terms from Large-Eddy SimulationShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn and Manfred KaltenbacherNumerical prediction of sound emission of confined flows based on a hybrid approachShow publication in PURE
Dino Zrnic, Günter Brenn, S. Akbari, M. Smuda, F. Kummer, D. Plümacher, Y. Wang and M. OberlackShape oscillations of inviscid liquid drops - nonlinear effectsShow publication in PURE
Douglas Ramalho Queiroz Pacheco, Thomas Stephan Müller, Olaf Steinbach and Günter BrennOn outflow boundary conditions in finite element simulations of non-Newtonian internal flowsShow publication in PURE
David Baumgartner, Günter Brenn and Carole PlanchetteIn-air microfluidics: regimes and transitionShow publication in PURE
Gian Marco Melito, Thomas Stephan Müller, Vahid Badeli, Katrin Ellermann, Günter Brenn and Alice Reinbacher-KöstingerSensitivity analysis study on the effect of the fluid mechanics assumptions for the computation of electrical conductivity of flowing human bloodShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Sebastian Floss, Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn and Manfred KaltenbacherValidation setup for the investigation of aeroacoustic and vibroacoustic sound emission of confined turbulent flowsProceedings of INTER-NOISE 2021 - 2021 International Congress and Exposition of Noise Control EngineeringShow publication in PURE
Louise Cottier, Günter Brenn and Marie-Charlotte RenoultInitial conditions to study the temporal behavior of a viscoelastic liquid jet under perturbationShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn and Manfred KaltenbacherValidation setup for the investigation of aeroacoustic and vibroacoustic sound emission of confined turbulent flowsShow publication in PURE
Dino Zrnic and Günter BrennWeakly nonlinear shape oscillations of inviscid dropsShow publication in PURE
Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn and Manfred KaltenbacherNumerical prediction of sound emission of confined flows based on a hybrid approachTagungsband der DAGA 2021Show publication in PURE
Johannes Tieber, Helfried Steiner, Paul Maurerlehner, Stefan Schoder, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Günter BrennAeroacoustic sources in turbulent flow through a pipe with a sharp orifice predicted by Large-Eddy SimulationTagungsband der DAGA 2021971 - 974Show publication in PURE
Hannes Hinterbichler, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennSelf-similar sprays with heat and mass transferProc. 15th Triennal Int. Conf. Liquid Atomization and Spray Syst. (ICLASS)Show publication in PURE
David Baumgartner, Günter Brenn and Carole PlanchetteHow viscosity influences the outcome of collisions between liquid droplets and another immiscible liquid jet5th International Conference on Droplets, Book of abstractsShow publication in PURE
S. Akbari, D. Plümacher, Dino Zrnic, Günter Brenn, M. Smuda, F. Kummer, Y. Wang and M. OberlackNonlinear shape oscillations of inviscid liquid droplets5th International Conference on Droplets, Book of abstractsShow publication in PURE
David Baumgartner, Günter Brenn and Carole PlanchetteEffects of viscosity on liquid structures produced by in-air microfluidicsShow publication in PURE
Alireza Jafarinia, Thomas Stephan Müller, Ursula Windberger, Günter Brenn and Thomas HochrainerBlood Rheology Influence on False Lumen Thrombosis in Type B Aortic DissectionShow publication in PURE
David Baumgartner, Günter Brenn and Carole PlanchetteThe influence of viscosity on the outcome of collisions between liquid droplets and another immiscible liquid jetShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Ulrich MüllerStrömungen mit mehreren PhasenPrandtl - Führer durch die StrömungslehreShow publication in PURE
David Baumgartner, Ronan Bernard, Bernhard Weigand, Grazia Lamanna, Günter Brenn and Carole PlanchetteInfluence of liquid miscibility and wettability on the structures produced by drop-jet collisionsShow publication in PURE
Lorenzo Sufra and Helfried SteinerA Priori Assessment of Subgrid‑Scale Models and Numerical Error in Forced Convective Flow at High Prandtl NumbersShow publication in PURE
Hannes Hinterbichler, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennSelf-similar pressure-atomized spraysShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachConvective turbulent near wall heat transfer at high Prandtl numbersShow publication in PURE
Bidzina M. Shergelashvili, Velentin N. Melnik, Grigol Dididze, Horst Fichtner, Günter Brenn, Stefaan Poedts, Holger Foysi, Maxim L. Khodachenko and Teimuraz V. ZaqarahviliA new class of discontinuous solar wind solutionsShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and M. StelterA generalized Ohnesorge nomogram for liquid jet breakup regimesShow publication in PURE
Dino Golubic, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Hrvoje KozmarWind-tunnel analysis of natural ventilation in a generic building in sheltered and unsheltered conditions: Impact of Reynolds number and wind directionShow publication in PURE
Matthias Niethammer, Günter Brenn, Holger Marschall and Dieter BotheAn extended volume of fluid method and its application to single bubbles rising in a viscoelastic liquidShow publication in PURE
Hakon Line, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennExperimental validation of analytical models for liquid film breakup on rotating substratesShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner, Christoph Irrenfried and Günter BrennNear-Wall Determination of the Turbulent Prandtl Number Based on Experiments, Numerical Simulation and Analytical ModelsShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner and Christoph IrrenfriedModelling of thermal wall boundary conditions with temperature-dependent material properties for use in RANSShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Francesco Marangon, Wen Kai Hsiao and Günter BrennBreakup of asymmetric liquid ligamentsShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner and Christoph IrrenfriedThermal two-layer wall function model with variable fluid propertiesShow publication in PURE
Manuel Kreimer, Isabella Aigner, Stephan Sacher, Markus Krumme, T. Mannschott, Peter van der Wel, A. Kaptein, Hartmuth Schröttner, Günter Brenn and Johannes KhinastMechanical strength of microspheres produced by drying of acoustically levitated suspension dropletsShow publication in PURE
Pascal Bader, Manuel Pschernig, Wolfgang Sanz, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Günter Brenn and Walter MeileExperimental Investigation of Boundary Layer Relaminarization in Accelerated FlowShow publication in PURE
Miriam Wimmer-Teubenbacher, Carole Planchette, Heinz Pichler, Daniel Markl, Wen Kai Hsiao, Amrit Paudel and Sven StegemannPharmaceutical-grade oral films as substrates for printed medicineShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Anne-Laure BianceRupture of granular rafts: effects of particle mobility and polydispersityShow publication in PURE
Sylvain Petit, Hannes Hinterbichler, Günter Brenn and Carole PlanchetteDrops and jet collisions and fragmentationShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, E. Lorenceau and Anne-Laure BianceDrop impacts onto particle rafts: effects of particle mobility and polydispersityShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Sylvain Petit, Hannes Hinterbichler and Günter BrennCollisions of drops with an immiscible liquid jetShow publication in PURE
Marie-Charlotte Renoult, Günter Brenn, Gregor Plohl and Innocent MutabaziWeakly nonlinear instability of a Newtonian liquid jetShow publication in PURE
Marie-Charlotte Renoult, Günter Brenn, Gregor Plohl and Innocent MutabaziWeakly nonlinear instability of a Newtonian liquid jet - SupplementShow publication in PURE
Hannes Hinterbichler, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennDynamics of consumer spraysShow publication in PURE
Hannes Hinterbichler, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennSelf-similarity in consumer spraysShow publication in PURE
Hannes Hinterbichler, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennTropfendynamik in SpraysShow publication in PURE
Walter Meile, Günter Brenn, Pascal Bader, Manuel Pschernig, Wolfgang Sanz, Jakob Woisetschläger and Franz HeitmeirBoundary Layer Relaminarization in Accelerated Flow: an Experimental InvestigationShow publication in PURE
Paul Bergelt, Lars Hillemann, Frank Bierkandt, Sandra Wagener, Jutta Tentschert, Emilia Visileanu, Hannes Hinterbichler, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn, Felipe Goni de Cerio, Joseph David Brain and Michael StintzCharacterization of spray aerosols generated from particle-free solutions and nano-particle containing suspensions (NANOaers)Show publication in PURE
Günter BrennAnalytical Solutions for Transport Processes978-3-662-51421-4Show publication in PURE
Claudio Kotnig, Laurent Tavian and Günter BrennInvestigation and performance assessment of hydraulic schemes for the beam screen cooling for the Future Circular Collider of hadron beamsProc. 26th Int. Cryogenic Engineering Conf. - Int. Cryogenic Materials Conf. 2016Show publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Hannes Hinterbichler, M. Liu, D. Bothe and Günter BrennColliding drops as coalescing and fragmenting liquid springsShow publication in PURE
Mahdi Saeedipour, Simon Schneiderbauer, Gregor Plohl, Günter Brenn and Stefan PirkerMultiscale simulations and experiments on water jet atomizationShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Gregor PlohlThe formation of drops from viscoelastic liquid jets and sheets - an overviewShow publication in PURE
Sanjin Saric, Andreas Ennemoser, Branislav Basara, Heinz Petutschnig, Christoph Irrenfried, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennImproved Modeling of Near-Wall Heat Transport for Cooling of Electric and Hybrid Powertrain Components by High Prandtl Number FlowShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Annalisa Mercuri, Lorenzo Arcangeli, Manfred Kriechbaum and Peter LaggnerSelf-emulsification of Lipidic Drug Delivery System in Pure Water and in Concentrated Glycerol SolutionShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, A.A. Kozlov, I.N. Borovik and E.A. StrokachFuel Preparation and Combustion in Rocket and Jet EnginesShow publication in PURE
Marie-Charlotte Renoult, Günter Brenn, Gregor Plohl and Innocent MutabaziWeakly nonlinear instability of a viscous liquid jet88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Book of abstracts353-355Show publication in PURE
Christoph Irrenfried and Helfried SteinerDNS based analytical P-function model for RANS with heat transfer at high Prandtl numbersShow publication in PURE
Matthias August Franz GsellMortar Domain Decomposition Methods for Quasilinear Problems and Applications978-3-85125-522-5Show publication in PURE
Christian KühnSchrödinger operators and singular infinite rank pertubations987-3-85125-551-5Show publication in PURE
C. Kotnig, L. Tavian and G. BrennAdaption of the LHC cold mass cooling system to the requirements of the Future Circular Collider (FCC)Show publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Anne-Laure BinaceDrop impacts onto assemblies of mobile and fixed particlesShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Hannes Hinterbichler and Günter BrennDrop Stream – Immiscible Jet Collisions: Regimes and Fragmentation MechanismsShow publication in PURE
Walter Meile, Thomas Ladinek, Günter Brenn, Aaron Reppenhagen and Anton FuchsNon-symmetric bi-stable flow around the Ahmed bodyShow publication in PURE
Emil Baric and Helfried SteinerExtended lubrication theory for generalized Couette flow through converging gapsShow publication in PURE
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Walter Meile and Günter BrennDetecting Transition in Flat Plate Flow with Laser Interferometric VibrometryShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Heinz Pichler, Miriam Wimmer-Teubenbacher, Michael Gruber, Heidrun Gruber-Wölfler, Stefan Mohr, Caroline Tetyczka, Wen Kai Hsiao, Amrit Paudel, Eva Roblegg and Johannes KhinastPrinting medicines as orodispersible dosage forms: Effect of substrate on the printed micro-structureShow publication in PURE
Pauline Petit, Anne-Laure Biance, Elise Lorenceau and Carole PlanchetteBending modulus of bidisperse rafts: Local and collective contributionsShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Pauline Petit, Anne-Laure Biance and Elise LorenceauElasticity of bidisperse particle raftsShow publication in PURE
Marie-Charlotte Renoult, Günter Brenn and Innocent MutabaziNonlinear instability of a viscous liquid jetProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics591-592Show publication in PURE
Christoph Irrenfried and Helfried SteinerDNS of a turbulent heated pipe flow at high Prandtl numbers revisiting the P-functionProceedings of the 11th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM11)Show publication in PURE
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Walter Meile and Günter BrennDetecting Transition in Flat Plate Flow with Laser Interferometric Vibrometry (LIV)Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2016Show publication in PURE
Pascal Bader, Manuel Pschernig, Wolfgang Sanz, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Walter Meile and Günter BrennFlat-plate boundary layers in accelerated flowProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2016Show publication in PURE
Hakon Bartnes Line, Helfried Steiner, Philipp Engesser and Günter BrennFilm breakup into rivulets on rotating disksProc. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2016Show publication in PURE
Hakon Bartnes Line, Helfried Steiner, Philipp Engesser and Günter BrennFilm breakup into rivulets on rotating disksShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Hannes Hinterbichler and Günter BrennTernary drop collisionsProc. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2016Show publication in PURE
Marie-Charlotte Renoult, Günter Brenn and Innocent MutabaziWeakly nonlinear instability of a Newtonian liquid jetProceedings 27th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray SystemsShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Hannes Hinterbichler and Carole PlanchetteThe onset of fragmentation in ternary drop collisionsProceedings 27th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray SystemsShow publication in PURE
Elias KarabelasSpace-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Cardiac Electromechanics978-3-85125-461-7Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Marie-Charlotte Renoult and Innocent MutabaziNonlinear instability of a viscous liquid jetShow publication in PURE
Thomas TraubA Kernel Interpolation Based Fast Multipole Method for Elastodynamic Problems987-3-85125-465-5Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Helfried Steiner, István Kondor, Carole Planchette, Annalisa Mercuri and Georg ScharrerA model for the non-isothermal drying of particle-laden pastesShow publication in PURE
Branislav BasaraFluid flow and conjugate heat transfer in a matrix of surface-mounted cubes: A PANS studyShow publication in PURE
Christian Walchshofer and Helfried SteinerComputational investigation of the stability of a lifted strongly buoyant jet flameShow publication in PURE
Hannes Hinterbichler, Carole Planchette and Günter BrennTernary drop collisionsShow publication in PURE
Storm Dunker, Walter Meile and Günter BrennExperimentations in line vibrations and associated drag for kitesShow publication in PURE
G. Minilli, Sinisa Krajnovic and Branislav BasaraActuation of the Flow Field around a Frontstep With a Rounded Leading EdgeProceedings of the Int. Symp. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 8---Show publication in PURE
Emil Baric and Helfried SteinerExtended lubrication theory for generalized Couette flow through converging gaps21st ERCOFTAC ADA PC Meeting---Show publication in PURE
Walter Meile, Bernd Langensteiner and Günter BrennNatural ventilation of a residential building storey: An experimental and numerical studyShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Gregor PlohlThe oscillating drop method for measuring the deformation retardation time of viscoelastic liquidsShow publication in PURE
Branislav Basara and Sinisa KrajnovicA further enhancement of the PANS method for calculations with moving meshes or with transient boundariesProceedings of the Int. Symp. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 8---Show publication in PURE
Branislav BasaraPANS Method as a Computational Framework from an Industrial PerspectiveNotes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 130, Proc. of 5th Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods3-17Show publication in PURE
Matthias Rainer, Gundolf Haase, Branislav Basara and Günter OffnerShape Optimization by an Adjoint Solver based on a near-wall Turbulence Model2015-01-13581-15Show publication in PURE
C.-Y. Chang, S. Jakirlic, Branislav Basara and C. TropeaPredictive Capability Assessment of the PANS–zeta-f Model of Turbulence: Part II: Application to Swirling and Tumble/Mean-Compression FlowsNotes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 130, Proc. of 5th Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods385-398Show publication in PURE
S.M. Frolov, V.S. Ivanov, Branislav Basara, P. Priesching and M. SuffaIgnition and Combustion Model for Explicit Flame TrackingProceedings of the Int. Symp. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 8---Show publication in PURE
S. Saric, Branislav Basara and M. ZunicAdvanced near-wall modelling for engine heat transferProceedings of the Int. Symp. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 8---Show publication in PURE
Maryam Mirzaei, Sinisa Krajnovic and Branislav BasaraPartially Averaged Navier-Stokes; Large Eddy Simulation; PANS; LES; Ahmed bodyShow publication in PURE
S. Sanjin and Branislav BasaraA hybrid wall heat transfer model for IC engine simulationsShow publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, G. Minilli and Branislav BasaraPartially-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations of Two Bluff Body FlowsShow publication in PURE
Christoph AugustinClassical and All-floating FETI Methods with Applications to Biomechanical Models978-3-85125-418-1Show publication in PURE
Branislav BasaraFluid Flow and Heat Transfer calculations in a matrix of surface-mounted cubesProc. of the 1st Thermal and Fluid Engineering Summer ConferenceFRESC-13177Show publication in PURE
S. Sanjin and Branislav BasaraAdvanced near wall heat transfer modelling for in-cylinder flowsShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Helfried Steiner, Carole Planchette, István Kondor and Annalisa MercuriDie Trocknung partikelbeladener PastenProceedings ProcessNet Meeting of Experts "Drying Technology''34-34Show publication in PURE
C.-Y. Chang, S. Jakirlic, Branislav Basara and C. TropeaPredictive Capability Assessment of the PANS–zeta-f Model of Turbulence: Part I: Physical Rationale by Reference to Wall-Bounded Flows Including SeparationNotes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 130, Proc. of 5th Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods371-383Show publication in PURE
Emil Baric and Helfried SteinerExtended lubrication theory for generalized Couette flow through converging gapsShow publication in PURE
Heinz Pichler, Carole Planchette, Miriam Wimmer-Teubenbacher, Amrit Paudel, Wen Kai Hsiao, Sven Stegemann and Johannes G. KhinastPrinted medicine for personalized applicationsShow publication in PURE
Gregor Plohl and Günter BrennThe oscillating drop method for measuring a polymeric time scaleShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner, Emil Baric and Günter BrennExtended lubrication theory for generalized Couette flow through converging gapsProceedings Conference of Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF'15)Paper No.-42Show publication in PURE
Zhong Liu, Shanwen Tan and Günter BrennNumerical study for shape oscillation of free viscoelastic drop using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methodShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Helfried Steiner, Carole Planchette, István Kondor and Annalisa MercuriDie Trocknung partikelbeladener Pasten (The drying of particle-laden pastes)Show publication in PURE
Gregor Plohl and Günter BrennThe oscillating drop method for measuring a polymeric time scaleProceedings Conference of Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF'15)Paper No.-39Show publication in PURE
Storm Dunker, Walter Meile and Günter BrennExperimentations in line vibrations and associated drag for kitesProceedings 23rd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and SeminarAIAA2015-2154Show publication in PURE
Emil Baric and Helfried SteinerFlow and heat transfer of non-Newtonian fluids in enameling diesShow publication in PURE
Walter Meile, Bernd Langensteiner and Günter BrennNatural ventilation of a residential building storey: An experimental and numerical studyProceedings Conference of Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF'15)Paper No.-24Show publication in PURE
Emil Baric, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennExtended lubrication theory for generalized Couette flow through converging gapsShow publication in PURE
Emil Baric, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennDie Strömung nicht-Newtonscher Fluide durch Düsen zur LackdrahtherstellungShow publication in PURE
R. Kopun, D. Zhang, W. Edelbauer, B. Stauder, Branislav Basara and D. GreifImmersion Quenching Simulation of Realistic Cylinder Head GeometryShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Helfried Steiner, Carole Planchette, István Kondor, Annalisa Mercuri and Georg ScharrerTrocknung partikelbeladener Pasten (drying of particle-laden pastes)Proc. ProcessNet Meeting of Experts "Heat and Mass Transfer''paper-5Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Patrick SalmanSpray formation by centrifugal flow instabilityShow publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Bernd Langensteiner, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and S. KerschbaumerAir change rates driven by the flow around and through a building storey with fully open or tilted windowsShow publication in PURE
Zoran Pavlovic, Stefan Scheidl, Wilfried Edelbauer, Branislav Basara, Günter Brenn and Suad JakirlicNumerical investigation of the liquid core length in sprays with fully turbulent boundary conditionsProceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems47--Show publication in PURE
S. Jakirlic, L. Kutej, D. Hanssmann, Branislav Basara and C. TropeaRear-end shape influence on the aerodynamic properties of a realistic car model: a RANS and LES/RANS studyShow publication in PURE
Emil Baric and Helfried SteinerGeneralized Couette flow of Non-Newtonian fluids including heat transferShow publication in PURE
S.R. Gopireddy, R.M. Humza, Erich Wimmer, Günter Brenn and E. GutheilModeling and simulation of water and PVP/water evaporating spray flows using the direct quadrature method of momentsShow publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Bernd Langensteiner, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and S. KerschbaumerAir change rates driven by the flow around and through a building storey with fully open or tilted windowsProceedings of the ANSYS Conference & 9. CADFEM Austria Users' Meeting---Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachMichael Meßner: A Fast Multipole Galerkin Boundary Element Method for the Transient Heat Equation978-3-85125-350-4Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachHannah Weisbecker: Softening and Damage Behavior of Human Arteries978-3-85125-370-2Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachBernhard Kager: Efficient Convolution Quadrature based Boundary Element Formulation for Time-Domain Elastodynamics978-3-85125-382-5Show publication in PURE
S. Jakirlic, L. Kutej, Branislav Basara and C. TropeaComputational Study of the Aerodynamics of a Realistic Car Model by Means of RANS and Hybrid RANS/LES ApproachesShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachLorenz Johannes John: Optimal Boundary control in Energy Spaces978-3-85125-373-3Show publication in PURE
C.-Y. Chang, S. Jakirlic, K. Dietrich, Branislav Basara and C. TropeaSwirling flow in a tube with variably-shaped outlet orifices: an LES and VLES studyShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Helfried Steiner, Carole Planchette, István Kondor, Annalisa Mercuri and Georg ScharrerTrocknung partikelbeladener Pasten (drying of particle-laden pastes)Show publication in PURE
Emil Baric, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennFlow and heat transfer of non-Newtonian fluids in enamelling diesShow publication in PURE
Gregor Plohl and Günter BrennMeasurement of a polymeric time scale with oscillating dropsShow publication in PURE
Emil Baric, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennDie Strömung nicht Newtonscher Fluide durch Düsen zur Lackdrahtherstellung (the flow of non-Newtonian fluids through magnet wire enamelling dies)Proc. ProcessNet Meeting of Experts "CFD", "Mixing Processes", and "Rheology"paper-5Show publication in PURE
Branislav BasaraAn extension and further validation of the PANS method in industrially relevant flowsProceedings WCCM XI, ECCM V, ECFD VI---Show publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Bernd Langensteiner, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Sybill KerschbaumerAir change rates driven by the flow around and through a building storey with fully open or tilted windows: An experimental and numerical studyShow publication in PURE
Gregor Plohl and Günter BrennMeasurement of a polymeric time scale with oscillating dropsProceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems167--Show publication in PURE
Zoran Pavlovic, Stefan Scheidl, Wilfried Edelbauer, Branislav Basara, Günter Brenn and Suad JakirlicNumerical investigation of the liquid core length in sprays with fully turbulent boundary conditionsShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Patrick SalmanSpray formation by centrifugal flow instabilityProceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems195--Show publication in PURE
Christoph Irrenfried, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennDirect numerical simulation of turbulent heated pipe flow at high Prandtl numbersShow publication in PURE
Erich Wimmer and Günter BrennViskose Durchströmung von Drall-Druck-ZerstäubernProceedings ProcessNet Meeting of Experts "Multiphase Flow"paper-11Show publication in PURE
Günter BrennLinear and nonlinear drop shape oscillationsProc. DIPSI Workshop 2013 - Droplet impact phenomena & spray investigations---Show publication in PURE
M. Ertl, N. Roth, Günter Brenn, H. Gomaa and B. WeigandSimulations and experiments on shape oscillations of Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquid dropletsShow publication in PURE
Erich Wimmer and Günter BrennViscous flow through the swirl chamber of a pressure-swirl atomizerShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Stephan TeichtmeisterLinear shape oscillations and polymeric time scales of viscoelastic dropsShow publication in PURE
Simon Fraser, Michael Gruber, Johannes Khinast, Wolfgang Bauer, Günter Brenn and Andreas ZimmerDas Drucken patientenspezifischer pharmazeutischer Formulierungen - Technischer Ansatz für zukünftige AnwendungenShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette and Günter BrennCharacterisation of screen printable pastes and resulting thick films: application to electrochemical sensorsShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Anne-Laure Biance, Olivier Pitois and Elise LorenceauCoalescence of armoured interface under impactShow publication in PURE
S.M. Frolov, V.S. Ivanov, Branislav Basara and M. SuffaNumerical Simulation of Flame Propagation and Localized Preflame Autoignition in EnclosuresShow publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Bernd Langensteiner, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and S. KerschbaumerFlow around and through a building storey with fully opened or tilted windowsProceedings of the 2nd Central European Symposium of Building Physics717-724Show publication in PURE
S.M. Frolov, M. Emans, V.S. Ivanov, Branislav Basara, V.V. Leshevich and O.G. Penyazkov3D simulation of hydrogen ignition in a rapid compression machineShow publication in PURE
Z. Pavlovic, S. Jakirlic, C. Tropea and Branislav BasaraPrimary Breakup Modelling Within the LES FrameworkProc. of 25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - ILASS855-862Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachJonathan Rohleder: Titchmarsh-Weyl Theory and Inverse Problems for Elliptic Differential Operators978-3-85125-283-5Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachPeng Li: Boundary Element Method for Wave Propagtion in Partially Saturated Poroelastic Continua978-3-85125-236-1Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachVladimir Lotoreichik: Singular Values and Trace Formulae for Resolvent Power Differences of Self-Adjoint Elliptic Operators978-3-85125-304-7Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachJianhua Tong: Biomechanics of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms978-3-85125-279-8Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachThomas S.E. Eriksson: Cardiovascular Mechanics978-3-85125-277-4Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachMichael J. Unterberger: Microstructurally-Motivated Constitutive Modeling of Cross-Linked Filamentous Actin Networks978-3-85125-303-0Show publication in PURE
Günter BrennShape oscillations of drops of complex liquidsProceedings of the 25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems---Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachMartin Neumüller: Space-Time Methods978-3-85125-290-3Show publication in PURE
Nikolett Kiss, Günter Brenn, Daniele Suzzi, Stefan Scheler, Herwig Jennewein, Juliana Wieser and Johannes KhinastThe Influence of Process Parameters on the Properties of PLGA-Microparticles Produced by the Emulsion Extraction MethodShow publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Bernd Langensteiner, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and S. KerschbaumerFlow around and through a building storey with fully opened or tilted windowsShow publication in PURE
Doris Prieling and Helfried SteinerAnalysis of the wall mass transfer on spinning disks using an integral boundary layer methodShow publication in PURE
Andreas Jörg SchrieflQuantification of Collagen Fiber Morphologies in Human Arterial Walls: Novel Experimental Methodologies yielding 2D and 3D Structural Data978-3-85125-238-5Show publication in PURE
Doris Prieling and Helfried SteinerUnsteady thin film flow on spinning disks at large Ekman numbers using an integral boundary layer methodShow publication in PURE
X. Chang, Sinisa Krajnovic and Branislav BasaraStudy of active flow control for a simple vehicle model using the PANS methodShow publication in PURE
M. Ertl, N. Roth, Günter Brenn, H. Gomaa and B. WeigandSimulations and experiments on shape oscillations of Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquid dropletsProceedings of the 25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray SystemsA1-3Show publication in PURE
S. Girimaji and Branislav BasaraModelling the cut-off scale supplying variable in bridging methods for turbulence flow simulationProc. of 4th Int. Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows---Show publication in PURE
C.-Y. Chang, K. Dietrich, S. Jakirlic, F. Wassermann, S. Grundmann, C. Tropea and Branislav BasaraSwirling flow in a tube with variably-shaped outlet orifices: an LES and VLES studyShow publication in PURE
Erich Wimmer and Günter BrennViskose Durchströmung von Drall-Druck-ZerstäubernShow publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Wolfgang Sinz, Günter Brenn and Florian FeistExperimental sphere-in-sphere testing for the validation of a numerical cerebrospinal fluid modelShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette and Günter BrennCharacterisation of screen printable pastes and resulting thick films: application to electrochemical sensorsProceedings 9th European Congress of Chemical Engineeringabstract-458Show publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Wolfgang Sinz, Günter Brenn and Florian FeistExperimental sphere-in-sphere testing for the validation of a numerical cerebrospinal fluid modelIRCOBI Conference Proceedings483-496Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Stephan TeichtmeisterBestimmung von Polymer-Retardationszeiten anhand linearer TropfenschwingungenShow publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa and Günter BrennThe convective drying of liquid films on slender wiresShow publication in PURE
Doris Prieling, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennNumerical analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics of wavy liquid films on rotating disksProceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering---Show publication in PURE
Walter Meile, Thomas Wanker and Günter BrennThe unsymmetric flow around the Ahmed bodyShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Stephan TeichtmeisterBestimmung von Polymer-Retardationszeiten anhand linearer TropfenschwingungenProc. ProcessNet Meeting of Experts "Rheology"---Show publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Walter Meile, Bernd Langensteiner, Günter Brenn and S. KerschbaumerAnalyse natürlicher Lüftungskonzepte für Wohngebäude durch Windkanalexperimente und numerische StrömungssimulationenShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Günter BrennThe onset of fragmentation in binary liquid drop collisionsShow publication in PURE
Walter MeileBericht über Windkanaluntersuchungen zum Projekt „Optimierung eines Prototyps für Fahrradlaufräder“Show publication in PURE
Erich Wimmer and Günter BrennViscous effects on flows through pressure-swirl atomizersProceedings of the 12th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ICLASS 2012---Show publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Walter Meile, Bernd Langensteiner and S. KerschbaumerProjektvorstellung "Native" - Analyse natürlicher Lüftungskonzepte für Wohngebäude durch Windkanal-Experimente und numerische StrömungssimulationenShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Stephan TeichtmeisterLinear oscillations of viscoelastic drops used for measuring the polymer retardation timeProceedings of the 12th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ICLASS 2012---Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, R. Larusson and Branislav BasaraSuperiority of PANS compared to LES in predicting a rudimentary landing gear flow with affordable meshesShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Anne-Laure BinaceTransition of liquid marble impacts onto solid surfacesShow publication in PURE
Branislav BasaraA rational approach to modeling turbulence in industrial flowsProceedings of 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering---Show publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Anne-Laure BianceSurface wave on a particle raftShow publication in PURE
Emil Baric, Ivo Dzijan and Hrvoje KozmarCOMPUTATIONAL SIMULATION OF WIND FLOW BEHIND A RECTANGULAR BUILDINGProceedings of 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of MechanicsShow publication in PURE
Christian Walchshofer and Helfried SteinerDNS-based investigation of the flow field of a lifted strongly buoyant jet flameProceedings of the Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF’12)---Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachMatthias Messner: Fast Boundary Element Methods in Acoustics978-3-85125-202-6Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachPeter Urthaler: Analysis of Boundary Element Methods for Wave Propagation in Porous Media978-3-85125-216-3Show publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Walter Meile, Bernd Langensteiner and S. KerschbaumerAnalyse natürlicher Lüftungskonzepte für Wohngebäude durch Windkanalexperimente und numerische StrömungssimulationenShow publication in PURE
Renate Teppner, Walter Meile, Bernd Langensteiner and S. KerschbaumerProjektvorstellung "Native" - Analyse natürlicher Lüftungskonzepte für Wohngebäude durch Windkanal-Experimente und numerische StrömungssimulationenProceedings of the ANSYS Conference & 7. CADFEM Austria Users' Meeting 2012--onlineShow publication in PURE
V. Srinivasan, D. Greif and Branislav BasaraOn the heat and mass transfer modelling to simulate quenching heat transfer processProceedings of the 6th Int. Quenching and Control of Distortion Conference---Show publication in PURE
Branislav BasaraAnalysis of the turbulent flow through a turn-around duct by contrasting different modeling approachesTurbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 7---Show publication in PURE
M. Emans, M. Zunic, Branislav Basara and S.M. FrolovA novel SIMPLE-based pressure-enthalpy coupling scheme for engine flow problemsShow publication in PURE
Emil Baric, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennFlow and Heat Transfer of non-Newtonian Fluids in Coating DiesShow publication in PURE
Walter MeileWindkanaluntersuchungen zur aerodynamischen Bewertung von Bobs und zur Ermittlung aerodynamisch günstiger RennhaltungenShow publication in PURE
Doris Prieling, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennIntegral analysis of the flow dynamics and mass transfer in a wavy liquid film on a spinning diskProc. Appl. Math. Mech.521-522Show publication in PURE
S. Jakirlic, C.-Y. Chang and Branislav BasaraComputation of IC-Engine-Type Flows by a Variable Resolution ModelShow publication in PURE
Walter Meile, Thomas Wanker and Günter BrennThe unsymmetric flow around the Ahmed bodyProceedings of the Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF’12)239-246Show publication in PURE
M. Emans, M. Liebman and Branislav BasaraSteps towards GPU Accelerated Aggregation AMGShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Stephan TeichtmeisterLinear oscillations of viscoelastic drops used for measuring the polymer retardation timeShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Günter BrennThe onset of fragmentation in binary liquid drop collisionsProceedings of the 12th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ICLASS 2012---Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, P. Rinqvist, K. Nikade and Branislav BasaraLarge eddy simulation of the flow around a simplified train moving through a crosswind flowShow publication in PURE
Doris Prieling, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennNumerical analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics of wavy liquid films on rotating disksShow publication in PURE
Erich Wimmer and Günter BrennViscous effects on flows through pressure-swirl atomizersShow publication in PURE
Doris Prieling, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennIntegral analysis of the flow dynamics and mass transfer in a wavy liquid film on a spinning diskShow publication in PURE
Ilia V. Roisman, Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Günter BrennBinary collisions of drops of immiscible liquidsShow publication in PURE
Christian Walchshofer and Helfried SteinerDNS-based investigation of the flow field of a lifted strongly buoyant jet flameShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner, Emil Baric and Günter BrennCouette-type flow of non-Newtonian power-law fluids through converging nozzlesShow publication in PURE
Emil Baric, Ivo Dzijan and Hrvoje KozmarEffect of Terrain Roughness on the Building Wake DimensionsShow publication in PURE
P. Vita, B. Gschaider, Doris Prieling and Helfried SteinerThin film flow simulation on a rotating discProceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering---Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, P. Rinqvist and Branislav BasaraComparison of Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes and Large-Eddy Simulations of the Flow Around a Cuboid Influenced by crosswindShow publication in PURE
Markus Junk, Frank Holsteyns, Felix Staudegger, Christiane Lechner, Hendrik Kuhlmann, Doris Prieling, Helfried Steiner, Bernd Gschaider and Petr VitaSIMULATIONS OF LIQUID FILM FLOWS WITH FREE SURFACE ON ROTATING SILICON WAFERS (ROWAFLOWSIM)Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation---Show publication in PURE
Anna Myłyk, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Maria L. Ekiel-JeżewskaOpadanie kropel zawiesiny pod wplywem grawitacji w lepkim plynie w poblizu pionowej ´scianyShow publication in PURE
Nikolett Kiss, Günter Brenn, Daniele Suzzi and Johannes KhinastFormation of O/W emulsions and production of microparticles for pharmaceutical applicationsProc. 8th European Conference Chemical Engineering---Show publication in PURE
Anna Myłyk, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Maria L. Ekiel-JeżewskaBreak-up of suspension drops settling under gravity in a viscous fluid close to a vertical wallShow publication in PURE
Doris Prieling and Helfried SteinerAnalysis of mass transfer in thin liquid films on spinning disks using the integral methodShow publication in PURE
M. Emans, S.M. Frolov, B. Lidskii, V. Posvyanskii and Branislav BasaraSIMPLE-H: A finite-volume pressure-enthalpy coupling scheme for flows with variable densityShow publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, J. Bengtsson and Branislav BasaraLarge Eddy Simulation Investigation of the Hysteresis Effects in the Flow Around an Oscillating Ground VehicleShow publication in PURE
Walter Meile and Thomas WankerWindkanaluntersuchungen an Gebäudemodellen – Teil 1: PIVShow publication in PURE
Branislav Basara, Sinisa Krajnovic, S. Girimaji and Z. PavlovicNear wall formulation of the Partially Averaged Navier Stokes (PANS) turbulence modelShow publication in PURE
S. Jakirlic, C.-Y. Chang, G. Kadavelil, B. Kniesner, R. Maduta, Branislav Basara and S. SaricCritical evaluation of some popular hybrid LES/RANS methods by reference to flow separation at a curved wall6th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics ConferenceAIAA-2011-3473Show publication in PURE
Anna Myłyk, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Maria L. Ekiel-JeżewskaOpadanie kropel zawiesiny pod wplywem grawitacji w lepkim plynie w poblizu pionowej ´scianyII Kongres Mechaniki Polskiej---Show publication in PURE
Sebastian Möller, Daniel Langmayr, Günter Brenn and Peter KriegOptimierung einer Sandungsanlage für Straßenbahnen mithilfe numerischer Simulation der Sand-Luft-ZweiphasenströmungShow publication in PURE
Doris PrielingEvolution of liquid films with species mass transfer on rotating disksProceedings of 13th ERCOFTAC ADA PC MeetingShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner and Christian WalchshoferSmall scale mixing at turbulent/non-turbulent interface in turbulent jetsShow publication in PURE
Nikolett Kiss, Günter Brenn, Hannes Pucher, Juliana Wieser, Stefan Scheler, Herwig Jennewein, Daniele Suzzi and Johannes KhinastFormation of O/W Emulsions by Static Mixers and Production of Microparticles for Pharmaceutical ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Christian WalchshoferAnalysis of the Dynamics at the Base of a Lifted Strongly Buoyant Jet Flame Using Direct Numerical SimulationShow publication in PURE
Anna Myłyk, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Maria L. Ekiel-JeżewskaDynamics of multi-particle systems falling gravitationally in a viscous fluidShow publication in PURE
Nikolett Kiss, Günter Brenn, Hannes Pucher, Juliana Wieser, Stefan Scheler, Herwig Jennewein, Daniele Suzzi and Johannes KhinastFormation of O/W emulsions by static mixers for pharmaceutical applicationsShow publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa, Günter Brenn and Walter MeileThe drying of liquid films on cylindrical and spherical substratesShow publication in PURE
Walter MeileWindkanaluntersuchungen am Prototypen eines Windrades; Messung von Drehmoment und Drehzahl bei verschiedenen WindgeschwindigkeitenShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachThanh Xuan Phan: Boundary Element Methods for Boundary Control Problems978-3-85125-149-4Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachMarkus Winisch: Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods for Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering978-3-85125-152-4Show publication in PURE
Walter MeileKurzbericht über Windkanaluntersuchungen zum Projekt „Innovative Fahrradlaufräder“Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachLoris Nagler: Simulation of Sound Transmission through Poroeleastic Plate-like Structures978-3-85125-153-1Show publication in PURE
Günter BrennDrop collisionsHandbook of Atomization and Sprays : theory and applications157-182Show publication in PURE
Günter BrennDroplet stream generatorHandbook of Atomization and Sprays : theory and applications603-624Show publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn, Franz Ramstorfer and Bernd BreitschädelIncreased cooling power with nucleate boiling flow in automotive engine applicationsNew trends and developments in automotive system engineering249-272Show publication in PURE
Walter MeileWindkanaluntersuchungen für den ÖRV – Haltungsuntersuchungen, MaterialtestsShow publication in PURE
Christian Walchshofer, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennRobust outflow boundary conditions for strongly buoyant turbulent jet flamesShow publication in PURE
Christine Voura, Michael Gruber, Nina Schrödl, D. Strohmeier, B. Eitzinger, Wolfgang Bauer, Günter Brenn, Johannes Khinast and A. ZimmerPrintable medicines: A Microdosing Device for the Production of Personalized Oral Dosage FormsShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachChristian Walchshofer: Analysis of the Dynamics at the Base of a Lifted Strongly Buoyant Jet Flame Using Direct Numerical Simulation978-3-85125-185-2Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachBook of Abstracts: 82nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and MechanicsShow publication in PURE
Walter Meile and Thomas WankerWindkanaluntersuchungen an Gebäudemodellen – Teil 2: LDAShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Klaus Czaputa and Walter MeileDrying of wires coated with polymer solutionsShow publication in PURE
S. Jakirlic, C.-Y. Chang, C. Tropea and Branislav BasaraCompression of a tumbling vortex: a LES and PANS studyShow publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa, Günter Brenn and Walter MeileDie konvektive Trocknung von Beschichtungen auf dünnen DrähtenProc. ProcessNet-Fachausschusssitzung Wärme- und Stoffübertragungpaper-16Show publication in PURE
Nikolett Kiss, Günter Brenn, Hannes Pucher, Juliana Wieser, Stefan Scheler, Herwig Jennewein, Daniele Suzzi and Johannes KhinastFormation of O/W Emulsions by Static Mixers and Production of Microparticles for Pharmaceutical ApplicationsProceedings of 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting---Show publication in PURE
Doris Prieling, Helfried Steiner and Günter BrennEvolution of liquid films with species mass transfer on rotating disksShow publication in PURE
Walter MeileWindkanaluntersuchungen an Base Jumpern – Haltungsuntersuchungen, MaterialtestsShow publication in PURE
Z. Jovanovic, Branislav Basara, M. Tomic and V. PetrovicSome subtleties concerning fluid flow and turbulence modelling in 4-valve enginesShow publication in PURE
Doris Prieling and Helfried SteinerAnalysis of mass transfer in thin liquid films on spinning disks using the integral methodShow publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa, Günter Brenn and Walter MeileDie konvektive Trocknung von Beschichtungen auf dünnen DrähtenShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Günter BrennBinary collisions of immiscible liquid drops for liquid encapsulationShow publication in PURE
Anna Myłyk, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Maria L. Ekiel-JeżewskaBreak-up of suspension drops settling under gravity in a viscous fluid close to a vertical wallShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Klaus Czaputa and Walter MeileDrying of wires coated with polymer solutionsJahrestreffen des ProcessNet Fachausschusses Mehrphasenströmung---Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, S. Sarmast and Branislav BasaraNumerical Investigation of the Flow around Simplifies Wheel in a WheelhouseShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner and Christian WalchshoferSmall scale mixing at turbulent/non-turbulent interface in turbulent jetsShow publication in PURE
Sebastian Möller, Daniel Langmayr, Günter Brenn and Peter KriegOptimierung einer Sandungsanlage für Straßenbahnen mithilfe numerischer Simulation der Sand-Luft-ZweiphasenströmungProceedings of the ANSYS Conference & CADFEM Austria Users' Meeting---Show publication in PURE
Anna Myłyk, Walter Meile, Günter Brenn and Maria L. Ekiel-JeżewskaEvolution and break-up of suspension drops settling under gravity in a viscous fluid close to a vertical wallShow publication in PURE
Nikolett Kiss, Günter Brenn, Daniele Suzzi and Johannes KhinastFormation of O/W emulsions and production of microparticles for pharmaceutical applicationsShow publication in PURE
S. Puttinger, A. Mehrle, P. Gittler and Walter MeileNumerical optimization and experimental investigations on the principle of the vortex diffuserShow publication in PURE
Sebastian Möller, Daniel Langmayr, Günter Brenn and Peter KriegOptimization of a Sanding System for a Tramway Car by Numerical Simulation of the Sand-Air Two-Phase FlowProceedings NAFEMS-Seminar "Die Integration von Strömungsberechnungen (CFD) in den Produktenwicklungsprozess"---Show publication in PURE
Nikolett Kiss, Günter Brenn, Stefan Scheler, Herwig Jennewein, Daniele Suzzi and Johannes KhinastFormation of O/W Emulsions and Production of Microparticles for Pharmaceutical ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Sebastian Möller, Daniel Langmayr, Günter Brenn and Peter KriegOptimization of a Sanding System for a Tramway Car by Numerical Simulation of the Sand-Air Two-Phase FlowShow publication in PURE
Walter Meile, Günter Brenn, Aaron Reppenhagen, Bernhard Lechner and Anton FuchsExperiments and numerical simulations on the aerodynamics of the Ahmed bodyShow publication in PURE
Martin Gattringer and Helfried SteinerNumerical Simulation of Drop Impact on Wetted and Dry SurfacesCentral European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology568-568Show publication in PURE
Christian Walchshofer and Helfried SteinerDNS based analysis of the flow field near the edge of a lifted flameProceedings 11th ERCOFTAC Alpe Danube Adria PC Meeting---Show publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa, Günter Brenn and Walter MeileKonzentrationsprofile in trocknenden flüssigen Beschichtungen auf kreiszylindrischen SubstratenShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Günter BrennBinary collisions of immiscible liquid drops for liquid encapsulationProc. 7th Int. Conf. Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2010)9.7.4.--Show publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Günter BrennBinary collisions of immiscible liquid drops for liquid encapsulationShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Andreas TratnigDrop size spectra in sprays from pressure-swirl atomizersShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Christian PilzThe rise velocity jump discontinuity of bubbles in viscoelastic liquidsProc. 7th Int. Conf. Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2010)11.1.2--Show publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa, Walter Meile and Günter BrennHigh Performance Enamelling Process in MAG Magnet Wire MachinesShow publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa, Günter Brenn and Walter MeileKonzentrationsprofile in trocknenden flüssigen Beschichtungen auf kreiszylindrischen SubstratenShow publication in PURE
B. Gschaider, Petr Vita, Doris Prieling and Helfried SteinerLiquid coverage of rotating discs - a comparison of solvers and approachesShow publication in PURE
Wilfried Edelbauer, Andreas Diemath, Heinrich Kratochwill and Günter BrennSimulation of the ventilation losses in the crankcase of an internal combustion engineShow publication in PURE
Christian Walchshofer and Helfried SteinerDNS based analysis of the flow field near the edge of a lifted flameShow publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Andreas TratnigDrop size spectra in sprays from pressure-swirl atomizersProc. 7th Int. Conf. Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2010)17.1.2--Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, S. Sarmast and Branislav BasaraLES of the flow around a generic wheel in a wheelhouseASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting: Volume 1, Symposia – Parts A, B, and C2681-2692Show publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa, Walter Meile and Günter BrennHigh Performance Enamelling Process in MAG Magnet Wire MachinesShow publication in PURE
Branislav BasaraCalculations of heat transfer in stagnation flow regions by using second-moment closure models in conjunction with the new general wall treatmentShow publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner and Christian WalchshoferSmall scale mixing behavior at the turbulent-nonturbulent interface of jetsProceedings 12th ERCOFTAC Alpe Danube Adria PC Meeting---Show publication in PURE
Branislav Basara and Z. PavlovicEnhancement of the performance of the Partial-Averaged Navier-Stokes method by using scale-adaptive mesh generationProceedings of the 6th International Conf. on CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics333-339Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn, Gerhard Holzapfel, Wolfgang von der Linden, Martin Schanz and Olaf SteinbachMathias Nenning: Infinite Elements for Elasto- and Poroelastodynamcis978-3-85125-130-2Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic and Branislav BasaraImprovement of the crosswind stability of a bus with response surfaces and URANS using zeta-f turbulence modelNotes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design---Show publication in PURE
Klaus Czaputa, Günter Brenn and Walter MeileKonzentrationsprofile in trocknenden flüssigen Beschichtungen auf kreiszylindrischen SubstratenTagungsband ProcessNet-Fachausschusssitzung Wärme- und Stoffübertragung---Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic and Branislav BasaraLES of the flow around Ahmed body with active flow controlNotes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design---Show publication in PURE
Helfried Steiner and Christian WalchshoferSmall scale mixing behavior at the turbulent-nonturbulent interface of jetsShow publication in PURE
Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau and Günter BrennLiquid encapsulation by binary collisions of immiscible liquid dropsShow publication in PURE
Walter MeileWindkanaluntersuchungen für den ÖRV – Haltungsuntersuchungen, MaterialtestsShow publication in PURE
Branislav Basara, S. Jakirlic, F. Aldudak and C. TropeaTruck interference effects on a car during an overtaking manoeuvre: A computational studyNotes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design---Show publication in PURE
Walter Meile and Dusan KudelasNumerische Simulationen der Durchströmung einer Gondel – Ermittlung von VolumenströmenShow publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, J. Bengtsson, L. Davidson and Branislav BasaraNumerical Study of Crosswind Stability of a Simplified Car in Gusty WindProceedings of 8th MIRA International Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference216-233Show publication in PURE
Gerhard SommerMechanical Properties of Healthy and Diseased Human Arteries - Insights into Human Arterial Biomechanics and Related Material Modeling978-3-85125-111-1Show publication in PURE
Günter BrennViscoelastic Polymer Solutions in Elongational FlowProceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics---Show publication in PURE
B. Gschaider, Petr Vita, Doris Prieling and Helfried SteinerLiquid coverage of rotating discs - a comparison of solvers and approachesProceedings 5th OpenFOAM TM Workshop---Show publication in PURE
Andreas Tratnig and Günter BrennDrop size spectra in sprays from pressure-swirl atomizersShow publication in PURE
M. Gattringer and Helfried SteinerNumerical simulation of drop impact on wetted and dry surfacesShow publication in PURE
Branislav BasaraTurbulent transport modelling for PANS and other bridging closure approachesProceedings of the V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010---Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Krajnovic, S. Östh and Branislav BasaraLES study of breakdown control of A-pillar vortexShow publication in PURE
Branislav Basara, Sinisa Krajnovic and S. GirimajiPANS methodology applied to elliptic – relaxation-based eddy viscosity transport modelNotes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design---Show publication in PURE
Günter Brenn and Christian PilzThe rise velocity jump discontinuity of bubbles in viscoelastic liquidsShow publication in PURE
Publications of the institute
Here you can find all publications of the institute since 2010.
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Inffeldgasse 25 F 8010 Graz
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