Prof. Brian Cody, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Ampenberger, Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Wolfgang Löschnig, Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Eduard Petriu, Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Traxler

The research project deals with investigations of the relationship between different forms of teleworking and the overall energy efficiency in society. In recent years, new forms of work have clearly led to an increase in energy consumption. However, through consistent structural changes in the physical and virtual infrastructure of society (buildings, transport and IT systems) there is a potential to increase the overall energy efficiency of society by using these new parameters. In the investigations carried out in this research project, the energy structures of typical service companies, consisting of residential and office buildings, transport systems and IT systems were mapped and potentials for increasing efficiency were evaluated. External experts in the fields of sociology, transport and IT were involved.


01. January 2009 - 30. July 2011


Cody B./ Löschnig W./Ampenberger A./ Petriu E. A./Sommer B./ Podmirseg D.:  „Telearbeit und Energieeffizienz. Untersuchungen des Zusammenhangs zwischen Telearbeit und der Gesamtenergieeffizienz der Gesellschaft“, FFG, Wien 2011

„Form follows Energy – die Zukunft der Energieperformance“, in „energy2121, Bilder zur Energiezukunft“, herausgegeben vom Klima- und Energiefonds, omninum, ISBN 978-3-99031-014-4

Cody, B.: „Energieeffizienz versus Energieverbrauch“, in: Die Stadt neu sehen. Begleitdokumentation zum gleichnamigen internationalen Symposium am 26.11.2009 in Karlsruhe, Deutschland: Fakultät für Architektur Karlsruhe (Hrsg.), 2010

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