Journal Article
Ilona Gasser, Massimiliano Cardinale, Henry Müller, Susanne Heller, L. Eberl, N Lindenkamp, C. Kaddor, A. Steinbüchel and Gabriele Berg Analysis of the endophytic lifestyle and plant growth promotion of Burkholderia terricola ZR2-12 Plant and Soil , 1-12, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Christoph Stephan Schmidt, Massimiliano Cardinale, Christin Zachow, Henry Müller and Gabriele Berg Stenotrophomonas rhizophila – a novel biocontrol agent for saline soils IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 63, 59-64, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Henry Müller, Katja Drofenigg, C. Berg, S. Aranda, B.B. Landa and Gabriele Berg Molecular analysis of endophytic communities of wild and domesticated olive trees from different Mediterranean regions IOBC/WPRS Bulletin , 2011 Show publication in PURE
Christin Zachow, R. Grosch and Gabriele Berg Impact of biotic and a-biotic parameters on structure and function of microbial communities living on sclerotia of the soil-borne pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani Applied Soil Ecology , 193-200, 2011 Show publication in PURE
T. Schneider, Joao Vieira De Castro Junior, Massimiliano Cardinale, L. Eberl, Martin Grube, Gabriele Berg and K. Riedel Structure and function of the symbiosis partners of the lung lichen (Lobaria pulmonaria L. Hoffm.) analyzed by metaproteomics Proteomics , 2752-2756, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Henry Müller, Katja Drofenigg, BB Landa and Gabriele Berg Cultivar-specificity of bacterial and stramenopile communities in the rhizosphere of Olea europaea IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 71, 91-95, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Michael Fürnkranz, Eveline Adam, Birgit Lukesch, Henry Müller, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Martin Grube and Gabriele Berg Multi-pathogen disease caused by Didymella bryoniae and bacteria on Styrian oil pumpkin: microbial ecology and biocontrol IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 71, 27-30, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Zulfiya Kucharova, Kakhramon Davranov, Gabriele Berg, Natasha Makarova, Tatyana Azarova, Vladimir Chebotar, Igor Tikhonovich, Faina Kamilova, Shamil Z. Validov and Ben Lugtenberg Bacteria able to control foot and root rot and to promote growth of cucumber in salinated soils Biology and Fertility of Soils 47, 197-205, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Martin Koller, Ilona Gasser, Florian Schmid and Gabriele Berg Linking ecology with economy: Insights into polyhydroxyalkanoate-producing microorganisms Engineering in Life Sciences 11, 222-237, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Florian Schmid, Gerit Moser, Henry Müller and Gabriele Berg Functional and Structural Microbial Diversity in Organic and Conventional Viticulture: Organic Farming benefits Natural Biocontrol Agents Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, 2188-2191, 2011 Show publication in PURE
M. Koller, Ilona Gasser, Florian Schmid and Gabriele Berg Linking ecology with economy: new insights into PHA producing microorganisms Engineering in Life Sciences , 222-237, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Florian Schmid, Martin Grube and Gabriele Berg Black fungi and associated bacterial communities in the phyllosphere of grapevine Fungal Biology Reviews , 978-986, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Henry Müller, Christoph Stephan Schmidt, Mohammadali Alavi, J.L. Martínez and Gabriele Berg Stenotrophomonas: an ambivalent global player from the rhizosphere. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 71, 91-95, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Martin Grube, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Michael Fürnkranz, H. Huss and Gabriele Berg Emerging multi-pathogen disease caused by Didymella bryoniae and pathogenic bacteria on Styrian oil pumpkin European Journal of Plant Pathology 131, 539-548, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Nicole Weinert, Yvette Piceno, Guo-Chun Ding, Remo Meincke, Holger Heuer, Gabriele Berg, Michael Schloter, Gary L. Andersen and Kornelia Smalla PhyloChip hybridization uncovered an enormous bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of different potato cultivars: many common and few cultivar-dependent taxa FEMS Microbiology Ecology 75, 497-506, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Barbara Siegmund, Markus Verginer, Henry Müller, Gabriele Berg and Erich Leitner Die Bedeutung von Methylobakterien für die Aromabildung von Erdbeeren Die Ernährung 35, 149-155, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Markus Verginer, Henry Müller and Gabriele Berg High shelf-life formulations for Methylobacterium extorquens DSM 21961, a microbial inoculant to enhance strawberry flavour. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 71, 149-153, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Massimiliano Cardinale, Martin Grube and Gabriele Berg Frondihabitans cladoniiphilus sp. nov., an actinobacterium of the family Microbacteriaceae isolated from lichen, and emended description of the genus Frondihabitans International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61, 3033-3038, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Anastasia Bragina, Stefanie Maier, C. Berg, Henry Müller, V. Chobot, F. Hadacek and Gabriele Berg Similar diversity of Alphaproteobacteria and nitrogenase gene amplicons on two related Sphagnum mosses Frontiers in Microbiology 2, 275-275, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Gabriele Berg, Anastasia Bragina, Massimiliano Cardinale, Christin Zachow, Henry Müller, C. Berg, A. Shcherbakov, W. Chebotar and Martin Grube From metagenome and proteome to biocontrol: analysis of moss- and lichen-associated microbial communities IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 71, 13-16, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Massimiliano Cardinale, Jana Steinova, Johannes Rabensteiner, Gabriele Berg and Martin Grube Age, sun, and substrate: triggers of bacterial communities in lichens Environmental Microbiology Reports 4, 23-28, 2011 Show publication in PURE
X. Dong, B. Meisel, A. Block, J. Graßman, V. Radl, N. Weinert, Remo Meincke, Gabriele Berg, G. Wenzel, Michael Schloter and V. Mohler Expression analysis of zeaxanthin epoxidase of genetically engineered zeaxanthin-rich potatoes in comparison to conventional cultivars under field conditions Transgenic plant journal 5, 35-42, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Martina Köberl, Henry Müller, Elshahat M. Ramadan and Gabriele Berg Desert farming benefits from microbial potential in arid soils and promotes diversity and plant health PLoS ONE 6, 2011 Show publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Gabriele Berg and Christin Zachow PGPR interplay with rhizosphere communities and effect on plant growth and healthBacteria in Agrobiology: Crop Ecosystems. Maheshwari DK (ed.)97-99 Show publication in PURE
Martina Köberl, Elshahat M. Ramadan, Bettina Roßmann, Charles Staver, Michael Fürnkranz, Birgit Lukesch, Martin Grube and Gabriele Berg Using ecological knowledge and molecular tools to develop effective and safe biocontrol strategiesPesticides in the modern world – pests control and pesticides exposure and toxicity assessment3-26 Show publication in PURE