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Mixing ratios for the productive city

Even though the credo of the "productive city" has been proclaimed everywhere in recent years, we are confronted with the question in everyday business of urban planning: what else is there besides living? How can forces of mixing be mobilized if nobody asks for it? If urban development is primarily driven by an overheated housing market, how can we continue to think about spaces of working and producing? How can work be protected from the "approaching housing" everywhere, how and where can it find space in the house, in the neighborhood and in the city?

StudioVlayStreeruwitz has been working at the interface of architecture, urbanism and research since 2009. The main focal points of the work are, on the one hand, the development of urban planning strategies for large-scale developments (such as the North Station Vienna) and, on the other hand, the planning of innovative housing concepts in subsidized and privately financed areas. The question of the urban potential of the housing program ("living plus") plays a key role here. Increasingly, however, "the other" of living - work, production - is in the foreground, perhaps precisely because in the current urban development it usually shines through its absence. StudioVlayStreeruwitz is co-author of the FFG Smart City research project "Mixture: Possible!" And the follow-up project "Mixture: North Station" as well as the concept of "Productive City" of the City of Vienna.

Location: HS 12
Time: 12.00 - 13.00