Johannes Bernsteiner and Johan NinanaActor-networks in sustainable transport transformation. The case of the Catharijnesingel restorationShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Anna Maria Bagaric and Alice SteinerStarke Zentren LearningsShow publication in PURE
Pascal Mosler, Maximilian Gehring, Wolfgang Dokonal and Uwe RüppelVirtual Reality in Architectural Design RevisitedProceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, eCAADe 2024159-168Show publication in PURE
Eva Schwab, Johannes Bernsteiner, Johan Ninana, Yirang Lim, Hans de Boer, Maarten Van Acker, Peter Soderholm and Marcel HertoghEmbracing multi-functionality in European infrastructure projects: A system of systems perspectiveShow publication in PURE
Mario StefanFlächenpotentiale im peri-urbanen Raum zur Integration blau-grüner Infrastrukturen (BGI) mit qualitativer städtebaulicher Analyse definierenAqua Urbanica 2024Show publication in PURE
Mario Stefan, Lena Flamm, Carola Hilgert and Eva SchwabChallenges for Implementing Blue-Green Measures in the Transformation of Peri-Urban StreetsREAL CORP 202393-104Show publication in PURE
Eva SchwabFrom Planning for Rural Development to Planning for DeliberationShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros and Eva SchwabWie wollen wir miteinander leben?Fahren unsere Enkel noch Auto? Bleibt uns genug Grün zum Atmen?10 - 16Show publication in PURE
Hermann Edtmayer, Lisa-Marie Fochler, Thomas Mach, Jennifer Fauster, Eva Schwab and Christoph HochenauerHigh-resolution, spatial thermal energy demand analysis and workflow for a city districtShow publication in PURE
Pascal Mosler, Maximilian Gehring, Wolfgang Dokonal, Melisa Cizmeci, Pascal Geist, Tim Haas, Tiago Soares, Christopher Sohlmayer and Uwe RüppelUsing the Game Engine Unity Efficiently in TeachingeCAADe 2023 - Digital Design Reconsidered883-892Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Eva Schwab, Jennifer Fauster, Anna Maria Bagaric, Anna-Maria Jäger and Radostina Radulova-StahmerECR Smart City 2020Show publication in PURE
Hermann Edtmayer, Lisa-Marie Fochler, Thomas Mach, Jennifer Fauster and Eva SchwabAnalysing the thermal energy demand of development scenarios of a city districtBook of Abstracts53-54Show publication in PURE
Sandra Guinand, Anjeza Llubani, Sabine Bauer, Edona Bytyqi, Ersona Nabolli and Eva SchwabNachhaltige Stadtentwicklung an der urbanen PeripherieShow publication in PURE
Hermann Edtmayer, Lisa-Marie Fochler, Thomas Mach, Jennifer Fauster and Eva SchwabEnergetische Analyse für die integrative StadtplanungShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Sabine Bauer, Markus Monsberger, Marie-Theres Schwaighofer and Mevla OrhanTactical mobilismShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Sabine Bauer, Markus Monsberger and Eva SchwabFaire RaumaufteilungDie Stadt nach Corona96-111Show publication in PURE
Sabine Bauer, Aglaee Degros and Anna Maria BagaricRelations between citiesOMB - Observatory of the Mediterranean Basin - Research SeriesShow publication in PURE
Eva Schwab and Sabine BauerVon neuen und alten Formalitäten in GrazFreiraum in der Krise!?154-162Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Sabine Bauer and Markus MonsbergerDividing Space FairlyPost-Pandemic Urbanism96-111Show publication in PURE
and Radostina Radulova-StahmerGrenzindex - Index der GrenzenGrenzen überschreiten - Räume aktivieren92-101Show publication in PURE
Radostina Radulova-StahmerSmarte Urbane RäumeGrenzen überschreiten - Räume aktivieren162-163Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros and Sabine Bauer4.6 MobilitätTU Graz Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 202076 - 84Show publication in PURE
Nina Alisa Habe and Aglaee DegrosParameters for Independent Living in Old Age in Terms of Urban Planning and TechnologyShow publication in PURE
Eva Schwab, Jennifer Fauster, Nina Alisa Habe and Martina Eva MajcenSmart City developments in Graz, Austria. Coming up against the limits of smartness in current planning.Proceedings of REAL CORP 2021, 26th International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society 681-691Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Markus Monsberger, Michael Malderle, Martin Berger, Emanuel Selz, Mario Platzer, Aurelia Kammerhofer, Arthur Kanonier, Kurt Weninger, Birgit Baumgartner and Gerald FranzSpannungsfeld privatrechtlicher und öffentlicher Instrumente zur Steuerung der wohnstandortbezogenen MobilitätShow publication in PURE
Günter Getzinger, Aglaee Degros, Sabine Bauer, Markus Monsberger, Carina Mazelle, Valentin Gritsch, Herbert Penker, Ivonne Simon-Reitermayer and Mario HafnerAbschlussbericht der Arbeitsgruppe „Mobilität“ für den Nachhaltigkeitsbeirat der TU GrazShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Ernst Rainer, Martin Grabner, Nina Alisa Habe, Eva Schwab, Radostina Radulova-Stahmer and Yvonne BormesFFG Projektnummer 857283 - Publikation Erkenntnisse „Technical Tours Smart Cities 2014-2018“Show publication in PURE
Markus Monsberger, Aglaee Degros, Eva Schwab and Sabine BauerMobilitätsfaktoren Wohnen und SiedlungsentwicklungShow publication in PURE
Radostina Radulova-StahmerSzenarien für Smart City PotentialräumeREAL CORP 2020: Shaping urban change - livable city regions for the 21st century751-760Show publication in PURE
Milot Gashi, Belgin Mutlu, Josef Suschnigg, Patrick Ofner, Stefan Pichler and Tobias SchreckInteractive Visual Exploration of defect prediction in industrial setting through explainable models based on SHAP valuesShow publication in PURE
Nicole KirchbergerFrom Idea to Action: How Spatial Justice comes into being. A review of strategic planning using the case of the Upper Austrian city-regions (Austria)Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Dokonal and Marina Lima MedeirosI Want To Ride My Bicycle – I Want To Ride My BikeArchitecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution465-472Show publication in PURE
Radostina Radulova-StahmerSmart Spaces – Towards a Smart-Spatial-Nexus in UrbanismShow publication in PURE
Daniel Gethmann, Petra Eckhard, Urs Leonhard Hirschberg, Andreas Lechner, Petra Petersson, Aglaee Degros and Eva SchwabGAM.15 Territorial JusticeShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros and Stefan BendiksTraffic Space = Public Space978-3-03860-165-4Show publication in PURE
Sabine Bauer and Alexandra DuschekAktive Mobilität als eine Grundvoraussetzung für Entwicklungsstrategien im periurbanen RaumShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Bernd Vlay, Carlos Arroyo, Maurizio Carta, Miriam Garcia , Socrates Stratis, Didier Rebois and Chris Youneseuropan manifesto-guide for PROJECTS-PROCESSESShow publication in PURE
Aglaee DegrosSUS Smart Urban StreetFahrradmobilitätsstrategien als Entwicklungskatalysator -SUS Smart Urban Street9Show publication in PURE
Eva SchwabGemeindeporträt / Community Portrait 1GAM - Graz Architecture Magazine56 - 59Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros and Eva SchwabRelational Rurality: Alternative Mobilityas Key to Quality of LifeGAM - Graz Architecture Magazine110 - 110Show publication in PURE
Eva SchwabGemeindeporträt / Community Portrait 2GAM - Graz Architecture Magazine130 - 133Show publication in PURE
Eva SchwabNeue Lebensräume auf dem Land / New Living Spaces in the CountrysideGAM - Graz Architecture Magazine120 - 129Show publication in PURE
Eva SchwabNeue Raumkulturen aus dem Crossover von Stadt und Land / New Cultures of Space at the Urban-Rural CrossoverGAM - Graz Architecture Magazine198 -203Show publication in PURE
Radostina Radulova-StahmerThe Green GalleryAtlas of Emerging Practices232-233Show publication in PURE
Michael Malderle and Ernst RainerFachkonzept Öffentlicher Raum Villach 2025Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Ernst Rainer and Martin GrabnerEndbericht Fachexkursion „Smart Cities 2017 – Helsinki“Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Ernst Rainer, Martin Grabner and Nina Alisa HabeEndbericht Fachexkursion „Smart Cities 2018 – Flandern“Show publication in PURE
Eva Schwab and Tonje Cecilie StordalenCase Studies from the Student Groups: Learning for Life?Show publication in PURE
Daiva Jakutyte-Walangitang, Karl Berger, Markus Gratzl-Michlmair, Thomas Mach, Michael Malderle and Ernst RainerIEA SHC TASK 51- AtlasKompaktShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros and Claudia GerhäusserAls Gastgeberin einladen, Wissen zu teilenShow publication in PURE
Nicole KirchbergerSpatial Justice within Strategic Planning. An analysis of ideas, actor constellations and implementation of planning projects.Show publication in PURE
Nicole KirchbergerSpatial Justice within Strategic Metropolitan Planning.Show publication in PURE
Nicole KirchbergerSpatial Justice within Strategic Metropolitan Planning. An analysis of ideas, actor constellations, and spatial planning projects.Show publication in PURE
Nicole KirchbergerSpatial Justice within Strategic Metropolitan Planning.Show publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovWeltkulturerbe - die Bergdörfer in Ober-Svanetien, GeorgienShow publication in PURE
Eva SchwabLandscape democracy in the upgrading of informal settlements in Medelín, ColombiaDefining Landscape Democracy. A Path to Spatial Justice200-209Show publication in PURE
Martin Grabner, Aglaee Degros, Ernst Rainer and Oliver KonradPublic Space and Vibrant Ground-Floor Zones in Sustainable City-Quarter DevelopmentSmart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and RegionsShow publication in PURE
Nicole KirchbergerSpatial Justice within Strategic Metropolitan PlanningShow publication in PURE
Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Kurt FallastEvaluation of various means of transport for urban areasShow publication in PURE
Eva Schwab, Silvio Caputo and Jaime Hernández GarcíaUrban Agriculture: Models-in-Circulation from a Critical Transnational PerspectiveShow publication in PURE
Eva SchwabSpatial Justice and Informal Settlements. The Comunas of MedellínShow publication in PURE
Eva SchwabTraveling Ideas and the Politics of Managing Open Spaces in an Informal Settlement in MedellínPark Politics ConferenceShow publication in PURE
Wolfgang DokonalDo Training Bikes Dream of Electric Cities ?eCAADe 2018 Computing for a better tomorrow789-794Show publication in PURE
Michael Malderle, Ernst Rainer and Thomas MachAustrian Case StudyIEA SHC Task 51/report C1- Illustrative Prospective of Solar Energy in Urban Planning54-64Show publication in PURE
Daiva Jakutyte-Walangitang, Thomas Mach, Tobias Weiß, Ernst Rainer and Michael MalderlePart I: Approaches and Methods in EducationTask 51/Report D1 Part 110-17Show publication in PURE
Martin GrabnerTransforming Urban. Die temporäre Produktion von alternativem Raum in Tel AvivGAM.13 Spatial Expeditions196-211Show publication in PURE
Eva Schwab and Philipp RodePublic Green Space in Vienna between Utopia and Political StrategyPublic SpaceShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros and Anselm WagnerRe-connecting territory and PeopleGAM - Graz Architecture Magazine246Show publication in PURE
Aglaee DegrosSmart City kiest voluit voor levenskwaliteitTijdschrift Publieke RuimteShow publication in PURE
Martin Grabner and Christian KühnErnst Giselbrecht + Partner: Vernetzte Architektur9783901174834Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Dokonal, Marlis Nograsek and Ernst DenggSocial Housing in Different Cultures - Comparative Study Western Europe and East Asia: A First AttemptIntelligentization and Innovation of Sustainable High-Dense Human Habitat Transformation445-451Show publication in PURE
Michael Knight and Wolfgang DokonalThe Right Bike At The Right TimeEnvisioning Architecture: Space/Time/Meaning339-346Show publication in PURE
Michael Malderle, Ernst Rainer, Heimo Staller, Roman Smutny, Stefan Sattler, Martin Treberspurg, Kurt Battisti and Markus Gratzl-MichlmairCityCalcShow publication in PURE
Michael Malderle, Hartmut Dumke, Petra Hirschler, Pia Kronberger-Nabielek, Sibylla Zech, Johannes Fischbäck, Stephan Maier, Michael Eder, Michael Narodoslawsky, Hans Schnitzer, Elke Neber, Ernst Rainer, Rudolf Scheuvens, Kurt Weninger and Johann ZancanellaEnergieRaumPlanung für Smart City Quartiere und Smart City RegionenShow publication in PURE
Michael Malderle, Barbara Hammerl, Hans Schnitzer, Anna Maria Fulterer, Karl Höfler, Kurt Fallast, Marie-Thérèse Fallast, Georg Huber, Michael Eder, Stephan Maier and Ernst RainerG2G - Innovationsachse Graz-GleisdorfShow publication in PURE
Silvio Caputo, Eva Schwab and Kostas TsiambaosEmergent Approaches to Urban GardeningUrban Allotment Gardens in EuropeShow publication in PURE
Manfred Partoll, Heimo Staller, Werner Nussmüller, Richard Heimrath, Christian Halmdienst, Ernst Rainer, Alexander Passer, Helmuth Kreiner and Hannes Oblak+ERS Plusenergieverbund Reininghaus SüdShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Stefan Bendiks and Adrien PuylaertL'enjeu de la mobilité à énergie humaineRessources urbaines latentes353Show publication in PURE
Johannes Scholz, Thomas J. Lampoltshammer, Norbert Bartelme and Eveline Wandl-VogtSpatial-temporal Modeling of Linguistic Regions and Processes with Combined Indeterminate and Crisp BoundariesProgress in Cartography: EuroCarto 2015133-151Show publication in PURE
Ernst Rainer, Martin Grabner and Alexander PasserSmart City Project GrazShow publication in PURE
Daiva Jakutyte-Walangitang, Thomas Mach, Ernst Rainer, Michael Malderle, Beatrice Unterberger and Tobias WeissSolare Energie in der Stadtplanung – IEA SHC Task 51Show publication in PURE
Ernst Rainer, Yvonne Bormes and Thomas MachECR_Energy City Graz-ReininghausShow publication in PURE
Birgit Kohla, Jürgen Fabian and Ernst RainerKombinierte Mobilität in GrazShow publication in PURE
Wolfgang Dokonal, Michael William Knight and Ernst DenggVR or Not VR - No Longer a Question?Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2573Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Dokonal, Michael William Knight and Ernst DenggVR or not VR – an EeZee question?XX Congreso de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital831 - 837Show publication in PURE
Helmut Brunner, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Kurt Fallast and Mario HirzEvaluation of Various Means of Transport in Urban AreasShow publication in PURE
Armin Stocker and Hans-Joerg TschomHansjörg Tschom - Ein InterviewCommon Ground - Unser Gut und Lebensraum 38-49Show publication in PURE
Ernst Rainer, Martin Grabner and Oliver KonradDie smarte Vision auf den Boden bringenShow publication in PURE
Michael Malderle, Hartmut Dumke, Petra Hirschler, Pia Kronberger-Nabielek, Sibylla Zech, Johannes Fischbäck, Stephan Maier, Michael Eder, Michael Narodoslawsky, Hans Schnitzer, Elke Neber, Ernst Rainer, Johann Zancanella, Rudolf Scheuvens and Kurt WeningerLeitfaden ERP_hoch3 "Energieraumplanung für Smarte Städte und Regionen"Show publication in PURE
Michael Malderle, Hartmut Dumke, Petra Hirschler, Pia Kronberger-Nabielek, Sibylla Zech, Johannes Fischbäck, Stephan Maier, Michael Eder, Michael Narodoslawsky, Hans Schnitzer, Elke Neber, Ernst Rainer, Johann Zancanella, Rudolf Scheuvens and Kurt WeningerLeitfaden ERP_hoch3 "Energieraumplanung für Smarte Städte und Regionen"Show publication in PURE
Michael Malderle, Hartmut Dumke, Petra Hirschler, Pia Kronberger-Nabielek, Sibylla Zech, Johannes Fischbäck, Stephan Maier, Michael Eder, Michael Narodoslawsky, Hans Schnitzer, Elke Neber, Ernst Rainer, Johann Zancanella, Rudolf Scheuvens and Kurt WeningerLeitfaden ERP_hoch3 "Energieraumplanung für Smarte Städte und Regionen"Show publication in PURE
Michael Malderle, Ernst Rainer, Michael Eder, Stephan Maier, Hartmut Dumke, Petra Hirschler, Pia Kronberger-Nabielek, Kurt Weninger, Johannes Fischbäck, Sibylla Zech, Rudolf Scheuvens, Michael Narodoslawsky, Hans Schnitzer and Johann ZancanellaERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-AchsenShow publication in PURE
Heimo Staller, Ernst Rainer, Richard Heimrath, Christian Halmdienst and Martin Grabner+ERS - Plus Energy Network Reininghaus Süd: a pilot project towards an energy self-sufficient urban districtShow publication in PURE
Eva Schwab and Philipp RodeUrban Gardening in Vienna between Emancipation and InstitutionalisationGrowing in Cities. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Gardening.Show publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovSofia before WW II: urban design as a cultural implication.Planning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia.80-97Show publication in PURE
Hans Schnitzer, Ernst Rainer and Christian HofbauerEnergy Concepts for Smart CitiesEnergy Security and Development101-110Show publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovCapacity building for rural development in occupyed Palestinian territory. The project's importanceAPPEAR, Participative knowledge production through zransnationaal and transcultural academic coopeation.97-99Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Dokonal, Ernst Dengg and Michael William KnightNew Interfaces - Old ModelsReal Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1101-106Show publication in PURE
Michael MalderleDie Sommerfrische und der VillenbauBauArt Ausseerland - Bauen in der Kulturlandschaft des Ausseerlandes26 - 38Show publication in PURE
Ernst Dengg, Dylan Mundy-Clowry and Johannes WürzlerINTERIOR SPACE OPTIMISATION AND SHARED-LIVING INFRASTRUCTURE AS STRATEGIES FOR DOMESTIC SPACE REDUCTION IN HONG KONGGreen-Low Carbon: The sustainable Living Environment and Construction in Modern Urbanization236-241Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Dokonal, Ernst Dengg and Michael William KnightAn Investigation into the Use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Space Utilisation and Efficiency in Small Scale Housing DesignGreen-Low Carbon: The sustainable Living Environment and Construction in Modern Urbanization483-488Show publication in PURE
Hyosun Kim, Christoph Schinko, Sven Havemann, Ivan Redi, Andrea Redi and Dieter W. FellnerTiled Projection Onto Deforming ScreensComputer Graphics and Visual Computing35-42Show publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovPlanning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia.978-3-85125-398-6Show publication in PURE
Ernst Rainer, Hans Schnitzer, Thomas Mach, Thomas Wieland, Michael Reiter, Ernst Schmautzer, Lothar Fickert, Alexander Passer, Helmuth Kreiner, Hannes Oblak, Reinhold Lazar, Markus Duschek, Richard Heimrath, Werner Lerch, Stephan Maier, Markus Gratzl-Michlmair, Florian Tatzber, Peter Maydl, Ingo Sonnek, Michael Narodoslawsky, Antonia Nakova, Michael Malderle, Yvonne Bormes, Martin Schnalzer, Carlos Varela Martin and Kersten HofbauerRAHMENPLAN ENERGIE Energy City Graz-ReininghausShow publication in PURE
Tobias Weiß, Sophie Grünewald, Christian Hofbauer, Thomas Mach, Thomas Reiter, Beatrice Unterberger and Daiva Jakutyte-WalangitangSolare Potentiale im StädtebauShow publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille Meuwissen1980. Zelfportret van een maatschappij. Koepelgevangenis Arnhemn = 1980. Self-Portrait of a Society. Panopticon Prison ArnhemShow publication in PURE
Eva Schwab and Philipp RodeUrban Gardening als Impuls für die Wiener Grünraumplanung?Show publication in PURE
Michael Cik, Kurt Fallast, Manuel Lienhart, Oliver Rock and Franz HallerSchall- und Erschütterungsanalyse Straßenbahn GrazShow publication in PURE
Eva SchwabLandscape Democracy of Everyday Spaces in Medellín's Popular SettlementDefining Landscape DemocracyShow publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovThe urbanism of Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia - analogies, influences, differenciationsPlanning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia.264-271Show publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovDesigning Sofia's city core in the context of the changing ideological paradigm 1945-1989Planning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia.140-159Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille Meuwissen1980. Self-Portrait of a Society. Panopticon Prison ArnhemOase #94/ OMA. The First Decade/ OMA. De eerste tien jaar16-19Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille Meuwissen1980. Zelfportret van een maatschappij. Koepelgevangenis ArnhemOase #94/ OMA. The First Decade/ OMA. De eerste tien jaar16-19Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenKunst und Kleinstadt.Elseworlds. Mit einem Text von Joost Meuwissen. Kunst und Kleinstadt.12-47Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille Meuwissen and Elham Madadi KandjaniIdentity, Quiddity and Urban Places: A Categorical Approach to Urban SpaceArchitecture and Ideology117-127Show publication in PURE
Ernst Rainer, Christian Hofbauer, Hans Schnitzer, Thomas Mach, Stephan Maier, Alexander Passer, Helmuth Kreiner, Thomas Wieland and Yvonne BormesLeitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-ReininghausProceedings REAL CORP 2014 Tagungsband357-365Show publication in PURE
Aglaee DegrosTerritoires en réseaux ou l´éloge de la lenteur structuranteEuropan 12 Results36-41Show publication in PURE
Birgit Kohla, Antonia Nakova, Martin Schnalzer, Markus Anton Lindner, Yvonne Bormes, Ernst Rainer, Carlos Varela Martín, Elena Just-Moczygemba and Mark ThallerSustainable Urban Mobility Applications projected in the city of GrazERSCP 2014 - Conference Proceedings273-293Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenAugust Willemsen, Bewaar deze brieven als je eigen tekeningen. Briefwisseling met Marian Plug. Met een voorwoord van Maarten AsscherShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Ali Madanipour and Sabine KnierbeinResilience, Rhythm and Public Spacesdérive - Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung4-9Show publication in PURE
Aglaee DegrosNetworked Territories or a Tribute to Structuring SlownessThe Adaptable City 1 - Europan 12 Results Catalogue36-41Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros and Michiel De CleeneBrussels [re]discovering its spaces 978-2-930774-02-2Show publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovCapacity Building for Rural Development in Occupied Palestinian Territory978-3-99043-620-2Show publication in PURE
Eva Schwab and Ariel GarciaDiscursos e intervenciones en torno al espacio público. Experiencias en Viena y Buenos Aires a principios de siglo XXIShow publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenDurch die Sanduhr. Ein Kommentar zu Markus Jeschaunigs Linienflug Graz-MariborMarkus Jeschaunig Line Projects / Linienprojekte044-057Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenThrough the hourglass. A Commentary on Markus Jeschaunig's Line-Flight Graz-MariborMarkus Jeschaunig Line Projects / Linienprojekte044-057Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenDirect Meaning. The Architecture of Thomas PucherSkins, Bones and Empty Spaces. Atelier Thomas Pucher006-015Show publication in PURE
Ernst Rainer, Christian Hofbauer, Hans Schnitzer, Thomas Mach, Stephan Maier, Christoph Hochenauer, Alexander Passer, Helmuth Kreiner, Peter Maydl, Lothar Fickert and Thomas WielandECR Energy City Graz-ReininghausFULL Papers of the International conference on Sustainable Buildings – Construction Products & Technologies617-628Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille Meuwissen직접 의미. Thomas Pucher의 건축Skins, Bones and Empty Spaces. Atelier Thomas Pucher007-015Show publication in PURE
Christian HofbauerEfficient allocation of structural funds for regional and urban developmentSDS56-57Show publication in PURE
Norbert Bartelme, Andreas Schaumberger and H FormayerRäumliche Interpolation der Globalstrahlung auf Basis eines GIS-StrahlungsmodellsAngewandte Geoinformatik100-110Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, Ali Madanipour and Sabine KnierbeinPublic Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe978-0415640558Show publication in PURE
Eva SchwabNew Public Open Spaces and Old PrejudicesREAL CORP and CEIT, European Center for Innovation, Planning Times Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenWalls and Dreams of Incarceration around 1980Show publication in PURE
Hans Schnitzer, Christian Hofbauer and Ernst RainerEnergy Systems for Smart CitiesEnergy Security and Development - The changing global contextShow publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovPragmatism, not ideology: Bulgarian architectural exports to the "Third World"Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenAbstract affairsMarian Plug vijftig jaar olieverf op doek 50 years of oil on canvas66-72Show publication in PURE
Alexander Passer, Johannes Wall, Ernst Rainer, Thomas Mach, Kersten Hofbauer, Karl Höfler, Sonja Geier and Kai-Uwe HofferA long way to go - from urban development to plus energy buildings - case study: Energy City Graz ReininghausSUN 2012 - Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods 2012---Show publication in PURE
Hans Schnitzer, Ernst Rainer and Christian HofbauerEnergy Concepts for Smart CitiesEnergy Security and Development - The Changing Global ContextShow publication in PURE
Christian HofbauerEfficientAllocation of Structural Funds for Regional and Urban Development, Financial strategies for urban brown field development with public private partnership. Urban development funds and financing options on EU levelFinancial strategies for urban brown field development with public private partnership. Urban development funds and financing options on EU level25-28Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenMarian Plug vijftig jaar olieverf op doek 50 years of oil on canvas978-94-91354-06-9Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenUser Planning Groups - Quality for the CityShow publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros and Stefan BendiksAutoroutes cyclabes ou pistes cyclistes à grande vitesseShow publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenMeta-Methods in (Post-) Modernity. On Synthesis in Architecture and UrbanismShow publication in PURE
Martin Fellendorf and Kurt FallastVerkehrstechnische Beurteilung des Knotens LB100 - L43Show publication in PURE
Aglaee DegrosFlemish Eldorado - The regeneration of Infrastructural Public Space in FlandersRadical commonplaces: European architectures from Flanders 115-138Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenMeta-Methoden in der (Post-) Moderne. On Synthesis in Architecture and UrbanismShow publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenAbstracte zakenMarian Plug vijftig jaar olieverf op doek 50 years of oil on canvas47-65Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenMeta-Methoden in der (Post-) Moderne. On Synthesis in Architecture and UrbanismDense Cities: Architecture for Living Closer Together307-308Show publication in PURE
Norbert Bartelme and J. ScholzDecision Support for a Complex Spatial Scheduling Problem by a GIScience – Operations Research Approach: The case of VRPs with Pickup and Delivery and Time WindowsGeospatial Crossroads @ GI _Forum '1191-100Show publication in PURE
Martin GrabnerWider die Anpassung: Zwischen digitalisierter Zeit und zeitloser HoffnungShow publication in PURE
Martin Fellendorf, Kurt Fallast and Mario PlatzerTechnoVEP - Praxisrelevanz technologiebasierter Methoden und Instrumente der Planung zur Forcierung innovativer TechnologienShow publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenMarian Plug Willeke van Tijn Gerbrand VolgerShow publication in PURE
Johann ZancanellaRolle des geförderten Wohnbaus für die Zukunftssicherung des ländlichen RaumsShow publication in PURE
Eva SchwabFlower Power für Medellín: Die Feria de las Flores. Ein Instrument zur Rückeroberung des öffentlichen Raums?Show publication in PURE
Grigor DoytchinovStädtebau in Bulgarien vom 19. bis zum 21. JahrhundertUrbanisierung und Stadtentwicklung in Südosteuropa vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert185-196Show publication in PURE
Wiel Arets and Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenCollector´sWiel Arets. A Timeline of Ideas, Articles & Interviews 1982-2010074-078Show publication in PURE
Jean Marie Corneille MeuwissenArchitects Discuss Their EducationWiel Arets. A Timeline of Ideas, Articles & Interviews 1982-2010064-071Show publication in PURE
Ernst Rainer, Christian Hofbauer, Thomas Mach and Alexander PasserECR Energy City Graz-ReininghausNachhaltige Gebäude, Planung, Betrieb, Bewertung183-187Show publication in PURE
Aglaee Degros, K Christiaansen and Marcus SpechtPublice accupunctureStedelijke transformatie in de tussentijd Show publication in PURE
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