Lunch Lecture

The Institute for Urbanism invites to a Lunch Lecture by Carole Schmit.

The lecture offers a view on the power of hierarchies at play in contemporary metropolitan landscapes. By understanding how fictions change (the perception of) the real, architects can redefine their role in the processes of urban transformation. 
By introducing a variety of fictional approaches as strategic tools for emancipating spaces and communities new forms of spatial domination emerge. A series of examples in Luxembourg and abroad will explicit her approach.

Carole Schmit currently teaches as a Guest Professor at the University of Luxembourg where she had been in charge of the development of the new Master in architecture. At the same time she is working for the Administration of Public Works on strategic state projects. 
For about fifteen years she has developed in her office Polaris for her design and research projects an architectural syntax based on the influences related to street culture, conceptual art and anthropological studies. 

Where: HS II
When: 13.00-15.00
Registration until 28.01.2020 at

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