Islam Marzouk, Franz Tschuchnigg and Ronald Brinkgreve Expansion of an automated system for determining soil parameters using in-situ tests NUMGE 2023 - Proceedings
Matthias Rebhan, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte, Harald Fuschelberger, Alexander Zöhrer, Kainz Florian, Robert Thurner, Johann Dobrezberger and Markus Schuch Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der Mikropfahltechnik Pfahl-Symposium 2023 487-512
Hans-Peter Daxer, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Ultimate limit state design of deep excavation problems according to EC7 using numerical methods Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023
Prateep Lueprasert, Pornkasem Jongpradist, Pattaramon Jongpradist and Helmut F. Schweiger Structural Responses of a Tunnel Lining Due to an Adjacent Loaded Pile
Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Fabian Brand, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Diego Marchetti Characterization of Partial Drainage during Medusa Flat Dilatometer Testing
Johannes Berndt, Oliver Reul and Roman Marte Erfahrungswerte zur Prognose der axialen Grenztragfähigkeit von Duktilrammpfählen
Johannes Leo, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Interface Constitutive Model Calibration of Embedded Beam with Interaction Surface using Particle Swarm Optimisation Abstract Book 4th International Symposium on Machine Learning & Big Data in Geoscience 102-104
Johannes Leo, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Interface Constitutive Model Calibration of Embedded Beam with Interaction Surface using Particle Swarm Optimisation
Haris Felic, Dirk Schlicke, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Enhanced Interoperability between Geotechnical and Structural Engineering for 3D Building ModelsSynerCrete 2023: International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures217-228
Georg H. Erharter, Hilde Aas Nøst, Islam Marzouk, Simon Oberhollenzer, Wilhelm Holmen, Hans Petter Jostad and Franz Tschuchnigg MLpFEM - towards Machine Learning based parameter calibration
Christian Gasser, Alois Vorwagner, Matthias Rebhan, Tomislav Dolic and Afred Lechner Künstliche Neuronale Netze in der SchwingungsanalyseTagungsband zur 18. D-A-CH-Tagung: Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik
Islam Marzouk, Simon Oberhollenzer and Franz Tschuchnigg An automated system for determining soil parameters: Case study IS-PORTO 2023 - Proceedings
Dirk Schlicke, Franz Tschuchnigg, Hannes Fischnaller and Klaus Pfaff Statische Analyse und Bemessung von Gebäuden mittels 3D-Gesamtmodellen2024 Beton Kalender505-571
Helmut F. Schweiger Numerical modelling of complex geotechnical problems - Three examplesSmart Geotechnics for Smart Societies190-201
Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Ultimate limit state design for deep excavations according to Eurocode 7 by means of numerical methods Proceedings of the 17th Danube - European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering 185- 192
Alexander Stastny and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical studies on the use of zero thickness interfaces in cyclic soil structure interaction analysis Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023 1-6
Manfred Scheikl, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Advancements within static and dynamic Finite Element Analyses of large Embankment Dams
Ronald Brinkgreve, Franz Tschuchnigg, A. Laera and Sandro Brasile Automated CPT interpretation and modelling in a BIM/Digital Twin environment Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023 1-6
Manfred Scheikl, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Advancements within static and dynamic Finite Element Analyses of large Embankment Dams ICOLD 2023 1-10
Stanislav Sysala, Franz Tschuchnigg, Eva Hrubesova and Zdeněk Michalec Shear strength reduction analysis and its usage in slope stability with unconfined seepage Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023 1-6
Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Herausforderung Bodenklassifizierung - Möglichkeiten und Vorteile der Drucksondierung
Stefan Rauter and Franz Tschuchnigg Identification of Soil Strata from In-Situ Test Data Using Machine Learning Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 3 37-44
Stanislav Sysala, Eva Hrubešová, Zdeněk Michalec and Franz Tschuchnigg A Rigorous Variant of the Shear Strength Reduction Method and Its Usage in Slope Stability Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 3 441-448
Alexander Stastny and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical Studies on Soil Structure Interaction of Integral Railway Bridges with Different Backfills Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 3 338-345
Stanislav Sysala, Franz Tschuchnigg, Eva Hrubesova and Zdeněk Michalec Optimization variant of the shear strength reduction method and its usage for stability of embankments with unconfined seepage
Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte and Markus Schuch Development of a double-corrosion-protected self-drilling micropile for the foundation of rockfall protection structures Proceedings of the ISRM 15th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium – Challenges in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1025 - 1030
Martin Scharf, Philipp Zopf, Jörg Edler, Franz Haas, Jakob Stadlbauer, Alexander Zöhrer, Reinhard Kulmer, Roman Marte and Matthias Rebhan Automatisierung und Digitalisierung der Abhebekontrolle von Verpressankern – Maschinenbau meets Geotechnik Beiträge zum 37. Christian Veder Kolloquium 161 - 178
Stefan Grubinger, Matthias Rebhan, Slaven Kalenjuk, Lukas Gruber, Arnold Kogelnig and Wolfgang Walcher Digitalisierungspotential der Prüfung geotechnischer Bauwerke mittels digitaler Zwillinge, standardisierten Prüfvorschriften und on-site-Erfassungslösungen Beiträge zum 37. Christian Veder Kolloquium 179 - 198
Laurin Hauser and Helmut F. Schweiger Numerische Simulation von Drucksondierungen mithilfe der Particle Finite Element Method
Alexander Stastny, Lukas Knittel, Franz Tschuchnigg and Thomas Meier Determination of hypoplastic parameters for a typical gravel backfill material of railway bridges IS-Porto 2023 - Proceedings 1-6
Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg On the Use of Embedded Beam Formulations for the Numerical Analysis of Deep Foundations Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics 307-314
Wolfgang Fellin, Hans-Peter Daxer and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerische Untersuchungen zur Standsicherheit in der tiefen Gleitfuge
Alexander Stastny and Franz Tschuchnigg Richtlinie für lager- und fugenlose Eisenbahnbrücken mit einer ausgeprägten Boden-Bauwerks-Interaktion
Matthias Rebhan VÖBU Ankerdatenbank
Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Beiträge zum 37. Christian Veder Kolloquium: Zustandserhebung, Bewertung und Sanierung von gealterten bzw. schadhaften geotechnischen Konstruktionen
Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Jörg Edler, Florian Scharinger, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Determination of the conservation status of anchored structures in Austria Proceedings of the 17th Danube European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (17DECGE)
Stefan Grubinger, Simon Jimenez, Andreas Schüppel, Matthias Rebhan, Christoph Antony, Clemens Klass and Lukas Gruber Digitale Prüfung von Infrastrukturbauwerken aus Sicht des Bauwerkserhalters, des Prüfpersonals und des Softwareherstellers 2. Fachkongress Digitale Transformation im Lebenszyklus der Verkehrsinfrastruktur 273-281
Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Behaviour of Embedded Beam Formulations under Dynamic Loading 5th International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Proceedings of ZM 2022 353-361