Otto Leibniz, Gerfried Winkler and Steffen Birk Water retention curves and thermal insulating properties of Thermosand
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Gregor Supp, Stephan Semprich, Helfried Breymann, G. Deutinger, S. Ghetta, Rolf Katzenbach, Dimitrios Kolymbas, S. Leppla, M. Mayrhofer and C. Zangerl Spinanchor - A new constructional elementFrom Research to Design in European Practice212-212
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Spinanchor - a new constructional element
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Otto Leibniz Was hat sich in der Normensituation für Benennung, Beschreibung und Klassifizierung von Boden und Fels geändert?Die neue ÖNORM B 4400-1 und -2 "Benennung, Beschreibung und Klassifizeriung von Boden und Fels10-39
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Otto Leibniz Die Messung des Wärmeleitfähigkeitsbeiwertes von Bodenproben mit der HalbraumsondeTagungsband 12. GeoDACH-Treffen67-84
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Otto Leibniz Qualification of Embedding Materials for Remote Heat Supply Pipes Regarding the Thermal Conductivity (Bewertung von Bettungsmaterialien für Fernwärmeleitungen in Bezug auf ihre Wärmeleifähigkeit)
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Christoph Wiltafsky and Roman Marte Thermenresort Seewinkel - Wasserhaltung und GründungTagungshandbuch des 7.Kolloquiums Bauen in Boden und Fels445-451
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Franz Tschuchnigg 3D Finite Elemente Berechnung zur Setzungsprognose der DC Towers
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Christian Lackner and Stephan Semprich Bewehrte Erde unter Vorspannung - Grundlagen, Versuche, Simulationen
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Christian Lackner and Stephan Semprich Prestressed geosynthetic reinforced soil by compaction
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger 3D Finite Elemente Berechnung zur Setzungsprognose der DC Towers
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Christian Lackner and Stephan Semprich Prestressed geosynthetic reinforced soil by compactionGeosynthetics for a challenging world717-720
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Dimiter Alexiev, Karl Lackner, Oliver Detert, D. Brokemper and Christian Lackner Twenty eight meters high geogrid reinforced embankments as flexible solutions in problematic hillsides: Project Trieben-Sunk, AustriaProceeding of the 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics1681-1684
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Vahid Galavi and Helmut Schweiger Nonlocal multilaminate model for strain softening analysis
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Gregor Supp Spinanchor - a new constructional elementGeotechnical Engineering 20 - View of Young European Geotechnical Engineers266-273
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Christian Lackner Reinforced Soil by GeogridsNew Technologies in Foundation Engineering1-21
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Helmut Schweiger Design of deep excavations with FEM - Influence of constitutive model and comparison of EC7 design approachesEarth Retention Conference 3804-817
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Steger, Gerhard: Experimental and numerical investigation of unsaturated soils with application to tunnelling under compressed air978-3-900484-56-9
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Beiträge zum 25. Christian Veder Kolloquium - 25 Jahre Fortschritt in der Geotechnik - Neue Entwicklungen in Gerätetechnik, Ausführung und Berechnung
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Franz Tschuchnigg 3D Finite Elemente Berechnung zur Setzungsprognose der DC Towers
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Spinnanker - ein neues Konstruktionselement7. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels259-269
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Otto Leibniz Water retention curves and thermal insulating properties of ThermosandGeophysical Research Abstracts Vol.1211066-1
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Vaclav Racansky, Alexander Zöhrer, U. Trunk and Helmut Schweiger Numerical 3D FE-Analysis of the Anchorage Zone of Jet Grouted Retaining WallsFrom Research to Design in European Practice274-274
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Otto Leibniz, Helmut Nievelt and Heimo Spitzenberger Ungebundene und stabilisierte TragschichtenGESTRATA Asphalt Handbuch111-138
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Helmut Schweiger, Ali Nasekhian and R. Pöttler Random Set analysis for tunnel excavation – application to real projectSafety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastructures and Engineering Systems1315-1322
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Otto Leibniz Qualification of Embedding Materials for Remote Heat Supply Pipes Regarding the Thermal ConductivityFrom Research to Design in European Practice170-171
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Spinnanker - ein neues Konstruktionselement
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Christian Lackner and Stephan Semprich Vorgespannte Bewehrte Erde - Grundlagen, Versuche, Simulationen
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Indra Noer Hamdhan and Barry G. Clarke Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Coarse and Fine Sand SoilsProceedings World Geothermal Congress 20101-7
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger Anisotropic small strain stiffness within the multilaminate frameworkNumerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering39-44
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Helmut Schweiger, Thomas Marcher and Ali Nasekhian Nonlinear FE-analysis of tunnel excavation - comparison of EC7 design approaches
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Otto Leibniz Vergleich der thermischen Eigenschaften von verschiedenen bodenmechanisch geeigneten Bettungsmaterialien für FernwärmeleitungenTagungsband 7. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels, Deutschland593-604
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Untersuchungen zum Trag- und Verformungsverhalten des Spinnankers
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Dietmar Adam, Helmut Schweiger, Roman Markiewicz and T. Knabe Euro 2008 Stadium Klagenfurt - Prediction, Monitoring and Back Calculation of Settlement BehaviourFrom Research to Design in European Practice217-230
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Thomas Marcher, Filip Jiricny, Helmut Schweiger and Ali Nasekhian Nonlinear FE-analyses of tunnel structures based on EC7 design approaches – a case study based on the Nivy station, BratislavaFrom Research to Design in European Practice142-142
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Stephan Semprich and Bernhard Scharner Quality Assurance in Geotechnics by Visualization of Measured DataFrom Research to Design in European Practice241-241
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Helmut Schweiger Numerical analysis of deep excavations and tunnels in accordance with EC7 design approachesInt. Conference Geotechnical Challenges in Megacities206-217
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