
Daniel Gradwohl, Daniel Lucic, Fabian Schipflinger

Two worlds collide, drift apart and leave behind emptyness. An Inter-space, which in its inconspicuousness is constantly in motion, evolves and furthermore creates space itself. As a zone of change, separating and connecting at the same time, the Grjótagjá cave literally represent the break between the two continental plates. Within the years, these move further apart and consequently shape the unique landscape of the vulcanic area. The intention of the proposed design is to emphasize the variability of this natural environment as well as the relationship between the two sides. The building itself is supposed to absorb the break in the landscape and divide into two narrow bars oriented alongside the gap. Both are connected to each other, accentuateing the InBetween.

Wintersemester 2020/2021
Workshop 3
Kaden, Brugger

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