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Master's Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering

We can no longer imagine a world without electrical and information technology. From smartphones to smart homes, from the energy supply to e-cars and on to Industry 4.0: Our modern life depends on electrical engineering – now even more than ever due to the energy transition. In this master's degree programme, you will learn how to develop the technologies that shape our world both today and tomorrow.

Quick Facts

  • Duration of study: 4 semesters
  • ECTS credit points: 120
  • Academic degree: "Diplom-Ingenieurin" or "Diplom-Ingenieur" ("Dipl.Ing." or "DI"), equivalent to the Master of Science (MSc)
  • Language of instruction: German

The Master's Programme

This Master's degree programme takes into account the wide range and innovative potential of electrical engineering as well as the rapid changes that are taking place in the professional field. In addition to factual knowledge, you will learn how to apply scientific methods that you will later use to systematically develop innovative solutions in your profession.

You will learn about different application areas for electrical engineering systems, e.g. power plants and energy supply, electromobility, communication networks and industrial systems. In all of these areas, you will analyse problems and come up with innovative solutions. You will be expected to lead project groups and conduct technical discussions in German and English.

The degree programme also forms a good foundation for working in interdisciplinary teams. The expression of team spirit is already encouraged at the institute. Electrical engineering is a degree programme that thrives on intensive exchange, whether this takes place in the well-equipped laboratories, in the canteen, or in the Dynamo Engineering Drawing Studio or the High-Voltage Drawing Studio.

Focus Areas

The field of electrical engineering is broad and full of possibilities. You are free to choose the subfield that you want to specialize in. From the 1st semester and on, you can choose one out of the four in-depth specializations in electrical engineering:

  1. Automation Technology and Mechatronics – subjects include: control systems, measurement systems, embedded systems, and estimation & multiphysics
  2. Power Engineering – subjects include: high-voltage technology and electrical power systems, the energy industry and electrical machines.
  3. Information and Communication Technology – subjects include: communications, signals, computers, networks & software, contactless technologies
  4. Microelectronics and Circuit Design – subjects include: microelectronics, circuit design, system design & measurement

In your specialization subject, you complete an equal number of compulsory modules and free-choice subject modules. Lectures and laboratory exercises enable you to gain in-depth theoretical and practical subject knowledge. Many of the courses are held in English in order to give you the possibility to pursue an international career. 
In the 4th semester, you will focus on your master's thesis. Normally, you will work on an application-related topic that will pave the way for your future career.

I’m fascinated by how many of the most relevant topics for the future, like mobility, using energy efficiently, or data security, are influenced and sustainably changed by microelectronics. This is why the Master’s Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering was the perfect choice for me.

For example, you learn how chips are made out of semiconductor materials, how computers and smartphones are built, how data transmission and data processing work, and where and how sensor systems are used.

The beauty of the Master's Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering is that you can specialise in the subject area that you personally enjoy the most. During the bachelor's degree programme, you already become familiar with all of the subject areas. Now, you can decide what you want to specialise in, whether it's power engineering, microelectronics, communications engineering, or automation engineering. Everywhere you go, you'll find fellow students with similar interests with whom you also get along well personally and become friends.

Collaborations and Networks

Students at TU Graz have access to an excellent technical infrastructure. This includes:


1. Admission Procedure

Graduates of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering at TU Graz are admitted without needing to fulfil further requirements.

Graduates of other bachelor's degree programmes can obtain information and apply for admission by contacting studynoSpam@tugraz.at.

2. Admission

Information and Advice

Contact studynoSpam@tugraz.at

Career Prospects

Professional Fields

Our world is undergoing rapid technological change. In the Master's degree programme in Electrical Engineering, you will receive an education that enables you to shape the future developments. This programme places a focus on:

  • intelligent and resource-efficient energy supply and distribution,
  • the digitalization of society and industry and 
  • future applications of networked mobility.

As a programme graduate, you will conduct research and develop applications in all areas of electrical engineering and information technology. You can work 

  • in research, development and production departments,
  • in energy supply and telecommunications companies,
  • in the field of mobility,
  • in teaching and training,
  • as an independent business owner.

In addition to offering a broad theoretical basic education, the Master’s Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering gives students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in a wide variety of specializations in the field of electrical engineering. This makes it possible for our graduates to enter key positions in digitalisation or the fight against climate change.