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Privacy Policy Life Long Learning

TU Graz Life Long Learning treats your personal data in accordance with the legal data protection requirements. At this time, we would like to inform you about the type, scope and purpose of the personal data collected.

Last updated: May 2018

1. Your contact information via e-mail

If you contact us by e-mail, we will store your data until further notice so that we can process your inquiry and answer any follow-up questions. This data will not be passed on to third parties.

2. Your contact information using the online form “Staying up to date”

If you register using our online form Staying up to date, we process the data you have given us in order to provide you with specific information. We process the following data:
  • Title
  • Full name
  • Address
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
We will only use the data for the above-mentioned purpose. It is not possible to offer information services, advertising services, or service features without these data. Your data will neither be published by us nor passed on to third parties without your authorisation. The data will be stored so that we can send you information and advertising material until this authorisation is revoked. The data will be deleted if the e-mails cannot be delivered.

3. Registration for our continuing education programme

If you register for one of our continuing education programmes using the application form available on our website, we will use the personal data provided while processing the registration and contract, as well as during the programme. We store the following data:
  • Title
  • Academic degree
  • Full name
  • Birthdate
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Address
  • Citizenship
  • Terms of payment
  • If the costs are paid by third parties: company billing address and contact person
It is necessary for us to acquire, process, and store the data you provide to fulfil the contract and carry out pre-contractual measures. Without this data, we cannot finalise or fulfil a contract with you. Your data will neither be published by us nor passed on to third parties without your authorisation unless this has been otherwise agreed on or is legally required. Data retention period: The data will be deleted if they are no longer required for the specified purpose unless there are legal obligations to store the data or legitimate interests in storing the data for a longer period (e.g. for the purpose of asserting and defending legal claims). The storage of the data for the purpose of sending information and advertising material is permitted on the basis of legitimate interests / consent until the latter is revoked. The data will be deleted if the e-mails cannot be delivered.

Your rights

You have the right to be informed if and when your personal data is processed by TU Graz. If your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to rectification. If you believe that TU Graz is processing your data improperly, you can assert your right to erasure or right to be forgotten. You have a right to restriction of processing and a right to data portability. You can revoke the consent that you have given at any time and without providing reasons, which affects the way data is processed in the future (right to withdraw consent). Once consent has been withdrawn, data may no longer be processed as previously stipulated, unless another justification for the data processing exists. If the TU Graz claims that data must be processes on the basis of a (predominantly) justified interest, you have the right to object (right to object to the asserted justified interests). To exercise these rights, please contact: https://datenschutz.tugraz.at/dsgvo/rechte/. If you have questions regarding the protection of your personal data, please send an e-mail to datenschutznoSpam@tugraz.at.