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Privacy Policy – Events organised by Life Long Learning

1. General

Protecting your data is a top priority for Graz University of Technology (hereinafter “TU Graz”). All of our procedures and processes comply with applicable data protection regulations. If you take part in an event organised by TU Graz Life Long Learning, it will be necessary to process your personal data for certain purposes. In line with our legal obligations, this privacy notice provides information on the nature, purpose, legal basis and other aspects of our data processing.

2. Controller

The controller responsible for data processing is Graz University of Technology, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz.

3. Categories of People and Data

TU Graz processes the following personal data in connection with the event:

  1. Participants (e.g. audience): Academic title, title, first and last name, position, organisation/company, telephone number, e-mail address, website, photographs and video recordings, nationality; for Webex online events additionally: user name, IP address, log data
  2. Speakers (e.g. lecturers, graduating students, doctoral candidates): Academic title, title, first and last name, position, organisation/company, telephone number, e-mail address, website, photographs and video recordings, screenshots, nationality, short biography, title and brief introduction of master’s theses and projects; for Webex online events additionally: user name, IP address, log data

4. Purpose and Legal Basis

  1. Sending invitations to individuals in existing contact lists
  2. Organising and running the event or Webex online event
  3. Working on public relations and documenting the event (taking pictures, describing the activities of the university and informing the general public)

The sending of invitations to people from existing contact lists who have not yet taken part in any event or in any events that are similar in terms of content takes place on the basis of Art 6 (1) a GDPR.

The sending of invitations to people from existing contact lists who have already taken part in the same series of events or a similar event takes place on the basis of public interest of TU Graz with regard to the tasks outlined in the Universities Act 2002 (UG) in accordance with Art 6 (1) e GDPR.

For the organisation and implementation of paid events, TU Graz processes the personal data provided by the participants as well as the speakers upon registration on the basis of fulfilment of pre-contractual or contractual measures in accordance with Art 6 (1) b GDPR. For the organisation and implementation of free events, TU Graz processes the personal data provided by the participants as well as the speakers upon registration on the basis of public interest of TU Graz in accordance with Art 6 (1) e GDPR.

The Universities Act 2002 of the Republic of Austria assigns TU Graz the task of supporting national and international collaboration in research, teaching and art and of informing the public about how the university fulfils its tasks.

In order to fulfil these obligations and to promote networking between researchers within the various research disciplines, TU Graz has to hold events as part of its public service mission. The legal basis for public relations work and documentation of the event, in particular by means of taking pictures, and the provision of participant lists to participants is found in Art 6 (1) e GDPR in conjunction with § 3 Universities Act 2002 (UG).

For speakers: For the organisation and implementation of events, TU Graz also processes your short biography and profile picture, if you have provided them to us, in addition to the data mentioned above. TU Graz processes this data according to Art 6 (1) a GDPR based on the consent you have given by way of informed, active communication.


5. Recipients

Your photographs and video recordings may be used to showcase and promote the event in all media operated by TU Graz or TU Graz Life Long Learning, including online and on social media platforms (please note the information signs at the event).

As a rule, your personal data will not be transmitted to third parties. If transmission of data to third parties is unavoidable, any recipients will be specified separately when registering for the respective event (e.g. co-organisers, participants).

6. Retention Periods

On the basis of fulfilment of pre-contractual or contractual measures (paid event): TU Graz stores your personal data for as long as necessary for performance of the contract (event contract).

On the basis of public interest of TU Graz: TU Graz processes your personal data for as long as is necessary to safeguard the public interests or until (justified) objection is raised.

Furthermore, your personal data is only stored if statutory retention periods or limitation periods regarding potential legal claims apply.

7. Source

When sending out event invitations to public figures, the data is partially collected from publicly accessible sources by TU Graz or TU Graz Life Long Learning employees, limited to the intended purpose.

8. Rights of Persons Affected

You have the right to information, correction, portability, restriction of processing, objection and deletion of data. In addition, you have the right of withdrawal against data processing. Keep in mind, however, that a withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the data processing carried out until withdrawal. Furthermore, exercising these rights cannot lead to the dissolution of contractual or legal obligations.

If you do not want photographs or video recordings of yourself to be taken, please inform the organiser(s) or the photographer(s) of this at the beginning of the event.

For data protection concerns or to exercise your rights as a data subject, please contact datenschutznoSpam@tugraz.at. All further information on data protection at TU Graz can be found at datenschutz.tugraz.at.

Furthermore, you also have a right of appeal to the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

9. Data Protection Officer

The TU Graz Data Protection Officer is x-tention Informationstechnologie GmbH, Römerstraße 80A, 4600 Wels, Austria.