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TU Graz Student Union

The HTU Graz is the Austrian National Student Union at the TU Graz. It represents the general and study-related interests of all students at the TU Graz.

Services for Prospective Students

The student representatives
  • advise the students on their choice of degree programme, see Overview of studies,
  • provide information about the admission requirements for each of the degree programmes, for example, the admission procedure and
  • provide support at the beginning of the degree program.
  • have information about living as a student in Graz

Counselling and Information for Students

  • Questions related to the degree programs
  • Financial topics
  • Scholarships and insurance
  • Working and living
  • Equal opportunity
  • Students from abroad
  • Possibilities to contribute



  • Represents the interests of all students at the TU Graz.
  • Sends students with the right to vote to influence the curriculum.
  • Provides comprehensive consulting and support services.
  • Organises various small and large events.
  • Provides financial support for socially disadvantaged students, students from non-EU countries and project ideas from students.
  • Elects the student representatives in the University Senate.
  • Issues opinions on drafts of laws and regulations.

HTU Graz Chair

  • Chairman: Martin Heider
  • 1st deputy chairman: Eve Losbichler
  • 2nd deputy chairwoman: Alexander Zauner


For me, the HTU offers its services as a complete package. Whether the students have questions about financial support, their curriculum, their examination rights, discrimination, or something totally different, our team always finds a solution. It’s very important to us to rapidly respond to e-mails and personal conversations. Our representation work in the Senate, the Academic Commission and in other committees is particularly noteworthy, because we can shape the degree programmes offered at the TU. Of course, social meetings and celebrations shouldn’t be neglected - we really enjoy organizing the beverage stands and festivals on campus!


Student Union at the TU Graz (HTU) 
Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 5100

Phone: +43 316 873 5111

Homepage HTU Graz