About the Workshop
The 4th workshop on Computational Persistence will take place from Sep 23 to Sep 27 in hybrid mode at Graz University of Technology, Austria. This workshop provides a forum to exchange ideas on computational aspects of topological persistence that fertilize advances in topological data analysis.
The schedule will be composed of invited and contributed talks on computational aspects of topological data analysis. Contributed talks can be suggested in the form of an abstract of at most two pages. A scientific committee will check the submissions and make a selection.
We encourage on-site participation, but equally welcome submissions of researchers that attend remotely. To facilitate remote participation from America in particular, the workshop sessions will take place in the afternoon.
- Deadline for abstracts of contributed talks: June 21 2024
- Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2024
Please register at the link below. There are no registration fees, neither for on-site nor remote participation.
Scientific Committee
- Ulrich Bauer (TU Munich)
- Tamal Dey (Purdue)
- Michael Kerber (Graz University of Technology)
- Michael Lesnick (University of Albany)
- Elizabeth Munch (Michigan State)
Invited Speakers
- Magnus Botnan (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Heather Harrington (MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden)
- Kathryn Hess-Bellwald (EPFL Lausanne)
- Tao Hou (DePaul University)
- Clement Maria (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
- Marian Mrozek (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
- Steve Oudot (INRIA Saclay)
- Anastasios Stefanou (University of Bremen)
- Yusu Wang (University of California, San Diego)
Local Organizers
- Ángel Alonso
- Andre Hammer
- Kristóf Huszár
- Jan Jendrysiak
- Michael Muhr
- Florian Russold
- Matthias Söls
- Esther Zuccato
Previous ComPer workshops