Lunch Lecture

How to stimulate the sense of materiality by students with the help of a board game about architecture and the construction?

The Institute for Urbanism invites to a Lunch Lecture by François Vermer.
On one hand his lecture will focus on the «material library» organized by him, which is a place for students attending this faculty to have a direct «skincontact». They can feel, touch and weigh the materials used for outdoor design, buildings as well as the main constructive systems of them.
On the other hand he will explain the «board game» they have developed to help young people and students to experience the everyday reality of young  working architects. This role play is an opportunity to learn about the fascinating world of urban design, architecture and renovation.
Since 2008 François Vermer is been teaching in ISA-Saint-Luc (Brussels, Belgium) in two different topics : Topography and Earth Sciences (geology and the use of rocks in architecture mostly). He coordinates togehter with his colleague J. Malevez the «material library» of the Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning (LOCI, UCL).

François Vermer

Ort: HS V
Zeit: 11.30-13.30

Anmeldung bis 12.11.2019 unter

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