Dependable Information Propagation and Time Synchronization in Wireless Data Acquisition Systems

MA-Endpräsentation: Sammer - Betreuer: Carlo Boano - 14:30 Uhr ---
Wireless sensor networks have been often used to build low-rate data acquisition systems in the last decade because of their easy applicability and lower costs compared to wired alternatives.
However, high-rate data acquisition systems are mostly bound to wired communication due to reliability concerns and because of the required timing accuracy. This thesis extends the ViFDAQ data acquisition system with the ability to form a reliable wireless sensor network for high-rate data acquisition with synchronous sampling of data. The contributions of this thesis are threefold. First, a hardware adapter is designed and manufactured in order to make the ViFDAQ data acquisition system capable of forming a wireless sensor network. Second, this thesis presents the design and implementation of multiple algorithms providing reliable message distribution and highly accurate wireless time synchronization. The innovative use and combination of existing methods are shown to significantly raise the reliability and synchronization performance of the wireless data acquisition system compared to existing solutions. Finally, a thorough evaluation of the developed system helps to better understand the performance of the used algorithms, and shows the robustness and efficiency of the system in action.