

Gernot Beer The isogeometric boundary element method Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 436, 2025
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2024.117711
Domagoj Bošnjak and Thomas-Peter Fries A Mini Guide on Mesh Generation of Blood Vessels for CFD ApplicationsSegmentation of the Aorta. Towards the Automatic Segmentation, Modeling, and Meshing of the Aortic Vessel Tree from Multicenter Acquisition - First Challenge, SEG.A. 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Proceedings127-134
Domagoj Bošnjak, Antonio Pepe, Richard Schussnig, Jan Egger and Thomas Peter Fries A semi-automatic method for block-structured hexahedral meshing of aortic dissections International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 40, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.3860
Michael Wolfgang Kaiser and Thomas Peter Fries Simultaneous analysis of continuously embedded Reissner–Mindlin shells in 3D bulk domains International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 125, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.7495
Benjamin Marussig, Thomas Rüberg, Jürgen Zechner, Lars Kielhorn and Thomas Peter Fries Reducing Meshing Requirements for Electrostatic Problems using a Galerkin Boundary Element MethodConference Proceedings ECCOMAS 2024
Teresa Schwentner and Thomas‐Peter Fries Fully Coupled, Higher‐Order, Block‐Structured Mesh Generation in Fluid–Structure Interaction International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.5355
Michael Kaiser and Thomas Peter Fries A Finite Element Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Implicitly Defined Reissner-Mindlin ShellsProceedings of the 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal
Teresa Schwentner, Domagoj Bošnjak and Thomas Peter Fries Stable, Efficient, and Higher-order Mesh Movement in Large-displacement Fluid-structure InteractionProceedings of the 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal
Thomas Peter Fries and Michael Kaiser Simultaneous, Dynamical Analysis of Structural Ropes and Membranes on all Level-setsProceedings of the 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, 2024
Domagoj Bošnjak and Thomas Peter Fries Skeleton-based Block-structured Mesh Generation of Vascular DomainsProceedings of the 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, 2024
Thomas Peter Fries, Jonas Neumeyer and Michael Kaiser A new concept for embedding sub-structures via level-setsProceedings of the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2024), Vancouver, Canada, 2024
Michael Kaiser and Thomas Peter Fries Simultaneous solution of implicitly defined curved, linear Timoshenko beams in two-dimensional bulk domainsProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Thomas Peter Fries and Michael Kaiser Modeling and Simulation of Simultaneous Transport and Incompressible Flows on all Level Sets in a Bulk DomainProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Kathrin Baumler, Malte Rolf-Pissarczyk, Richard Schussnig, Thomas Peter Fries, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Martin R. Pfaller, Alison L. Marsden, Dominik Fleischmann and Gerhard A. Holzapfel Assessment of aortic dissection remodeling with patient-specific fluid-structure interaction models IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TBME.2024.3480362
Richard Schussnig, Malte Rolf‐Pissarczyk, Kathrin Bäumler, Thomas‐Peter Fries, Gerhard A. Holzapfel and Martin Kronbichler On the role of tissue mechanics in fluid–structure interaction simulations of patient‐specific aortic dissection International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 125, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.7478
Thomas‐Peter Fries and Michael W. Kaiser The Bulk Trace FEM for the simultaneous solution of structural membranes on all level sets over a bulk domain Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 23, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.202300028
Gernot Beer and Christian Duenser Immersed isogeometric Boundary Elements Computers and Geotechnics 157, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105330
Richard Schussnig, Malte Rolf-Pissarczyk, Kathrin Bäumler, Gerhard Holzapfel, Thomas Peter Fries and Martin Kronbichler Accelerated Dirichlet-Robin fluid-structure interaction in patient-specific haemodynamicsProceedings of the 7th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2023)
Malte Rolf-Pissarczyk, Kathrin Bäumler, Richard Schussnig, Thomas Peter Fries, Dominik Fleischmann, Alison Marsden and Gerhard Holzapfel Chronic type B aortic dissection remodeling assessed with patient-specific fluid-structure interaction modelsProceedings of the 7th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2023)
Thomas Peter Fries and Michael Wolfgang Kaiser On the simultaneous solution of structural membranes on all level sets within a bulk domain Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 415, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2023.116223
Domagoj Bošnjak, Antonio Pepe, Richard Schussnig, Dieter Schmalstieg and Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order block-structured hex meshing of tubular structures Engineering with Computers , 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-023-01834-7
Michael Kaiser and Thomas Peter Fries Curved, linear Kirchhoff beams formulated using tangential differential calculus and Lagrange multipliers92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)1
Thomas Peter Fries, Domagoj Bošnjak and Teresa Schwentner Fluid-Structure Interaction with fully integrated Mesh Generation
Richard Schussnig, Douglas R.Q. Pacheco and Thomas Peter Fries Efficient split-step schemes for fluid–structure interaction involving incompressible generalised Newtonian flows Computers and Structures 260, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruc.2021.106718
Thomas Peter Fries, Domagoj Bosnjak and Richard Schussnig FULLY INTEGRATED MESH GENERATION IN FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTIONECCOMAS Congress 2022 - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Michael W. Kaiser and Thomas Peter Fries Tangential differential calculus for curved, linear kirchhoff beams with systematic convergence studiesECCOMAS Congress 2022 - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Richard Schussnig, Simon Dreymann, Alireza Jafarinia, Thomas Hochrainer and Thomas Peter Fries A SEMI-IMPLICIT METHOD FOR THROMBUS FORMATION IN HAEMODYNAMIC FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTIONECCOMAS Congress 2022 - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Richard Schussnig, Douglas R.Q. Pacheco, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Thomas Peter Fries Semi-implicit fluid–structure interaction in biomedical applications Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 400, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2022.115489
Thomas Peter Fries A higher-order fictitious domain method for structural membranes and shells
Richard Schussnig, Douglas R.Q. Pacheco and Thomas Peter Fries Time-splitting Schemes for Fluid-Structure Interaction in Biomedical Applications
Douglas R. Q. Pacheco and Richard Schussnig Consistent pressure Poisson splitting methods for incompressible multi-phase flows: eliminating numerical boundary layers and inf-sup compatibility restrictions Computational Mechanics 70, 977-992, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-022-02190-x
Andreas Dutzler and Werner Guggenberger Work - conjugacy of stress and strain tensors and its role in 3D hyperelastic isotropic material formulation Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 21, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.202100193
Douglas R.Q. Pacheco, Richard Schussnig and Thomas Peter Fries An efficient split-step framework for non-Newtonian incompressible flow problems with consistent pressure boundary conditions Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 382, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2021.113888
Richard Schussnig, Douglas R.Q. Pacheco and Thomas Peter Fries Robust stabilised finite element solvers for generalised Newtonian fluid flows Journal of Computational Physics 442, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2021.110436
Richard Schussnig, Kathrin Bäumler and Thomas Peter Fries Multi-layered tissue models in patient-specific simulations of aortic dissectionProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Richard Schussnig, Douglas Ramalho Queiroz Pacheco, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Thomas Peter Fries Efficient and higher-order accurate split-step methods for generalised Newtonian fluid flowProceedings of the Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2021)
Thomas Peter Fries and Daniel Schöllhammer An embedded domain method for non-linear structural membranesProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
R. Schussnig and T. P. Fries Coupled multiphysics modeling of aortic dissectionWorld Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas‐Peter Fries A higher‐order Trace finite element method for shells International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122, 1217-1238, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.6558
Richard Schussnig, Malte Rolf-Pissarczyk, Gerhard Holzapfel and Thomas Peter Fries Fluid-structure interaction simulations of aortic dissectionProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Thomas Peter Fries and Daniel Schöllhammer Non-linear structural membranes and ropes based on tangential differential calculusProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas Peter Fries Implicit Analysis of Reissner–Mindlin shells with the Trace FEMProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Douglas R. Q. Pacheco, Richard Schussnig, Olaf Steinbach and Thomas‐Peter Fries A global residual-based stabilization for equal-order finite element approximations of incompressible flows International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122, 2075-2094, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.6615
Gernot Beer, Christian Duenser and Vincenzo Mallardo Efficient and realistic 3-D boundary element simulations of underground construction using isogeometric analysis Computers and Geotechnics 134, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2021.104055
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig and Christian Duenser The Isogeometric Boundary Element Method978-3-030-23338-9
Markus Schätzer and Thomas Peter Fries Loaded crack surfaces in two and three dimensions with XFEM Applied Mathematical Modelling 78, 863-885, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2019.10.020
T. P. Fries and D. Schöllhammer A unified finite strain theory for membranes and ropes Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 365, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2020.113031
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas Peter Fries A generalized formulation of classical shell models based on tangential differential calculusBerichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 14431-438
Antonio Pepe, Richard Schussnig, Jianning Li, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Xiaojun Chen, Thomas Peter Fries and Jan Egger IRIS: interactive real-time feedback image segmentation with deep learningSPIE Medical Imaging
Gernot Beer, Christian Dünser, Eugenio Ruocco and Vincenzo Mallardo Efficient simulation of inclusions and reinforcement bars with the isogeometric Boundary Element method Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 372, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2020.113409
Christian Duenser, Gernot Beer and Benjamin Marussig Isogeometric boundary element analysis of underground excavationsProceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics2281-2292
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig and Christian Duenser Time dependent problemsLecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics307-317
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig and Christian Duenser Steady state potential problemsLecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics151-168
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig and Christian Duenser Getting geometry information from CAD programsLecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics93-102
Jakob Werner Stanford and Thomas Peter Fries A higher-order conformal decomposition finite element method for plane B-rep geometries Computers & Structures 214, 15-27, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruc.2018.12.006
D. Schöllhammer and T. P. Fries Kirchhoff–Love shell theory based on tangential differential calculus Computational Mechanics 64, 113–131, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-018-1659-5
Gernot Beer and Christian Duenser Isogeometric boundary element analysis of problems in potential flow Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 347, 517-532, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2018.12.045
Helmut Schweiger, C. Fabris, G. Ausweger and L. Hauser Examples of successful numerical modelling of complex geotechnical problems Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 4, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-018-0189-5
D. Schöllhammer and T. P. Fries Reissner–Mindlin shell theory based on tangential differential calculus Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 352, 172-188, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2019.04.018
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas Peter Fries Reissner-Mindlin shell theory based on Tangential Differential CalculusProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Richard Schussnig and Thomas Peter Fries A concept for aortic dissection with fluid‐structure‐crack interactionProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas Peter Fries A unified approach for shell analysis on explicitly and implicitly defined surfacesProceedings of the Form and Force Joint International Conference750-757
Jakob Werner Stanford and Thomas Peter Fries Higher-Order accurate meshing of implicitly defined non-smooth manifoldsProceedings of the 28th International Meshing Roundtable
Thomas Peter Fries and Daniel Schöllhammer Classical Shell Analysis based on Tangential Differential Calculus
Daniel Schöllhammer, Benjamin Marussig and Thomas Peter Fries An isogeometric fictitious domain method for trimmed Kirchhoff-Love shells using extended B-splines and Nitsche’s method
Jakob Werner Stanford and Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order Accurate Meshing of Nonsmooth Implicitly Defined Surfaces and Intersection Curves Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 59, 2093–2107, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0965542519120169
Richard Schussnig and Thomas Peter Fries Fluid-Structure Interaction in Aortic Dissection - A Monolithic Approach
Richard Schussnig and Thomas Peter Fries Towards Fluid-Structure-Crack Interaction in Aortic Dissection
Jakob Werner Stanford and Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order accurate meshing of implicitly defined tangential and transversal intersection curvesNumerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing193-203
Gernot Beer and Christian Duenser Advanced 3-D Boundary Element analysis of underground excavations Computers and Geotechnics 101, 196-207, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2018.05.005
Gernot Beer, Vincenzo Mallardo, Eugenio Ruocco and Christian Dünser Isogeometric Boundary Element Analysis of steady incompressible viscous flow, Part 2 : 3-D problems Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 332, 440-461, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2018.01.007
Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order surface FEM for incompressible Navier-Stokes flows on manifolds International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 88, 55-78, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.4510
T. P. Fries Higher-order conformal decomposition FEM (CDFEM) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 328, 75-98, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2017.08.046
Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order surface FEM for incompr. Navier-Stokes flows on manifoldsProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Special Issue
Markus Schätzer and Thomas Peter Fries Heuristic pressure profiles in hydraulic fracturingProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Special Issuee20180006
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas Peter Fries Kirchhoff-Love shell theory based on Tangential Differential CalculusProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Thomas Peter Fries, Samir Omerovic, Daniel Schöllhammer and Jakob Werner Stanford A fictitious domain method with higher-order accurate integration in cut elementsProceedings ECCM VI, ECFD VII3994-3405
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas Peter Fries Classical shell analysis in view of tangential differential calculusProceedings ECCM VI, ECFD VII3646-3657
Jakob Werner Stanford and Thomas Peter Fries A higher-order conformal decomposition FEM for NURBS-based geometriesProceedings ECCM VI, ECFD VII3406-3416
Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order approximations of incompressible Navier-Stokes flows on curved manifoldsProceedings of the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII), New York, USA
Thomas Peter Fries and Markus Schätzer Explicit-implicit XFEM for Hydraulic Fracturing with emphasis on transport models on curved crack surfaces
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas Peter Fries Classical shell theory based on tangential differential calculus
Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order surface FEM for incompressible flows on curved manifolds
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig and Christian Duenser Isogeometric boundary element method for problems with nonlinear inclusions
Gernot Beer and Christian Duenser Isogeometric boundary element analysis of underground excavations considering effects of geology
Vincenzo Mallardo, Eugenio Ruocco and Gernot Beer A NURBS-BEM application in continuum damage mechanicsAdvances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics XVII253-258
Thomas Peter Fries A higher-order FEM for PDEs on implicit manifolds—part I: geometry
Daniel Schöllhammer and Thomas Peter Fries A higher-order FEM for PDEs on implicit manifolds—part II: approximations
Gernot Beer, Vincenzo Mallardo, Eugenio Ruocco and Christian Dünser Isogeometric Boundary Element Analysis of steady incompressible viscous flow, Part 1: Plane problems Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 326, 51-69, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2017.08.005
Jakob Werner Steidl and Thomas Peter Fries Construction of a Higher-order Conformal Decomposition FEM for NURBS-based geometries
Markus Schätzer and Thomas Peter Fries A simplified hydraulic fracturing model in 3D with prescribed pressure profiles
Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order conformal decomposition FEM (CDFEM): An alternative for XFEM
Benjamin Urick and Benjamin Marussig Why CAD Surface Geometry is Inexact
T. P. Fries and D. Schöllhammer Higher-order meshing of implicit geometries, Part II: Approximations on manifolds Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 326, 270-297, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2017.07.037
Thomas Bernoulli Flexibilität durch Modularität: Ein Framework für sensorbasierte Positionierungssysteme
Samir Omerovic Higher-order finite element methods for implicitly defined interface problems
Gernot Beer, Vincenzo Mallardo, Eugenio Ruocco, Benjamin Marussig, Jürgen Zechner, Christian Dünser and Thomas-Peter Fries Isogeometric Boundary Element Analysis with elasto-plastic inclusions. Part 2: 3-D problems Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 315, 418-433, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2016.11.007
T. P. Fries, Samir Omerovic, D. Schöllhammer and Jakob Steidl Higher-order meshing of implicit geometries—Part I Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 313, 759-784, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2016.10.019
Samir Omerovic and Thomas Peter Fries Conformal higher-order remeshing schemes for implicitly defined interface problems International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 109, 763-789, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.5301
Benjamin Marussig, Jürgen Zechner, Gernot Beer and Thomas Peter Fries Stable isogeometric analysis of trimmed geometries Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 316, 497-521, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2016.07.040
Samir Omerovic and T.P. Fries Higher-order conformal decomposition finite element methodProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Markus Schätzer and T.P. Fries Hydraulic fracturing with a simplified fluid model and XFEMProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Thomas Peter Fries Accurate Integration in Cut Elements based on Conformal Decomposition into Isoparametric Elements
Thomas Peter Fries and Markus Schätzer The XFEM in a Simplified Model for Hydraulic Fracturing in Three Dimensions
Thomas Peter Fries Accurate integration points for cut higher-order elements with Chen-Babuška nodes
Hugo Bastos de Sá Bruno, André Maués Brabo Pereira, Luiz Wrobel and Christian Duenser Uma implementação do MEC Simétrico de Galerkin para problemas de elasticidade 2dCILAMCE 2016
Peter Kautsch Bauphysiktagung 2016
C. Duenser and G. Beer Modelling the process of sequential excavation with the boundary element methodECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering3168-3180
T.P. Fries Higher-order accurate integration for cut elements with Chen-Babuska nodesAdvances in Discretization Methods: Discontinuities, virtual elements, fictitious domain methods245 - 269
Jakob W. Steidl and Thomas Peter Fries Automatic conformal decomposition of elements cut by NURBSECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering2591-2600
Markus Schätzer and Thomas-Peter Fries Stress intensity factors through crack-opening displacements in the XFEMAdvances in Discretization Methods: Discontinuities, virtual elements, fictitious domain methods143 - 164
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig, Jürgen Zechner, Christian Dünser and Thomas Peter Fries Isogeometric Boundary Element analysis with elasto-plastic inclusions. Part 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 308, 552-570, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2016.03.035
Benjamin Marussig, Jürgen Zechner, Gernot Beer and Thomas Peter Fries Integration of design and analysis through boundary integral equationsECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering6526-6538
Gernot Beer and Christian Duenser Advanced Boundary Element analysis of geotechnical problems with geological inclusions Computers and Geotechnics 79, 86-95, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2016.06.004
Bernhard Lindner, Christian Duenser and Gernot Beer Coupling of BEM subdomains – BETI applied to collocation BEM with mixed basis functions Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 71, 79-91, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2016.06.010
Thomas Peter Fries and Samir Omerovic Higher-order accurate integration of implicit geometries International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 106, 323-371, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.5121
Markus Schätzer and Thomas Peter Fries The XFEM for a simplified model in hydraulic fracturingECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering1637-1646
Jürgen Zechner, Benjamin Marussig, Gernot Beer and Thomas Peter Fries The isogeometric Nyström method Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 308, 212-237, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2016.03.043
Samir Omerovic and Thomas-Peter Fries XFEM for Deformation Theory of Plasticity Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15, 223-224, 2015
Benjamin Marussig Seamless Integration of Design and Analysis through Boundary Integral Equations
Benjamin Marussig, Jürgen Zechner, Gernot Beer and Thomas-Peter Fries Fast isogeometric boundary element method based on independent field approximation Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 284, 458-488, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2014.09.035
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig and Jürgen Zechner A simple approach to the numerical simulation with trimmed CAD surfaces Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285, 776-790, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2014.12.010
Markus Schätzer and Thomas-Peter Fries Fitting stress intensity factors from crack opening displacements in 2D and 3D XFEM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15, 149-150, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201510065
Sergej Muhic Employing existing standard BIM formats as the source of building information in Indoor Positioning
Thomas-Peter Fries Towards higher-order XFEM for interfacial flows Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15, 507-508, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201510244
Jürgen Zechner The Isogeometric Nyström MethodIII International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis - IGA 201588-88
Samir Omerovic and Thomas-Peter Fries XFEM vs. r-Refinement for Higher-Order Approximations in ElastoplasticityConference Program and Book of Abstracts40-41
Benjamin Marussig, Jürgen Zechner, Gernot Beer and Thomas-Peter Fries Isogeometric Boundary Element Analysis with Trimmed GeometriesIII International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis - IGA 2015122-122
Markus Schätzer and Thomas-Peter Fries Crack propagation by using crack opening displacements in 2D and 3D XFEMBook of abstracts62-63
Thomas-Peter Fries A higher-order accurate numerical integration for the XFEM and fictitious domain methodsBook of abstract95-96
Thomas-Peter Fries Higher-order accurate integration of 3D geometries defined by level-setsBook of abstracts1-1
Samir Omerovic and Thomas-Peter Fries XFEM for Deformation Theory of PlasticityBook of Abstracts251-251
Daniel Schöllhammer and Heinz Wimmer Bemessung von Stahlbetonstützen mittels Smartphone Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 110, 228, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/best.201400084
Gernot Beer and Benjamin Marussig Boundary Element MethodsIsogeometric Methods for Numerical Simulation121-172
C. Duenser, B. Lindner and G. Beer Boundary element methods for the simulation of underground construction Australian Geomechanics 50, 121-128, 2015
Gernot Beer Advanced numerical simulation methods9781138026346
Benjamin Marussig, Gernot Beer and Christian Dünser Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for the Simulation in Tunneling Applied Mechanics and Materials 553, 495-500, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.553.495
Thomas-Peter Fries, Michael Fücker and Armin Kauerauf The Finite Element Method with Continuity Constraints for Stair-step Grids in Geoscience Computational Geosciences 18, 831-850, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-014-9429-8
Jürgen Zechner, Benjamin Marussig, Gernot Beer, Christian Dünser and Thomas-Peter Fries Isogeometric Boundary Element Method with Hierarchical MatricesProceedings of the jointly organized WCCM XI, ECCM V, ECFD VI2457-2468
Thomas-Peter Fries, Markus Schätzer and Nikolai Weber XFEM-simulation of hydraulic fracturing in 3D with emphasis on stress intensity factorsProceedings of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI)1-12
Benjamin Marussig, Jürgen Zechner, Gernot Beer, Christian Dünser and Thomas-Peter Fries An Alternative Isogeometric Boundary Element FormulationIsogeometric Analysis and Applications (IGAA 2014)30-30
Martin Krammer, Thomas Bernoulli and Ulrich Walder All You Need Is Content — Create Sophisticated Mobile Location-Based Service Applications Without ProgrammingProceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Location- Based Services293-308
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig, Jürgen Zechner, Christian Dünser and Thomas-Peter Fries Boundary Element Analysis with Trimmed NURBS and a Generalized IGA ApproachProceedings of the jointly organized WCCM XI, ECCM V, ECFD VI2445-2456
Martin Krammer, Thomas Bernoulli and Ulrich Walder Beyond HTML5 Geolocation - A Flexible Concept to Enable and Easily Use Advanced Positioning Technologies for Mobile Indoor Location Based Service Web ApplicationsThe Fifth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation 2014 (IPIN 2014)
Sergej Muhic Utilizing IFC for Indoor PositioningeWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction: ECPPM 2014
Thomas-Peter Fries, Markus Schätzer and Nikolai Weber XFEM-simulation of hydraulic fracturing in 3D with emphasis on stress intensity factors
Safdar Abbas and Thomas Peter Fries A unified enrichment scheme for fracture problems IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012045
Gernot Beer, Benjamin Marussig and Christian Dünser Isogeometric boundary element method for the simulation of underground excavations Géotechnique Letters 3, 108-111, 2013
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1680/geolett.13.00009
Klaus Aichhorn, Driton Kuci, Carmen Sommer, Claudia Fösleitner, Ioana Koglbauer, Petra Hafner, Thomas Moder, Manfred Wieser, Salvatore Sylvester Valeskini, Thomas Bernoulli, Ulrich Walder, Klaus Witrisal and Heimo Krajnz LOBSTER Final Report
Henning Sauerland and Thomas-Peter Fries The stable XFEM for two-phase flows Computers & Fluids 87, 41-49, 2013
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.10.017
Benjamin Marussig, Gernot Beer and Christian Dünser Isogeometric boundary element method for the simulation in tunnelingACCM 2013: 1st australasian conference on computational mechanics17-17
Benjamin Marussig, Christian Dünser and Gernot Beer Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for TunnelingIABEM 2013 Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods100-106
Nikolai Weber and Thomas-Peter Fries The XFEM with an Implicit-Explicit Crack Description for a Plane-Strain Hydraulic Fracture ProblemProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics83-84
Nikolai Weber, Philip Siebert, Karen Willbrand, Martin Feinendegen, Christoph Clauser and Thomas-Peter Fries The XFEM with an explicit-implicit crack description for hydraulic fracture problemsEffective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing711-724
Christian Dünser Numerical Simulation of Underground Construction with the Boundary Element Method
Christian Dünser, Klaus Thöni, Katharina Riederer, Bernhard Lindner and Gernot Beer New Developments of the Boundary Element Method for Underground Constructions International Journal of Geomechanics 12, 665-675, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000173
Christian Dünser and Gernot Beer Simulation of sequential excavation with the Boundary Element Method Computers and Geotechnics , 157-166, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2012.04.003
Benjamin Marussig Sequentieller Tunnelaushub mit der Finite Elemente Methode
Jürgen Zechner A Fast Boundary Element Method with Hierarchical Matrices for Elastostatics and Plasticity
Jürgen Zechner and Gernot Beer A fast elasto-plastic formulation with hierarchical matrices and the boundary element method Computational Mechanics 51, 443-453, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-012-0756-0
Bernhard Lindner, Christian Dünser and Gernot Beer Simulation of nonlinear problems in tunneling with the boundary element tearing and interconnecting methodBook of Abstracts306-306
Bernhard Lindner, Christian Dünser and Gernot Beer Simulation of Sequential Tunnel Excavation with the Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting MethodBook of Abstracts1-1
Gernot Beer, Jerzy Rojek, Gerasimus Karlis and Lukasz Jakub Malinowski Adaptive coupling of different numerical methodsLa Serena Numerica
Benjamin Marussig Isogeometric Boundary Element MethodKurzfassungen der Vorträge BB12141-141
Christian Dünser Determination of excavation loads for the sequential tunnel excavation with the boundary element methodBook of Abstracts309-309
Gernot Beer, Christian Dünser and Katharina Riederer Boundary Element MethodsInnovative Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics281-298
K. W. Cheng and T. P. Fries XFEM with hanging nodes for two-phase incompressible flow Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 245-246, 290-312, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2012.07.011
H. Sauerland and T. P. Fries The extended finite element method applied to 3D free-surface flowsECCOMAS 2012 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, e-Book Full Papers2285-2293
M. Baydoun and T. P. Fries Crack propagation criteria in three dimensions using the XFEM and an explicit-implicit crack description International Journal of Fracture 178, 51-70, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10704-012-9762-7
Thomas Peter Fries and Malak Baydoun Crack propagation with the extended finite element method and a hybrid explicit-implicit crack description International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 89, 1527-1558, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.3299
Lukasz Jakub Malinowski, Gerasimos Karlis, Gernot Beer and Jerzy Rojek Iterative Coupling of Boundary and Discrete Element Method Using an Overlapping FEM ZoneCoupled Problems 2011301-312
Gernot Beer, Christian Dünser, Jürgen Zechner and Bernhard Lindner Innovative Simulationsmethoden im TunnelbauBaustatik Baupraxis 119-16
Jürgen Zechner and Martin Ebner Playing a Game in Civil Engineering14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2011) ̶ 11th International Conference Virtual University (vu'11)417-422
Gernot Beer, Christian Dünser, Günter Hofstetter and Yvonne Theiner Baustatik Baupraxis 11
Lukasz Jakub Malinowski, Gerasimos Karlis, Gernot Beer and Jerzy Rojek Iterative Coupling of Boundary and Discrete Element Method Using an Overlapping FEM Zone
Lukasz Jakub Malinowski, Gerasimos Karlis, Gernot Beer and Jerzy Rojek Adaptive coupling of the discrete and boundary element method for the simulation of problems in geotechnical engineering
Henning Sauerland and Thomas Peter Fries The extended finite element method for two-phase and free-surface flows Journal of Computational Physics 230, 3369-3390, 2011
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2011.01.033
Thomas Peter Fries, Andreas Byfut, Alaskar Alizada, Kwok Wah Cheng and Andreas Schröder Hanging nodes and XFEM International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 86, 404-430, 2011
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.3024
Thomas Peter Fries and Ted Belytschko The extended/generalized finite element method International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 84, 253-304, 2010
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.2904
T. Knott, S. Ullrich, O. Grottke, T. Fries, M. Gerressen, T. M. Deserno, R. Rossaint and T. Kuhlen Medical training simulators for bilateral sagittal split osteotomy and regional aneasthesia in virtual environmentsProceedings CURAC 2010137-140
Samir Omerovic Implementation and Use of the UPC Soil Models with the Boundary Element Method
Klaus Thöni, Katharina Riederer and Gernot Beer New Developments of the Boundary Element Method with Internal CellsPan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics
Gernot Beer Technology Innovation in underground construction978-0-415-55105-2
Jürgen Zechner and Gernot Beer Fast BEM Simulations In Tunnelling
Jürgen Zechner and Gernot Beer Application of Hierarchical Matrices to a BEM Plasticity Algorithm in Tunnelling
Jürgen Zechner and Gernot Beer Accelerated BEM Simulations with Hierarchical Matrices applied to Tunnelling Problems
Gernot Beer, Christian Dünser, Katharina Riederer, Plinio Glauber Carvalho dos Prazeres, Klaus Thöni, Jürgen Zechner and Martin Stettner Computer Simulation of Conventional ConstructionTechnology Innovation in Underground Construction129-161
Kwok Wah Cheng and Thomas Peter Fries Higher-order XFEM for curved strong and weak discontinuities International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82, 564-590, 2010
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.2768
Safdar Abbas, Alaskar Alizada and Thomas Peter Fries The XFEM for high-gradient solutions in convection-dominated problems International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82, 1044-1072, 2010
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.2815