
The Graz Center of Computational Engineering (GCCE) originates from an initiative from members of 5 faculties of TU Graz. Its aim is to foster interdisciplinary activities for developing numerical simulations that allow the investigation of natural and engineering problems. A workshop held in 2016 marks the origin of the GCCE. Founder members of this initiative are

The picture below captures this workshop and shows from left to right: Olaf Steinbach, Martin Schanz, Wolfgang Wall (TU München), Günter Brenn, Peter Tripp (Magna), Gerhard Holzapfel, Arno Gehrer (Andritz), Katrin Ellermann, and Günter Offner (AVL).

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The Graz Center of Computational Engineering (GCCE) is a just recently founded center that currently unites 10 institutes of TU Graz. The heads of these GCCE institutes manage and coordinate the joint research and teaching activities. The administrative organisation is led by Katrin Ellerman, the head of the Institute of Mechanics.


Graz Center of Computational Engineering (GCCE)
Münzgrabenstrasse 36/II
8010 Graz