Peer reviewer |
Acta Acustica, AIAA J, SAE, J Sound Vib, Appl Sciences, Sustainability, e&i, Int. J Aeroacoustics, JTCA, Appl Comp Mechanics, JAE, Aerospace, J Biomed Eng
Conferences |
Theme-Chair, Forum Acusticum, Computational Acoustics, Malaga (2025)
Session-Chair, Forum Acusticum, Aeroacoustics, Malaga (2025)
Session-Chair, Forum Acusticum, Benchmarking, Malaga (2025)
Session-Chair, DAGA 22, Benchmarks in Aeroacoustics, Stuttgart (2022)
Theme-Chair, Forum Acusticum, Numerical Acoustics, Torino (2023)
Session-Chair, Forum Acusticum, Aeroacoustics, Torino (2023)
Session-Chair, ICTCA, Computational Aeroacoustics , Monterey (2023)
ERCOFTAC Course Computational Aeroacoustics IV, Vienna (2024),
Member of |
Associate Editor Acta Acustica
Deputy Chair of EAA TC Computational Acoustics
Editor TC Computational Acoustics Benchmarking Platform on Zenodo
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Akustik (ÖGA)
Fachausschussleiter Numerische Akustik (ÖGA)
ERCOFTAC Member and Member of the Steering Group SIG 39 Aeroacoustics
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DEGA)
Fachausschussleiter Stellvertreter DEGA Strömungsakustik
Open-source software project - openCFS
Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM)
Funding as PI |
FFG-Take Off project bioComp4acoustics
FFG-Basisprogramm Green Ice 2
Comet Projekt ECHODA
FFG-Bridge, VirtualProsthesis:
Aeroacoustics project - flow around a human head
Senior Researcher |
Since 2018, project management of the FWF grant no. I 3702
FFG-Bridge CompressorSound
FFG-Bridge FlowNoiseInEmobiles
Supervision |
PhDs: 2 finished, 2 in supervision
Masters: 8 finished (3 awarded), 1 in-progress
Bachelor: 8 finished, 0 in-progress |