Welcome to the Institute of Mechanics

As one of the basic institutes in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economics, the Institute of Mechanics is dedicated to numerous research topics in the diverse field of mechanics in addition to teaching. These include vibration analysis, rotor dynamics, mechatronic systems, flight simulation, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.

Due to increasingly complex systems, purely test bench-orientated product development is no longer sufficient, as the high number of iterations during the development process results in high costs. It is, therefore, essential to integrate simulation more closely into the development process and thus increasingly promote virtual product development.

In doing so, developing efficient models that represent an optimum between simplicity and accuracy is crucial. Basic experimental investigations with regard to special physical effects and experimental investigations on the real system are required to find this optimum. Only the interaction of theory, numerics, and experiment leads to a better understanding of the system under investigation and thus to efficient modeling, which will then also find its way into practice due to its efficient mode of operation.


Institute of Mechanics
Kopernikusgasse 24/IV
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0) 316 873 - 7141