Euclides Netzwerk Meeting

Vom 16. bis 17. Mai 2024 fand das jährliche Euclides Meeting statt, an dem Volker Koch und Marco Berger teilnahmen. Es wurden Erfahrungen und Kooperationen der Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) besprochen.


ASSIDUTY-PRO EU Projekt - Update

Am 16. Mai 2024 fand ein Treffen zwischen Michael Fiolka, Florian Paffrath (TU Dortmund | Lehrstuhl für Unternehmenslogistik) und Volker Koch statt. In diesem Rahmen wurden Meilensteine und der Projektstart für das Assiduty-PRO Projekt definiert.


SME5.0: Mid-term Meeting in Malta

Zwischen 8. und 10. Mai 2024 fand das Mid-term Meeting des European Union's HORIZON-MSCA-Projekts SME 5.0 statt. Dabei wurden bisherige Leistungen evaluiert, Erkenntnisse reflektiert, zukünftige Aufgaben und Kooperationen besprochen.


Blended Intensive Programme in Porto

Dr. Volker Koch and Marco Berger co-organized the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Porto and instructed international students on Supply Management and Industrial Marketing. Further information can be found HERE.


Blended Intensive Programme

Dr. Volker Koch and Marco Berger are co-hosting the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Porto and will instruct international students on Supply Management and Industrial Marketing topics. For more details, please click HERE.


EE4M Project - Kickoff Meeting

On October 2nd and 3rd, the team of the BWL institute took part in the kickoff meeting of the Erasmus+ CoVE EE4M (Engineering Excellence for the Mobility Value Chain) project hosted by the Montanuniversität Leoben. More information about the project can be found HERE.


ISM 2023 Conference Special Session

On the 21st of November 2023, in the scope of the 5th ISM Conference, focus group workshops will be conducted by the research group of Prof. B. M. Zunk to profile the impact of competence on individual and organizational performance. More information can be found HERE.


EPIEM & IS'23 Conference

In cooperation with EPIEM, Prof. Zunk and colleagues from the BWL Institute at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economics Sciences at TU Graz are organising the 16th EPIEM Conference, which takes place as part of the IS'23 Conference in Novi Sad. More information can be found HERE.



On 26th & 27th June 2023, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano hostet the 3rd workshop of the EU-funded project Design4SusMan. At this workshop, the partner institutions analysed and discussed  joint didactic, administrative, and financial programme execution procedures.


CUSTMAS Transnational Meeting

The project members met at University of Twente and evaluated the outcome of intellectual output 2 and discussed the proceeding of the project. More information can be found HERE


Neues EU Projekt: "EE4M"

Das Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Betriebssoziologie hat mit Prof. Bernd M. Zunk gemeinsam mit einem internationalen Konsortium die Förderzusage zur Errichtung des „EE4M – Engineering Excellence for Mobility Value Chains“ CoVE (Centre of Vocational Excellence) erhalten.


Neues EU Projekt: "HEICE"

Das EIT HEI Projekt „HEICE“ zielt darauf ab, Studierende und akademisches Personal im Bereich der Spitzentechnologie zu intensivem unternehmerischen Handeln zu motivieren und ihre Fähigkeit zu verbessern, um die Lücke zwischen Forschung und Industrie zu schließen.





CustMaS Multiplier Event

On the 12th of May 2023, the 1st Multiplier Event of the EU-funded project CustMaS will take place at the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology. The topic is "Customer Management Skill in Digitalizing B2B Markets".


2nd Design4SusMan Workshop

In March 2023, the 2nd workshop of the EU-funded project Design4SusMan was hosted by the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology. At the workshop potential structures for designing a 2-year joint Erasmus Mundus Master on Digital and Sustainable Manufacturing were discussed.


Contemporary Empirical Research Methods: An Overview with Dr. Klaas Stek

On Friday 27th January, our Institute had an honour to organise and host the fourth seminar of the Inter-University Research Seminar Series (powered by EPIEM & TU Austria). More information about seminars can be found here


How to write a Conference Paper: A Basic Guide with Dr. Sara Crockett

On Monday 17th January, our Institute had an honour to organise and host the third seminar of the Inter-University Research Seminar Series (powered by EPIEM & TU Austria). More information about following seminars and the registration process can be found here


ACTION RESEARCH with Dr. Marco Formentini

On Tuesday 6th December, our Institute had an honour to organise and host the second seminar of the Inter-University Research Seminar Series (powered by EPIEM & TU Austria). More information about following seminars and the registration process can be found here


CustMaS Transnational Meeting

In December 2022, the transnational meeting of the EU-funded project CustMaS took place at the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology. At the meeting, publication opportunities and the procedure for the next intellectual output were discussed.


Advanced Statistical Modeling with Dr. Manuel Woschank

On Friday 18th November, our Institute had an honour to organise and host the first seminar of the Inter-University Research Seminar Series (powered by EPIEM & TU Austria). More information about following seminars and the registration process can be found here


Teaching & Learning Event Twente 22

Im Juni reisten ausgewählte Mitarbeiter:innen zur Universität Twente, um am Teaching- and Learning Event der ERASMUS+ Projekte PERISCOPE und PERSIST teilzunehmen. Im Rahmen des Events testeten und evaluierten die Mitarbeiter:innen die Outputs der beiden Projekte.


KWB Werkstudenten gesucht

Die KWB sucht neue Werkstudenten im Bereich Controlling und Data Analyse.


Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e. V.

Herrn Prof. Bernd M. Zunk wurde im Juni 2022 die große Ehre zu Teil, in die hoch angesehene Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e. V. zugewählt zu werden. Herzliche Gratulation!


15th EPIEM Conference 2022

It is a great honour and pleasure to present the proceedings of the 15th EPIEM Conference. Here you may find the proceedings (LINK).


WING-Berufsbildstudie 2022

Die Studie 2022 gibt einen detaillierten Überblick über die österreichische Wirtschaftsingenieur-Ausbildungslandschaft an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. Die Studie ist hier zu finden!


Inter-University Research Seminar

Wing Kongress 2022


Der nächste WING-Kongress zum Thema „75 Jahre Wirtschaftsingenieur*innen in Österreich – Zukunft gestalten!“ findet vom 2. bis 4. Juni 2022 in Graz statt!

Um am Kongress teilzunehmen können Sie sich unter diesem Link anmelden.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!


15th EPIEM Conference 2022

Further information to the 15th EPIEM Conference 2022 in co-operation with the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) with the title: Creating a European IEM Future at the Intersection “Innovation – Digitalisation – Sustainability” can be found HERE!

Techno-Economics in Austria 2022

Die Broschüre der TU-Austria zu "Techno-Economics in Austria 2022" finden sie HIER!

3rd EurOMA CEE Research Network Workshop

“Shaping successful research proposals at the intersection of Innovation – Digitalisation – Sustainability”.

More information can be found HERE.

Doc School – Day: PhDs meet Professors

Das Event "Doc School – Day: PhDs meet Professors" findet am 31. May 2022 in Graz statt!

Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter diesem Link.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

2nd PERISCOPE Multiplier Event

The next PERISCOPE Multiplier Event on the topic "Innovative and sustainable future skills for purchasing and supply management" will take place in Graz on Friday, June 3, 2022 (8.30 a.m. until 12.15 p.m. CET)!

Registration can be done HERE!

We look forward to your participation!


Die Kelag vergibt interessante Studienpraktika im Bereich Business Development E-Mobilität, uvm.

Hier finden sie nähere Informationen.

Masterarbeit bei BFP AUSTIN

Erhebung und Analyse der Schnittstelle zwischen (betriebs-)wirtschaftlichen und technischen Fachkräften in österreichischen F&E-Unternehmungen

Annual CultMedia Conference Chemnitz 2021

Call for Paper for the Annual CultMedia Conference Chemnitz 2021 on “Distance Learning – Learning at a Distance: (Media) Technology, Politics and Individual Environments in Current Learning Processes”. For details please click here.

Research Design Seminare 2021

2021 finden das Research Design Seminar  "Workshop on Research methods with focus on Sustainability" statt.

14th EPIEM Conference 2021

14th EPIEM Conference (virtual) organized by BWL.

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen in Österreich – Berufsbildstudie

Weitere Informationen finden Sie Hier!

Stellenausschreibung KWB

Research Workshop Mai 2020

Am 7. Mai 2020 findet der Pre-Conference Workshop mit dem Titel "Allgemeine Technologie: Umriss einer Theorie der Technik" statt.

Research Seminar Jän. 2020

Am 30. und 31. Januar 2020 findet das Inter-University Research Seminar mit dem Titel "Workshop on Research methods with focus on Sustainability" statt.


Es sind mehrere interessante Masterarbeiten von der KWB GmbH, der Midea und dem Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Betriebssoziologie zu vergeben.

LIMEN 2019

5th LIMEN International Scientific Conference” in Kooperation mit Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkan am 12. Dezember 2019.

5th LIMEN International Scientific Conference

„5th LIMEN International Scientific Conference on Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics” in Kooperation mit Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkan am 12. Dezember 2019.

Weitere Informationen sind hier verfügbar.

Research Seminar Dez. 2019

Am 4. und 5. Dezember 2019 findet das Inter-University Research Seminar mit dem Titel "Idee – Entwurf – Gestaltung: Der (schwierige) Weg zum (technisch) Neuen" statt.

Research Seminar 2019

Desinging Empirical Research and Telling its Story

Gastvorträge 2019

Experiment on Electronic Model of Neural Cell

Mehr Informationen finden sie hier.

Management Control Gastvortrag: Purchasing & Supply

Mehr Informationen finden sie hier.

Finance summer course in the Netherlands - August 2019

Mehr Informationen finden sie hier:

und hier

Research Seminar 2018

Am 10. und 11. Dezember 2018 findet das Inter-University Research Seminar mit dem Titel "Method Workshop on Corporate Finance and Governance" statt.

Research Seminar 2018

Am 23. und 24. Oktober 2018 findet das Inter-University Research Seminar mit dem Titel "Designing and Conceptualizing Experiments in Management Research" statt.


10th EPIEM/ESTIEM Conference

“Creating Value”
3rd-5th of May 2018

The Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology is hosting 10th EPIEM/ESTIEM Conference 3rd - 5th May 2018 in Graz on the topic “Creating Value”. In this conference there will also be a special track on Business Valuation and related topics (e.g. Mergers & Acquisitions). With rich content in the fields of research on the one hand and through its supporting program on the other hand, this conference offers not only the opportunity to impart knowledge but also enables the participants to establish new international contacts. The conference language is English only and the conference participation is free of charge.


Supporting Program

Conference Program

Thursday, 3rd of May – Pre-Conference Day

Pre-Conference Workshop “Good Quality Research and the Task of Scientific Writing” Dinner at Grazer Burg, White Hall
Hofgasse 15, 8010 Graz
Time: 7 p.m.

Friday, 4th of May 2018 – Conference Day

In the morning session of the conference day, there will be an Editor´s View track, where the participants will get an opportunity to gain a deeper insight into publishing in Scopus Indexed Journals. More information can be found here (PROGRAM EDITOR)
In the afternoon session, there will be two parallel tracks. First track will focus on the “Creating Value” within EPIEM/ESTIEM, more information about this track can be found here (PROGRAM EPIEM) Second track will focus on Business Valuation e.g. Mergers and Acquisitions and related topics concerning assessment of value, more information about this track can be found here (PROGRAM VALUATION) The conference will take place at Graz University of Technology in Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz.

Friday, 4th of May 2018 – Evening Event

The evening event will take place over the rooftops of Graz on the Schlossberg, in the Schlossbergrestaurant (Schloßberg 7, 8010 Graz) at 7:30 p.m. This offers the participants, speakers and exhibitors the opportunity for interesting discussions and added benefit of expanding their personal social networks.

Saturday, 5th of May 2018 – Supporting Program

The conference weekend will be rounded off with an interesting supporting program. Together we want to make an exclusive visit to the company and production facility of the company Anton Paar (Anton-Paar-Straße 20, 8054 Graz) starting at 10. a.m. The visit is voluntary and free of charge for all interested participants and the whole tour will be guided in English. Finally, we end our encounter with a lunch.

Submission, Deadlines, Fees

Please note, that no conference fees will be charged and the participation at our social programs is also free of charge. You are cordially invited to submit your extended abstracts for Track 2: Valuation and related topics. Here you can find a template for extended abstracts. Please send those until 9th of April 2018 on the following E-Mail-Address: and give us a note if you would also like to present your abstract at the conference by filling this section in the extended abstracts. If you send us your presentation in advance, it will be available on the computer provided by us, otherwise please bring it directly to your presentation on an USB-Stick. For each presentation a time frame of 10 minutes is planned, plus additional 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Please note: Due to capacity reasons, there is a limited number of participants. Therefore, we will contact you within one week after the deadline with further information.


For the registration, please fill in the form under the following link 

Conference Agenda and Conference Proceedings

The conference language is English only. Here you can find the Conference Agenda. Conference Proceedings including all submitted abstracts, with ISBN, DOI and Crossmark, will be sent to all the participants via Link, at latest two weeks after the conference. You will be able to download these at any time. Parallel to our conference there is also WING Kongress 2018 (Congress of Austrian Association of IEM). We organized all conference breaks and the social program together with WING in order to enable our participants to expand their social networks even more.

Co-Organizers and Supporters


We are recommending Hotel B&B Graz in Annenstraße 58-60/Metahofgasse 21 since the tram station (Esperanto Platz/Arbeiterkammer) is right in front of the hotel and you can walk from the main train station to the hotel, it takes 5 minutes, as you can see form the map below. You can find more information under the following link Google Maps From the tram station (Esperantoplatz/Arbeiterkammer) you can get to Graz University of Technology by choosing one of the following tram lines: 1 (Direction Mariatrost, Station Maiffredygasse), 3 (Direction Krenngasse, Station Rechbauerstraße), 6 (Direction St. Peter, Station Dietrichsteinplatz), 7 (Direction LKH Med UNI/Klinikum Nord, Station Maiffredygasse). More hotels in Graz can be found under the following link

About Graz

The beautiful city of Graz Graz is the second-largest city in Austria after Vienna and the capital of the federal state of Styria (Steiermark). It has a population of 320.587 (of which 286.686 have principal residence status). Graz has a long tradition as a student city: its six universities have more than 50.000 students. Its "Old Town" is one of the best-preserved city centers in Central Europe. In 1999, Graz was added to the UNESCO list of World Cultural Heritage Sites, and the site was extended in 2010 by Schloss Eggenberg. Graz was sole Cultural Capital of Europe for 2003 and got the title of a City of Culinary Delights in 2008. The best option for reaching places in Graz is by tram & bus. Taxis are quite expensive. For trams and busses in Graz you need to buy a ticket which is valid for both. The best option is to buy the 3-days ticket (price: € 12,10). You can buy this ticket at an automat inside the trams but also online (with the following link you can find out more 
Reaching Graz University of Technology from Graz Airport When you arrive at the airport of Graz (there is only one airport) you have to choose the bus line number 630 or 631 to Jakomini Platz (the bus timetable is available under the following link). Jakomini Platz is the main tram & bus station of Graz, from there you can go everywhere in Graz. Then you have to walk around 10 minutes from Jakomini Platz to Rechbauerstraße Graz University of Technology or choose one of the following tram lines: 1 (Direction Mariatrost, Station Maiffredygasse), 3 (Direction Krenngasse, Station Rechbauerstraße), 6 (Direction St. Peter, Station Dietrichsteinplatz), 7 (Direction LKH Med UNI/Klinikum Nord, Station Maiffredygasse). The distance for Airport to Graz University of Technology is about 12.1 km and it will take 15 min. The bill for a taxi is about € 25.
Reaching Graz Graz University of Technology from main train station The trams are in a subterranean area close to the train station. You can choose between following tram lines 1 (Direction Mariatrost, Station Maiffredygasse), 3 (Direction Krenngasse, Station Rechbauerstraße), 6 (Direction St. Peter, Station Dietrichsteinplatz), 7 (Direction LKH Med UNI/Klinikum Nord, Station Maiffredygasse). From Jakomini Platz there are options to walk by feet around 10 minutes. The whole distance for the main train station Graz to Rechbauerstraße Graz University of Technology takes about 2,4 km and 15 min.
Graz University of Technology  In world-wide competition with comparable institutions, Graz University of Technology pursues top teaching and research in the fields of the engineering sciences and the technical-natural sciences. An integral part of putting together excellent education and training programs is knowing about the needs of society and the economy. Ultimately, the quality of the education and training at Graz University of Technology is carried by the strength of its knowledge-oriented and applied research. Numerous competence centers, the Christian-Doppler laboratories, special research fields, research focuses, and large EU projects are only a few examples of the University’s extremely active and successful research. The Graz University of Technology is one of three technical universities in Austria. It was founded in 1811. TUG, as the university is called by its students, is a public university. In the academic year 2016/17, 19.1% of the students were from abroad and 23.1% of the students were female out of the 13.454 students enrolled at the TUG. Graz University of Technology contains three campus, two new and an old one. Below you can see the main building of the old campus at Rechbauerstraße, where our program takes place.

ITEMA 2018

Second International Scientific Conference on IT, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Betriebswirtschaft und Betriessoziologie.

Weiter informationen gibt es unter:


Mehr Fotos finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

WING Best Practice Kongress

"Wertsteigerung durch Innovation & Effizienz"

03.-05. Mai 2018

Der Österreichische Verband der Wirtschaftsingenieure veranstaltet vom 03.-05. Mai 2018 den 22. Kongress der Wirtschaftsingenieure in Graz. Hochrangige Vertreter aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Forschung konnten als Vortragende zum aktuellen Thema „Wertsteigerung durch Innovation & Effizienz“ gewonnen werden. Angehende und erfahrene Wirtschaftsingenieure aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft werden als Fachpublikum des Kongresses erwartet. Durch sein Rahmenprogramm dient der Kongress nicht nur der Wissensvermittlung, er fungiert auch als geeignete Plattform für das Pflegen bestehender und das Knüpfen neuer Kontakte.


Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2018 - GET TOGETHER

Den Auftakt des Kongresses bildet das Get Together. Auf Einladung des steirischen Landeshauptmannes treffen wir uns im Weißen Saal der Grazer Burg. Sie können bei einem formlosen Beisammensein in entspannter Atmosphäre erste Kontakte mit anderen Kongressteilnehmern knüpfen. Selbstverständlich ist für Ihr leibliches Wohl bestens gesorgt.

Freitag, 4. Mai 2018 - KONGRESSTAG

Die Vorträge der renommierten Referenten aus Wirtschaft und Forschung zum Thema “Wertsteigerung durch Innovation und Effizienz” finden in der Aula an der Technischen Universität Graz in der alten Technik Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz statt.

Freitag, 04. Mai 2018 - Abendveranstaltung

Die Abendveranstaltung findet über den Dächern von Graz auf dem Schlossberg, im Schlossbergrestaurant statt. Diese bietet den Kongressteilnehmern, Referenten und Ausstellern die Gelegenheit zu interessanten Fachgesprächen und zur Pflege von persönlichen Kontakten.

Samstag, 05. Mai 2018  - Rahmenprogramm

Das Kongresswochenende wird mit einem interessanten Rahmenprogramm abgerundet. Gemeinsam wollen wir einen exklusiven Besuch im Firmen- und Produktionsgebäude des Unternehmens Anton Paar machen. Abschließend lassen wir den Kongress bei einem Mittagessen ausklingen.


Einführung - Methodik - Anwendung

4. Auflage

Bernd M. Zunk, Stefan O. Grbenic, Josef Baumüller, Ulrich Bauer

Hier erhältlich

Übungen zur Kostenrechnung

Beispiele - Fallstudien - Musterklausuren

1. Auflage

Bernd M. Zunk, Stefan O. Grbenic, Josef Baumüller

Hier erhältlich

Publikation 2017

Risiken von kritischen Sublieferanten

Manuela Reinisch

Hier erhältlich

Publikation 2017

Motive und unternehmerische Kompetenzen von GründerInnen technologie-orientierter Unternehmen

Julia Soos

Hier erhältlich

Marketing- und Vertriebscontrolling

Vom 28.01.2015 bis 30.01.2015 findet wieder die Lehrveranstaltung "Marketing- und Vertriebscontrolling" statt. Sollten Sie Interesse an dieser Lehrveranstaltung haben, melden Sie sich bitte persönlich am Mittwoch 21.01.2015 im Sekretariat des Instituts an.

Let's go to IPSERA 2015

Die IMPS-Arbeitsgruppe rund um Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Bernd Zunk beschäftigt sich derzeit mit Forschungsbeiträgen zur diesjährigen IPSERA Conference ( in Amsterdam. Die Abstracts wurden bereits angenommen, an den full papers wird intensiv gearbeitet.

KoRe-Skriptum 2014/2015

Ab dem Wintersemester 2014/2015 ist das Buch "Kostenrechnung: Einführung - Methodik - Anwendungsfälle" von Zunk, Grbenic, Bauer als Skriptum zu verwenden.

ESTIEM Council Meeting

Im November 2014 war Herr DI Volker Koch im Rahmen des ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management) Council Meetings an der Technischen Universität in Budapest und gab den internationalen Studierenden Unterricht in Rhetorik und Präsentation.