EALS/[Translate to Englisch:] Forschung/Publications/2011
Johann Peter Bacher UCC advance motor development (Bericht 2) Show publication in PURE
Johann Peter Bacher UCC advance motor development (Bericht 3) Show publication in PURE
Johann Peter Bacher and Florian Waldhart Wirkungsgradbestimmung von Drehstrommotoren nach 60034-2-1 (Teil 2) Show publication in PURE
Johann Peter Bacher UCC advance motor development (Bericht 1) Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Georg Ofner, Paul Handgruber and Roland Seebacher Doubly fed induction generators for wind turbines – modeling the steady state Show publication in PURE
Annette Mütze, Jussi Tamminen and Jero Ahola Influence of motor operating parameters on discharge bearing current activity Show publication in PURE
Annette Mütze Thousands of hits: on inverter-induced bearing currents, related work, and the literature Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Weilharter, Oszkar Biro, Siegfried Rainer and Andrej Stermecki Computation of Rotating Force Waves in Skewed Induction Machines Using Multi-Slice Models Show publication in PURE
Annette Mütze and Charles R. Sullivan Simplified design of common-mode chokes for reduction of motor ground currents in inverter drives Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Weilharter, Oszkar Biro, Hermann Lang and Siegfried Rainer Computation of the noise radiation of an induction machine using 3D FEM/BEM Show publication in PURE
Jero Ahola, Ville Särkimäki, Annette Mütze and Jussi Tamminen Radio-frequency-based detection of electrical discharge machining bearing currents Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Michael Jaritz, Klaus Krischan and Annette Mütze Performance Comparison of Voltage-Source Inverters for Use with Distributed Energy SystemsInternational Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics1-6 Show publication in PURE
Hendrik Kolbe and Annette Mütze Limitations of established vehicle modeling approaches for the conceptual design of hybrid electric special-purpose vehiclesIEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference1-5 Show publication in PURE
Klaus Krischan, Roland Seebacher and Annette Mütze Supporting unbalanced grids with induction machine drives by inverters without intermittent energy storageProceedings of the 2011-14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011)1-10 Show publication in PURE
Hendrik Kolbe and Annette Muetze Limitations of established vehicle modelling approaches for the conceptual design of hybrid special-purpose vehicles2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2011 Show publication in PURE
Siegfried Rainer, Oszkar Biro, Andrej Stermecki and Bernhard Weilharter Frequency Domain Evaluation of Transient Finite Element Simulations of Induction MachinesConference on the Computation of Electromagnetic FieldsID 597-ID 597 Show publication in PURE
Jero Ahola, Ville Niskanen and Annette Mütze On the role of the shaft end in the radio-frequency emission of discharge bearing currents in induction motorsProceedings of the 2011-14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011)1-10 Show publication in PURE
Manfred Vorauer, Klaus Krischan and Annette Mütze A method for electrically isolated voltage measurement in PWM invertersInternational Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics1-6 Show publication in PURE
Paul Handgruber, Georg Ofner and Roland Seebacher HARMONIC EMISSIONS OF DOUBLY FED INDUCTION MACHINES FOR WIND POWER PLANTSInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering--- Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Weilharter, Oszkar Biro and Siegfried Rainer Numerical investigation of the 3D vibrational behaviour of skewed induction machines due to rotating force wavesISEF 2011 - International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Show publication in PURE
Andrej Stermecki, Oszkar Biro, Martin Hettegger, Hermann Lang, Georg Ofner, Siegfried Rainer and Bernhard Weilharter Multiphysical Computations of the Electrical Machines Using FEMComputational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering IV460-471 Show publication in PURE
Alexander J. Clerc and Annette Mütze Measurement of stator core magnetic characteristicsProc. of the 7th IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conf. (IEMDC)1433-1438 Show publication in PURE
Herbert De Gersem and Annette Mütze Finite-element supported transmission-line models for calculating high-frequency effects in machine windingsConference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields1-4 Show publication in PURE
Mathias Mair, Siegfried Rainer, Bernhard Weilharter, Katrin Ellermann and Oszkar Biro Numerische und Experimentelle Modalanalyse eines StatorblechpaketesProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics245-246 Show publication in PURE
Technical Report
Florian Waldhart and Johann Peter Bacher Zwischenbericht 1: FEM Modell für Wirbelstromprobleme Show publication in PURE
Florian Waldhart and Johann Peter Bacher Modellierung von Wirbelstromproblemen in Generatoren Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Klaus Krischan A Method for Electrically Isolated Voltage Measurement in PWM Inverters Show publication in PURE
Paul Handgruber, Georg Ofner and Roland Seebacher HARMONIC EMISSIONS OF DOUBLY FED INDUCTION MACHINES FOR WIND POWER PLANTS Show publication in PURE
Siegfried Rainer, Oszkar Biro, Andrej Stermecki and Bernhard Weilharter Frequency Domain Evaluation of Transient Finite Element Simulations of Induction Machines Show publication in PURE
Klaus Krischan Performance Comparison of Voltage-Source Inverters for Use with Distributed Energy Systems Show publication in PURE
Johann Peter Bacher and Florian Waldhart Comparison of FEM and measurement results in the end region of large synchronous generators Show publication in PURE
Andrej Stermecki, Oszkar Biro, Martin Hettegger, Hermann Lang, Georg Ofner, Siegfried Rainer and Bernhard Weilharter Multiphysical Computations of the Electrical Machines Using FEM Show publication in PURE
Klaus Krischan Supporting unbalanced grids with induction machine drives by inverters without intermittent energy storage Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Weilharter, Oszkar Biro and Siegfried Rainer Numerical investigation of the 3D vibrational behaviour of skewed induction machines due to rotating force waves Show publication in PURE

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