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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/

Doctoral School of Computer Science

In the Doctoral School of Computer Science at TU Graz, you will deal with the processing, storage and communication of information as well as with the structure and behaviour of information-processing systems. You will work independently on scientific challenges from the entire field of computer science. Much of the research work results from industrial cooperation projects and combines basic research with real-world applications.

Content of the doctoral programme

  • You attend in-depth courses.
  • You work on scientific and applied problems in computer science.
  • You conduct independent research at the highest scientific level.
  • You prepare research results and publish them in international journals and at conferences.
  • You write your dissertation in English.

I was particularly impressed by the positive teamwork with fellow students and the excellent supervision of professors. When I was writing my master's and doctoral theses, Professor Helic motivated me to perform to the best of my abilities. It's a fantastic experience to get so deeply involved in a topic that you are able to exchange ideas with worldwide experts in this field!

Admission Deadlines

Admissions to doctoral studies are possible in the current semester at any time up to a maximum of ten days before the start of the general admission period of the following semester. Admission deadlines

Further informationen on registration and admission

International degree programme applicants: admission and application deadlines

Information and Advice

Research – Fields of Excellence

Here you can find the fields of excellence of the doctoral school as well as the associated researchers, research areas and institutes.

Field of Excellence: Security and Safety

Research Area: Formal Methods and Testing
Institute: Software Technology

BLOEM, Roderick
Research Area: Computer Aided Verification
Institute: Applied Information Processing and Communications

Research Area: Secure Systems
Institute: Applied Information Processing and Communications

POSCH, Karl-Christian
Research Area: Computer Security
Institute: Applied Information Processing and Communications

POSCH, Reinhard
Research Area: e-Government
Institute: Applied Information Processing and Communications

Research Area: Cryptography
Institute: Applied Information Processing and Communications

Research Area: Model-Based and Qualitative Reasoning
Institute: Software Technology

Field of Excellence: Visual Computing

Research area: Information Visualization
Institute: Interactive Systems and Data Science

Research area: Computer Vision
Institute: Computer Graphics and Vision

FELLNER, Wolf-Dietrich
Research area: Computer Graphics
Institute: Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization

LEPETIT, Vincent
Research area: Computer Vision and Mixed Reality
Institute: Computer Graphics and Vision

PINZ, Axel
Research area: Computer Vision
Institute: Computer Graphics and Vision

POCK, Thomas
Research area: Computer Vision and Optimization
Institute: Computer Graphics and Vision

Research area: Computer Graphics and Augmented Reality
Institute: Computer Graphics and Vision

Research area: 3D Object Retrieval and Visual Analytics
Institute: Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization

Field of Excellence: Intelligent Systems

Research Area: Computational Geometry
Institute: Software Technology

Research Area: Computational Geometry
Institute: Theoretical Computer Science

EBNER, Martin
Research Area: e-Learning
Institute: Interactive Systems and Data Science

FELFERNIG, Alexander
Research Area: Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering
Institute: Software Technology

GÜTL, Christian
Research Area: Educational Media Technology
Institute:Interactive Systems and Data Science

HELIC, Denis
Research Area: Network Science and Multimedia Systems
Institute: Interactive Systems and Data Science

KAPPE, Frank
Research Area: Computer Media
Institute: Interactive Systems and Data Science

Research Area: Neural Computation
Institute: Theoretical Computer Science

Research Area: Knowledge Technologies
Institute: Interactive Systems and Data Science

MAASS, Wolfgang
Research Area: Neural Computation
Institute: Theoretical Computer Science

Research Area: Information Systems
Institute: Interactive Systems and Data Science

SLANY, Wolfgang
Research Area: Computer Science Education
Institute: Software Technology

Institut: Software Technology


Field of Excellence: Computational Life Sciences

Research Area: Brain-Computer Interfaces
Institute: Neural Engineering

NEUPER, Christa
Research Area: Brain-Computer Interfaces
Institute: Neural Engineering

SCHERER, Reinhold
Research Area: Brain-Computer Interfaces
Institute: Neural Engineering

Teaching staff

Complete list of teaching staff

You can find the complete list of teaching staff at the doctoral school in TUGRAZonline.