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Overview: Planning your Career

This page is the right place to be if you are thinking about your future career.
The TU Graz Careers Information Service is the interface between the university and the world of work and supports both students and graduates of TU Graz at the beginning of their professional careers.

Jobs for Graduates and Students

Looking for a job? Or an internship?
Here you can find the list of current vacancies.

Company Profiles

Which companies are interesting? Where could my first job be?
Here you can find the company profiles.

Career Newsletter

What careers events are coming up? What new vacancies are being advertised?
Register for the Careers Newsletter.

Create a Career Profile

How can I get the attention of companies? How can I advertise myself?
Take a few minutes to create your career profile.

Careers at TU Graz

What jobs at TU Graz are currently being advertised? What career paths are open to me at TU Graz?
Find answers to these questions at Career at TU Graz.

Contact Us

Alexandra MÖRTH
TU Graz Careers Information Service
Mandellstraße 9/II
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6035

Christoph ADAMETZ
Head of Career Info-Service
Business card

Further Information on Careers and Beginning Work

Associations partnered with the Careers Information Service

A career as an entrepreneur

Life-long learning at TU Graz

  • Continuing Education
    TU Graz offers continuing education courses for graduates beginning their careers. Find details here.

Events Related to Careers and Beginning Work