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Best Practice Examples

AMOR - Applied Model-Based Reasoning Company

Project with Uptime Engineering


Participating institute: 

  • Institute of Software Technology

Funding programme:

  • FFG BRIDGE Early Stage
  • SFG Voraus!Denken Smart Production

Project content and result:

In a 3-year FFG basic research project, a data interpretation unit for maintenance of wind power generators was developed. An applied R&D project funded by SFG has already been started.
This project is about predictive maintenance – specifically, about identifying causes of failure in wind power generators on the basis of existing data. The combination of in-house know-how and outside competence from TU Graz was essential for solving this question.

Video: AMOR - Applied Model-Based Reasoning Company Source: Austrian Economic Chambers

Source: Austrian Economic Chambers

New Sun Sails with Expertise from mechanical and Construction Engineering

Project with TRS Sonnenschutz und Steuerungstechnik


Participating institutes:

  • Institute of Machine Components and Methods of Development of TU Graz
  • Institute of Structural Design of TU Graz

Funding programmes:

  • FFG Innovation Voucher
  • FFG Feasibility Studies grant

Project content:

  • Calculation of the tension distribution and optimal geometry of a 60 m2 sun sail
  • Development of new drive solutions for furling and tensioning the sail


New engineering solution for cable-guided, moveable sun sails, which TRS is already manufacturing successfully.
We were interested in the wind and cable loadings on our sun sails. We also wanted to improve the product by making the tensioning machinery disappear. It is fantastic that TU Graz works with small companies and makes this expertise available.

Video: New Sun Sails with Expertise from mechanical and Construction Engineering

Source: SFG

Sustainable Optimisation of Materials Logistics

Project with Team Styria


Participating institutes:

  • Institute of Industrial Management and Innovation Research of TU Graz
  • Institute of Logistics Engineering of TU Graz

Project content and result:

2 related Diploms thesis projects on sustainable optimisation of materials logistics were done: the proposals were then implemented for the metal processing division.
2 parallel diploma thesis projects for sustainable optimization of the company’s material management were carried out: the proposals were first implemented in the field of metal manufacturing, now the materials management concept is being implemented very successfully in all productive areas at all locations.