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Uni Graz and TU Graz are the “most family-friendly organisations in Styria”

02/01/2018 | TU Graz news | University

By Susanne Eigner

Great importance is attached to compatibility of family and job at Uni Graz and TU Graz. That’s why the two universities have been awarded first place in the “Most family-friendly organisations in Styria” competition.

Renate Dworczak (l.), Vice Rector for Human Resources, Personnel Development and Equal Opportunities at the University of Graz and Andrea Hoffmann, Vice Rector for Finance and Human Resources at TU Graz, accepted the trophies.
Starting and looking after a family is a massive challenge for men and women – and reconciling this huge task with a demanding job or study programme is often difficult. The University of Graz and TU Graz give what assistance they can to their employees by way of a number of measures and projects. And on 31st January 2018 they were rewarded for their efforts. Both universities achieved first place in the “Most family-friendly organisations in Styria” competition in the category “Organisations/ institutions under public law”.

The prize is awarded by the initiative “Taten statt Worte” (Deeds instead of Words) in which Ridi Steibl has been striving to get equal treatment in the workplace for men and women for 25 years. She handed over the prize during a celebratory event at FH CAMPUS 02 together with Juliane Bogner-Strauß, federal minister for women, family affairs and young people, state minister of economy Barbara Eibinger-Miedl and Austrian chamber of commerce president Josef Herk.

The goal is harmony

“As the second biggest university in Austria, Uni Graz sees its job as supporting its students and employees in research, teaching and administration regarding compatibility of job and family – through individually adapted services, structural provisions and an open approach to child care and care of the elderly. We are delighted to receive this valuable prize, which we’ve now been awarded for the third time,” stressed Christa Neuper, Rector of Uni Graz.

TU Graz also accepted the prize for the second time. “As an employer, it is a major concern of TU Graz to support and take the pressure off employees and students with childcare responsibilities as best as possible. The goal has to be one of creating harmony between job, studies and family for men and women – and winning this prize shows that we’re well on the way to achieving this,” commented Harald Kainz, Rector of TU Graz, who was delighted with the award.

The “most family-friendly organisation” competition

An independent jury assessed the measures of the individual enterprises in a total of five categories: small business, medium-sized business, large company, organisation/ institution under public law and non-profit organisation/institution. What were assessed were working-hour models, flexibility, share of women in management positions, parental leave and re-entry, childcare, family-friendly measures, position of women and family in the corporate philosophy, continuing education opportunities, services for families, information policy and corporate culture. More information: www.familieundberuf.at.

Family-friendly Uni Graz

The central point of contact for compatibility, unikid & unicare, which was set up at the university 14 years ago supports parents and the care of relatives. Various models – flexitime, part time, work hours in block schedule, job sharing, time-saving models or teleworking – facilitate more flexible attendance. Dual Career Service and the Welcome Center are available for advice about starting a career at the university. The crèche, Gaudeamus Kindergarten and supported flexible childcare are more benchmarks in compatibility. During maternity and paternity leave, mothers and fathers can make use of continuing education and mentoring, and a flexible return to work is also possible. Paternity leave and the voluntary paternity month are also offered and have been well received. 77 men have applied for paternity leave in the last five years.

Family friendly TU Graz

TU Graz has endeavoured both currently and over the past years to create attractive possibilities which make life easier for mothers and fathers in job or studies. Dual Career Service for dual-career couples, the University’s own all-year-open childcare facilities – the “nanoversity” for children up to 12 years of age and “Fleki”, flexible childcare, support for paternity leave and support in caring for relatives are just some of the many measures which TU Graz has initiated in the last few years. Another big concern of TU Graz is encouraging fathers to make use of paternity leave. Here the University can announce increasing numbers: in 2010 only seven fathers took paternity leave, but in 2017 33 instances of paternity leave and 12 paternity months were taken, with 55 women taking maternity leave in the comparable period.


In 2016, TU Graz was awarded second place in the competition "The most family-friendly enterprises in Styria". In mid-January 2018, Family Minister Juliane Bogner-Strauß was a guest at nanovesity, the childcare facility of TU Graz.


University of Graz | unikid & unicare
Phone: +43 (0)316 380 – 1064
Email: julia.spiegl@uni-graz.at
unikid-unicare.uni-graz.at Lissa REITHOFER
TU Graz | Office for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity
Phone: +43 316 873 6095
Email: l.reithofer@tugraz.at

The Karl-Franzens-University Graz and the TU Graz attach particular importance to the compatibility of work and family life.