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Master's Degree Programme in Plant Sciences

Plants feed us, provide us with raw materials and serve as a rich source of medicinal compounds. The Master's degree programme in Plant Sciences addresses central topics such as the responsible use of these natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity. The interactive courses range from molecular biology and ultrastructural analysis to ecosystem research. This programme enables you to acquire versatile knowledge that you can apply sustainably in various professional fields.

Quick Facts

  • Duration of study: 4 semesters
  • ECTS credit points: 120
  • Academic degree: Master of Science (MSc)
  • Language of instruction: German

The Master's Programme

The interdisciplinary Master's degree programme in Plant Sciences covers a broad spectrum of content. The topics range from environmental biology to the use of bio-based products. In the compulsory and elective subjects, a comprehensive collection of practical courses is available to you, all of which are just as significant for nature and plant conservation as they are for the development of a sustainable agricultural economy. You will

  • develop an understanding of basic relationships in the plant sciences.
  • learn how to use natural resources responsibly.
  • learn how to collect information and critically assess it.
  • develop the skills needed to plan, carry out, present and publish scientific work.
  • consider the potential ethical, societal, economic and environmental implications of your discipline.
  • learn how to communicate ideas, problems and solutions.

The programme provides a solid education in the plant sciences, providing you with up-to-date knowledge and modern research methods. This enables you to network with researchers in other biological disciplines as well.

Focus Areas

In the introductory course offered in the 1st semester, you will choose between the fundamental areas of molecular biology and plant biodiversity. In the subsequent semesters, you will need to complete courses in the following three compulsory modules:

  1. Habitat and Biodiversity – the subjects include: the technical use of renewable resources, natural plant conservation, vegetation and climate change, management of endangered habitats and biodiversity of plant-associated microorganisms.
  2. Physiology and Cell Biology – the subjects include: primary and secondary metabolism, developmental biology, exercise and hormones and special cell biology. 
  3. Biotic Interactions – the subjects include: phytopathology, environmental biology and plant-microorganism interactions.

By choosing elective subjects, conducting project work in the 3rd semester and writing your final master's thesis in the 4th semester, you will strengthen your focus in your individual area of specialization.

Research and Practical Projects

This degree programme emphasizes research-led teaching with exercises, excursions and project work. In state-of-the-art laboratories, you will learn how to use modern equipment and how to apply current research methods. In the 3rd semester, you will deepen your knowledge by carrying out two practical projects. In the 4th semester, you will write your master's thesis. The programme has an internationally orientation, and numerous courses are held in English.


1. Admission Procedure

Graduates of the following bachelor's degree programmes are admitted without needing to fulfil further requirements: 

Graduates of other bachelor's degree programmes can obtain information and apply for admission by contacting studynoSpam@tugraz.at.

2. Admission

Information and Advice

Contact studynoSpam@tugraz.at

Career Prospects

Professional Fields

Many graduates begin their careers in the fields of food technology and agriculture. In general, the doors to many careers open up to you once you have attained the Master's degree in Plant Sciences, including careers in the following fields: biology, biotechnology, biomedicine, agricultural sciences, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and public administration.

However, the programme also serves as a basis for carrying out research and teaching activities in the university and non-university environments.


  • are active in agricultural research. 
  • work in chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnical laboratories.
  • work in product development, product management, production and quality control in the food industry, in the pharmaceutical industry, or in biomedical companies.
  • work in public administration, e.g. in the fields of environmental analysis and landscape and nature conservation.
  • conduct molecular biological analyses and environmental diagnostics. 
  • carry out basic or applied research at universities and other research institutions and share their knowledge with others at universities.