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TU Graz expert: Siegfried Pabst

11/09/2022 |

By Victoria Graf

TU Graz expert Siegfried Pabst gives tips for saving energy.

Source: Lunghammer – TU Graz

Siegfried Pabst

  • Energy Management Officer at TU Graz
  • Has worked at the OU Buildings and Technical Support for 10 years
  • Keeps a close eye on energy consumption and savings measures at TU Graz
  • Doesn’t give energy waste a chance, even in private. The process engineer has his own photovoltaic system, commutes to work by bike or public transport, and is careful about his meat consumption.

What is the best way to save energy in my workplace?

Create your own energy saving list!

Write down the most important things you want to do before you leave your workplace on a Post-it: switch off electronic devices, turn off lights, turn down heating, close windows, lower blinds before the weekend, switch off fume cupboards in laboratories. Stick the note in a place you can’t miss, for example on your computer screen. Now you just have to implement these measures consistently!

How does TU Graz save energy?

  • Photovoltaic systems produce their own electricity.
  • Renovation of old buildings and high standards for new buildings reduce heating requirements.
  • New technologies are being tested in the Innovation District Inffeld.
  • The Roadmap to a Climate-Neutral TU Graz 2030 contains comprehensive measures to save even more energy.

Why should we save energy at all?

If we save energy, we can invest the money in something more sensible – like research or teaching here at our university. The Energy Saving Competition 2022 proves that there are plenty of experts in this field at TU Graz. We can all learn something from the best practice examples of our colleagues – whether in the office or in our private lives.


You can find this article and other articles to browse through in TU Graz people #82, the magazine for TU Graz employees and interested parties.