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OVE Young Engineers

Qualified electrical engineers are in great demand! The Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE) encourages young people to take up careers in this dynamic and many-sided area of electrical engineering and IT.

OVE Young Engineers is the students’ section of the Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE).

The mission of OVE includes:

  • Representation of students and their interests in the decision-making bodies of OVE 
  • Organisation of excursions, events and seminars
  • Networking at national and international levels and much more

As a student of electrical engineering I think it is important not just to get immersed in the things we are learning in lectures and courses, but also to widen our horizons a bit. In OVE Young Engineers, I am part of the whole professional network of all areas of electrical/electronic engineering and IT. On our excursions I get insights into companies and their activities and can make contacts that will be useful when I begin my professional career. But socialising with my fellow students is also very enjoyable.


  • Name: OVE Young Engineers Graz  
  • Tasks: Organization for students of electrical engineering and IT within the Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE) 
  • Address:
    Inffeldgasse 18/2
    8010 Graz  
  • Contact:
  • Target group: electrical engineering, audio engineering or biomedical engineering as well as those who are generally interested in electrical engineering

Services for Students

  • Opportunities to make contacts in business
  • E-Total – panel discussions with people from business, industry, research and teaching
  • Participation in the ‘Career Table’ – interviews with practicing professionals
  • National and international excursions, e.g. to the annual Young Engineers Seminar in Brussels
  • Participation in the International Management Cup, a business simulation competition with finals in a European country
  • Soft skills seminars, careers seminars
  • Seminars on subject specialities such as a microelectronics workshop or a LaTeX basic course
  • Being part of the professional network of OVE
  • Reduced-price or free participation in OVE events
  • Membership of OVE is free for students in the first year, and 15 euro/year after that.


youngOVE was founded in 2006 by members of the TU Graz High-Voltage drawing studio TU Graz High-Voltage drawing studio and has carried out many successful projects, events, network meetings, etc. For our 10th anniversary we produced a commemorative volume that describes the many-sided activities of our members.
Publication "10 Years of youngOVE" (in German)


OVE Young Engineers – BE PART OF US!

Are you studying electrical engineering, audio engineering or biomedical engineering? Or are you just interested in electrical engineering? Then you are welcome to OVE Young Engineers Graz!  

You can find out more details about the group from the committee of OVE Young Engineers Graz. You can also contact us by email.