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IdeenTriebwerk Graz

Start-ups mean far more to you than the trite old tale of a nerd fiddling with ideas in his basement? You would like to be your own boss and want to market your own product? Then IdeenTriebwerk Graz is the ideal place for you!

The IdeenTriebwerk Graz (short: ITG) is a student association that brings founders in Styria together and supports them with events, networking, workshops and information. IdeenTriebwerk Graz aims to shape the start-up scene in Graz in a sustainable manner and raise awareness of entrepreneurship.

I joined the association in order to expand my professional network and my personal horizons. Since I am a company founder myself, I have been enthusiastic about the start-up scene in Graz for some time now and here, I can actively help shape the future with IdeenTriebwerk. The association brings so many different characters and backgrounds together, each and every one of them with their own motivation and passion. Our goal is to pass on this joy and passion to other future founders!


  • Name: IdeenTriebwerk Graz (ITG)  
  • Tasks:  To promote and evolve entrepreneurship (specifically start-ups) and to disseminate the entrepreneurial idea
  • Address:
    Gadollaplatz 1
    8010 Graz  
  • Website: www.ideentriebwerkgraz.com
  • On Social Media:
  • Video: Image film (2018)
  • Target Group: interested students of all fields

Offers for Students

  • Start-Up Spritzer: Every third Thursday of the month, the start-up community meets for pitches, success stories and some cosy networking.
  • How To: Get advice from experts and learn tricks and know-how for your own start-up. A wide range of topics are tackled, and you can immediately put your knew-found knowledge to the test in small groups.
  • Let’s Talk: Be a part of the panel discussion alongside high-calibre panellists and discuss specific start-up topics.
  • Start-Up Playground: For three days, Graz turns into a start-up hotspot where ideas are developed further with the help of highly qualified mentors. We offer workshops, pitches & mentoring, team building and – probably most important of all – very good food!

Success Stories

  • Successful start-ups that began at ITG events: Studo, Instahelp, Das Gramm, Timeular, feedbackr, SmaXtec, Venuzle, and more.
  • Organisation of events such as Start-up Spritzer with high-calibre speakers and up to 600 participants
  • Former President Denise Vorraber was selected among the Forbes 30 Under 30 for her work at IdeenTriebwerk
  • More attention for the start-up scene in Graz: IdeenTriebwerk was featured in DerBrutkasten, DerStandard.at, Die Presse, Kleine Zeitung, TrendingTopics.at, and many more.


Would you like to be a part of IdeenTriebwerk Graz? Or do you want to attend one of our events? Then check out our website, subscribe to our newsletter or our social media channels. This will ensure you are always up to minute!

P.S.: We are currently looking for new members. If you want to get involved with ITG, check out our job offers!