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“Empowered Diversity” – that’s the vision with which BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) sets out to make students aware of the differences and similarities between different cultures.

BEST is a non-political organisation of students of technology. There are 95 local BEST groups in 32 countries all over Europe, BEST Graz was founded in 2007. BEST promotes intercultural communication between students, companies and universities in Europe. Students of technology gather international experience, consolidate their knowledge of English and make contacts with people from European countries. They have the opportunity to improve skills including project management and presentation at local and international events.
We at BEST really do strive for inclusivity, thrive for knowledge and above all search for fun in all that we do. BEST is the best way to travel around Europe, meet like minded motivated young people and have fun while learning to be the BEST version of yourself. 


  • Name: BEST Graz (Board of European Students of Technology)
  • Tasks:  To promote intercultural and Europe-wide networking of students of all branches of technology, further training in other fields
  • Address:
    Münzgrabenstraße 35a
    8010 Graz
  • Contact: lbggraz-boardnoSpam@best-eu.org
  • Website: BEST Graz 
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Target group: interested students of all fields

Services for Students

Participation in

  • academic courses in various European cities (lasting from 9 to 14 days, only travel costs and a small contribution to expenses need to be paid).
  • Europe’s biggest Engineering Competition, the ebec – European BEST Engineering Competition with the motto “One team, one task, and limited resources”.
  • the career event beWANTED  – with feedback on CV, workshops for job applications
  • other events, such as soft skills training, the BEST F.E.S.T, Motivation Weekends, etc.


  • 195 students from Graz have taken part in BEST Season Courses in Europe so far.
  • BEST Graz has already organised 15 Season Courses for foreign students.
  • Teams from Graz reached the final European round of the Engineering Competition ebec in 2014-2016.


If you have any questions about BEST or would like to take part in an event, write an email to email or visit the weekly meeting (Monday 8pm, Münzgrabenstraße 35a – except during holidays).