

The phantom3D project is a collaboration between CoDiS Lab Graz, Game Lab Graz and the Institute of Solid State Physics at Graz University of Technology. This project is part of the TEL Marketplace in order to improve the understanding of Physics using a playful design and an assessment component. 

(AS, 2020-10-27)

Summer Internship at CoDis Lab

As part of this years summer internship programme, two interns worked for five weeks at the CoDiS Lab. During this time Julia and Katrin could get an insight into the daily business and supported us at various projects. They did a really great job and could contribute in several research projects. In a briefly review the interns reported their experience during the last five weeks. 

We planted beans as part of the Visdat project. During the last five weeks we had to water these plants, measure them and document their development. It was a very exciting process to watch the plants grow. We enjoyed this project very much and it was a fun experience.

Katrin and I created posters and flyers for the video game sCool. We are also working on other learning posters that can be used for workshops at schools. Furthermore, I worked with Unity3d and the C# programming language to translate the video game into German and Russian. Working on this game was a lot of fun.

(AS, 2020-08-13)


Gütl, Christian, Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
+43 (316) 873 - 5604

Nussbaumer, Alexander, Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
+43 (316) 873 - 30638

Steinermaurer Alexander, Mag. rer. nat.
+43 (316) 873 - 5626

Ebner, Sylvia, BA BSc MSc