Lia Gruber
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
+43 316 873 - 7909

Researcher Profiles
Pure: lia-gruber
OrcID: 0000-0002-7815-2931
LinkedIn: lia-gruber-045b26194

Lia Gruber graduated from Graz University of Technology, Austria, in electrical engineering with honors in 2020. Currently she is working as a university assistant on her Ph.D. at the Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation also at Graz University of Technology. Her research interests are energy communities and renewable energy.

Areas of interest
Renewable Energy, Energy System Optimization, Energy Communities


Funding sources
  • Österreichs E-Wirtschaft
Start: 29.02.2024
End: 30.08.2024
Funding sources
  • Klima- und Energiefonds
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
Start: 30.09.2021
End: 30.03.2023
Funding sources
  • Österreichs E-Wirtschaft
Start: 30.09.2022
End: 30.03.2023
Funding sources
  • Klima- und Energiefonds
Start: 31.10.2020
End: 30.10.2022
Journal Article
Claudia Kettner, Michael Böheim, Mark Sommer, Robert Gaugl, Udo Bachhiesl, Lia Gruber, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Sonja Wogrin and Kurt Kratena Transformation to a renewable electricity system in Austria: Insights from an integrated model analysis Show publication in PURE
Lia Gruber, Ivana Kockar and Sonja Wogrin Towards resilient energy communities Show publication in PURE
Robert Gaugl, Mark Sommer, Claudia Kettner, Udo Bachhiesl, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Lia Gruber, Michael Böheim, Kurt Kratena and Sonja Wogrin Integrated Power and Economic Analysis of Austria’s Renewable Electricity Transformation Show publication in PURE
Lia Gruber, Thomas Florian Klatzer and Sonja Wogrin Entscheidungshilfe für Energiegemeinschaften Show publication in PURE
Lia Gruber, Udo Bachhiesl and Sonja Wogrin Der aktuelle Stand der Forschung zu Energiegemeinschaften Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Robert Gaugl, Mark Sommer, Claudia Kettner, Udo Bachhiesl, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Lia Gruber, Michael Böheim, Kurt Kratena and Sonja Wogrin Towards Renewable Power Systems: Analyzing the Technical and Economic Effects Using a Linked Modeling Framework Show publication in PURE
Martin Grünwald, Reinhard Nenning, Timo Angerer, Frank Herb and Lia Gruber Kurz-, mittel- und langfristiges Flexibilitätspotential im Stromverteilnetz in Vorarlberg Show publication in PURE
Lia Gruber, Sonja Wogrin and Christian Tischler How to Energiegemeinschaft Show publication in PURE
Claudia Kettner, Michael Böheim, Gerald Feichtinger, Mark Sommer, Katharina Köberl, Udo Bachhiesl, Robert Gaugl, Lia Gruber, Christopher Pansi and Kurt Kratena START2030 - A Social, Technological and Economic Evaluation of Austria's Renewable Electricity Transformation 2030 Show publication in PURE
Lia Gruber, Robert Gaugl and Udo Bachhiesl Potential Of Deep Sea Offshore Wind Energy Show publication in PURE

Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7901
Fax: +43 316 873 7910