Jan Kokol

Jan Kokol (2012), Mass Customization Based on Economic Models and the Parallels to Unique Works of Art, Institute of Architectural Technology; 1st reviewer: Roger Riewe, 2nd reviewer: Harald Kloft; 347 pages, German.

To allow for the coexistence of opposites,to embrace contradiction as an indication of a larger truth. The key is to embrace and transcend the paradox, rather than be limited by it.
Stan Davis in | Future Perfect | 1996

I don ́t believe that Mass Customization is really about Mass Customization. It is a rhetorical tool, that is able to give architectural conditions, that vary through continuity or through systemic change. All of those designs, that you see, with gradient changes between one elevation and another, they may purport to customize in relationship to one subject and another, but in fact they don ́t garner any relationship to each group of those individuals. So it ́s a desire, it ́s a symbol for possibilities. On the other hand, architecture as a thing is always unique and let ́s say it ́s not like a NIKE sneaker or an Ipod. It is, to the degree that architecture is not about repetition, it ́s about the aberrant or the anomalous condition of a single site, a single identity. That remains a very potent cultural condition, around which architecture thrives.
Nader Tehrani | 12.03.10

I mean it is... obviously there is a kind of immediate level, a sort of downside, but of course there is this issue that a certain type of jobs is simply disappearing in some industries. Not highly disappearing, but it is less of those. There is more jobs that require a higher education, more engineering, more of all of those things, that are needed to get the machines running and to set up the systems. It generates an increasing pressure for education and training as qualification, which in itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but it needs a lot of applications on a kind of society level. I don’t have data, let’s say of the early cars and what percent the labor was, but I know how much it is now, which is not much anymore. So obviously it is a bigger question for society, culture, but in a way that is probably almost inevitable. I don’t think one can say: “let’s stop this technology, let’s not try to push this technology”, because we are worried about jobs. It is like trying to push an avalanche, which is not realistic. I think we have to be creative, understand what new opportunities would exist through that technology and use those creatively.
Martin Bechthold | 11.02.10

The questioning of this dissertation concerns the philosophical, as the practical aspect. How can the concept of Mass Customization create an unique, or really individual product? Social, as technological circumstances, are being considered as the framework in order to describe Mass Customization, based on real architectonic projects and a case study. In fact, there is an urge for definitions, as for example the definition of the unique, the time limitation of Mass Customization in comparison with Mass Production, which are being described in the first chapters to their full extents. With definitions cleared, statements about the questioning can be manifested. As an educated architect and passionate artist, it is my in desire, as important personal interest, to expose the connections between those disciplines and to rebuild as analyze those fragments with the implementation of the variable Mass Customization.
Jan Kokol | 06.03.12

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